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Selected Verse: Song of solomon 6:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
So 6:4 Strong Concordance Thou art beautiful [03303], O my love [07474], as Tirzah [08656], comely [05000] as Jerusalem [03389], terrible [0366] as an army with banners [01713].
  King James Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Tirzah--meaning "pleasant" (Heb 13:21); "well-pleasing" (Mat 5:14); the royal city of one of the old Canaanite kings (Jos 12:24); and after the revolt of Israel, the royal city of its kings, before Omri founded Samaria (Kg1 16:8, Kg1 16:15). No ground for assigning a later date than the time of Solomon to the Song, as Tirzah was even in his time the capital of the north (Israel), as Jerusalem was of the south (Judah).

Jerusalem--residence of the kings of Judah, as Tirzah, of Israel (Psa 48:1, &c.; Psa 122:1-3; Psa 125:1-2). Loveliness, security, unity, and loyalty; also the union of Israel and Judah in the Church (Isa 11:13; Jer 3:18; Eze 37:16-17, Eze 37:22; compare Heb 12:22; Rev 21:2, Rev 21:12).

terrible--awe-inspiring. Not only armed as a city on the defensive, but as an army on the offensive.

banners--(See on Sol 5:10; Psa 60:4); Jehovah-nissi (Co2 10:4).
4 (For [1063] the weapons [3696] of our [2257] warfare [4752] are not [3756] carnal [4559], but [235] mighty [1415] through God [2316] to [4314] the pulling down [2506] of strong holds [3794];)
4 Thou hast given [05414] a banner [05251] to them that fear [03373] thee, that it may be displayed [05127] because [06440] of the truth [07189]. Selah [05542].
10 My beloved [01730] is white [06703] and ruddy [0122], the chiefest [01713] among ten thousand [07233].
12 And [5037] had [2192] a wall [5038] great [3173] and [2532] high [5308], and had [2192] twelve [1427] gates [4440], and [2532] at [1909] the gates [4440] twelve [1427] angels [32], and [2532] names [3686] written thereon [1924], which [3739] are [2076] the names of the twelve [1427] tribes [5443] of the children [5207] of Israel [2474]:
2 And [2532] I [1473] John [2491] saw [1492] the holy [40] city [4172], new [2537] Jerusalem [2419], coming down [2597] from [575] God [2316] out of [1537] heaven [3772], prepared [2090] as [5613] a bride [3565] adorned [2885] for her [846] husband [435].
22 But [235] ye are come [4334] unto mount [3735] Sion [4622], and [2532] unto the city [4172] of the living [2198] God [2316], the heavenly [2032] Jerusalem [2419], and [2532] to an innumerable company [3461] of angels [32],
22 And I will make [06213] them one [0259] nation [01471] in the land [0776] upon the mountains [02022] of Israel [03478]; and one [0259] king [04428] shall be king [04428] to them all: and they shall be [05750] no more two [08147] nations [01471], neither shall they be divided [02673] into two [08147] kingdoms [04467] any more at all:
16 Moreover, thou son [01121] of man [0120], take [03947] thee one [0259] stick [06086], and write [03789] upon it, For Judah [03063], and for the children [01121] of Israel [03478] his companions [02270]: then take [03947] another [0259] stick [06086], and write [03789] upon it, For Joseph [03130], the stick [06086] of Ephraim [0669], and for all the house [01004] of Israel [03478] his companions [02270]:
17 And join [07126] them one [0259] to another [0259] into one [0259] stick [06086]; and they shall become one [0259] in thine hand [03027].
18 In those days [03117] the house [01004] of Judah [03063] shall walk [03212] with the house [01004] of Israel [03478], and they shall come [0935] together [03162] out of the land [0776] of the north [06828] to the land [0776] that I have given for an inheritance [05157] unto your fathers [01].
13 The envy [07068] also of Ephraim [0669] shall depart [05493], and the adversaries [06887] of Judah [03063] shall be cut off [03772]: Ephraim [0669] shall not envy [07065] Judah [03063], and Judah [03063] shall not vex [06887] Ephraim [0669].
1 A Song [07892] of degrees [04609]. They that trust [0982] in the LORD [03068] shall be as mount [02022] Zion [06726], which cannot be removed [04131], but abideth [03427] for ever [05769].
2 As the mountains [02022] are round about [05439] Jerusalem [03389], so the LORD [03068] is round about [05439] his people [05971] from henceforth even for [05704] ever [05769].
1 A Song [07892] of degrees [04609] of David [01732]. I was glad [08055] when they said [0559] unto me, Let us go [03212] into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
2 Our feet [07272] shall stand [05975] within thy gates [08179], O Jerusalem [03389].
3 Jerusalem [03389] is builded [01129] as a city [05892] that is compact [02266] together [03162]:
1 A Song [07892] and Psalm [04210] for the sons [01121] of Korah [07141]. Great [01419] is the LORD [03068], and greatly [03966] to be praised [01984] in the city [05892] of our God [0430], in the mountain [02022] of his holiness [06944].
15 In the twenty [06242] [08141] and seventh [07651] year [08141] of Asa [0609] king [04428] of Judah [03063] did Zimri [02174] reign [04427] seven [07651] days [03117] in Tirzah [08656]. And the people [05971] were encamped [02583] against Gibbethon [01405], which belonged to the Philistines [06430].
8 In the twenty [06242] [08141] and sixth [08337] year [08141] of Asa [0609] king [04428] of Judah [03063] began Elah [0425] the son [01121] of Baasha [01201] to reign [04427] over Israel [03478] in Tirzah [08656], two years [08141].
24 The king [04428] of Tirzah [08656], one [0259]: all the kings [04428] thirty [07970] and one [0259].
14 Ye [5210] are [2075] the light [5457] of the world [2889]. A city [4172] that is set [2749] on [1883] an hill [3735] cannot [3756] [1410] be hid [2928].
21 Make [2675] you [5209] perfect [2675] in [1722] every [3956] good [18] work [2041] to [1519] do [4160] his [846] will [2307], working [4160] in [1722] you [5213] that which is wellpleasing [2101] in his [846] sight [1799], through [1223] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547]; to whom [3739] be glory [1391] for [1519] ever [165] and ever [165]. Amen [281].
8 There are threescore [08346] queens [04436], and fourscore [08084] concubines [06370], and virgins [05959] without number [04557].
9 My dove [03123], my undefiled [08535] is but one [0259]; she is the only one [0259] of her mother [0517], she is the choice [01249] one of her that bare [03205] her. The daughters [01323] saw [07200] her, and blessed [0833] her; yea, the queens [04436] and the concubines [06370], and they praised [01984] her.
1 Behold, thou art fair [03303], my love [07474]; behold, thou art fair [03303]; thou hast doves [03123]' eyes [05869] within [01157] thy locks [06777]: thy hair [08181] is as a flock [05739] of goats [05795], that appear [01570] from mount [02022] Gilead [01568].
2 Thy teeth [08127] are like a flock [05739] of sheep that are even shorn [07094], which came up [05927] from the washing [07367]; whereof every one bear twins [08382], and none is barren [07909] among them.
3 Thy lips [08193] are like a thread [02339] of scarlet [08144], and thy speech [04057] is comely [05000]: thy temples [07541] are like a piece [06400] of a pomegranate [07416] within [01157] thy locks [06777].
4 Thy neck [06677] is like the tower [04026] of David [01732] builded [01129] for an armoury [08530], whereon there hang [08518] a thousand [0505] bucklers [04043], all shields [07982] of mighty men [01368].
5 Thy two [08147] breasts [07699] are like two [08147] young [06082] roes [06646] that are twins [08380], which feed [07462] among the lilies [07799].
6 Until the day [03117] break [06315], and the shadows [06752] flee away [05127], I will get [03212] me to the mountain [02022] of myrrh [04753], and to the hill [01389] of frankincense [03828].
5 Turn away [05437] thine eyes [05869] from me, for they [01992] have overcome [07292] me: thy hair [08181] is as a flock [05739] of goats [05795] that appear [01570] from Gilead [01568].
6 Thy teeth [08127] are as a flock [05739] of sheep [07353] which go up [05927] from the washing [07367], whereof every one beareth twins [08382], and there is not one barren [07909] among them.
7 As a piece [06400] of a pomegranate [07416] are thy temples [07541] within [01157] thy locks [06777].
5 Turn away [05437] thine eyes [05869] from me, for they [01992] have overcome [07292] me: thy hair [08181] is as a flock [05739] of goats [05795] that appear [01570] from Gilead [01568].
24 The king [04428] of Tirzah [08656], one [0259]: all the kings [04428] thirty [07970] and one [0259].
2 Beautiful [03303] for situation [05131], the joy [04885] of the whole earth [0776], is mount [02022] Zion [06726], on the sides [03411] of the north [06828], the city [07151] of the great [07227] King [04428].
4 Thou art beautiful [03303], O my love [07474], as Tirzah [08656], comely [05000] as Jerusalem [03389], terrible [0366] as an army with banners [01713].
13 The burden [04853] upon Arabia [06152]. In the forest [03293] in Arabia [06152] shall ye lodge [03885], O ye travelling companies [0736] of Dedanim [01720].
12 And an host [06635] was given [05414] him against the daily [08548] sacrifice by reason of transgression [06588], and it cast down [07993] the truth [0571] to the ground [0776]; and it practised [06213], and prospered [06743].
2 Speak [01696] ye comfortably [03820] to Jerusalem [03389], and cry [07121] unto her, that her warfare [06635] is accomplished [04390], that her iniquity [05771] is pardoned [07521]: for she hath received [03947] of the LORD'S [03068] hand [03027] double [03718] for all her sins [02403].
5 When ye blow [08628] an alarm [08643], then the camps [04264] that lie [02583] on the east parts [06924] shall go forward [05265].
3 And on the east side [06924] toward the rising [04217] of the sun shall they of the standard [01714] of the camp [04264] of Judah [03063] pitch [02583] throughout their armies [06635]: and Nahshon [05177] the son [01121] of Amminadab [05992] shall be captain [05387] of the children [01121] of Judah [03063].
9 And Jacob [03290] said [0559], O God [0430] of my father [01] Abraham [085], and God [0430] of my father [01] Isaac [03327], the LORD [03068] which saidst [0559] unto me, Return [07725] unto thy country [0776], and to thy kindred [04138], and I will deal well [03190] with thee:
3 Yea, let none that wait [06960] on thee be ashamed [0954]: let them be ashamed [0954] which transgress [0898] without cause [07387].
6 Now know [03045] I that the LORD [03068] saveth [03467] his anointed [04899]; he will hear [06030] him from his holy [06944] heaven [08064] with the saving [03468] strength [01369] of his right hand [03225].
15 All that pass [05674] by clap [05606] their hands [03709] at thee [01870]; they hiss [08319] and wag [05128] their head [07218] at the daughter [01323] of Jerusalem [03389], saying, Is this the city [05892] that men call [0559] The perfection [03632] of beauty [03308], The joy [04885] of the whole earth [0776]?
2 Out of Zion [06726], the perfection [04359] of beauty [03308], God [0430] hath shined [03313].
4 Thou art beautiful [03303], O my love [07474], as Tirzah [08656], comely [05000] as Jerusalem [03389], terrible [0366] as an army with banners [01713].
2 Out of Zion [06726], the perfection [04359] of beauty [03308], God [0430] hath shined [03313].
3 God [0430] is known [03045] in her palaces [0759] for a refuge [04869].
2 Beautiful [03303] for situation [05131], the joy [04885] of the whole earth [0776], is mount [02022] Zion [06726], on the sides [03411] of the north [06828], the city [07151] of the great [07227] King [04428].
21 And it came to pass, when Baasha [01201] heard [08085] thereof, that he left off [02308] building [01129] of Ramah [07414], and dwelt [03427] in Tirzah [08656].
17 And Jeroboam's [03379] wife [0802] arose [06965], and departed [03212], and came [0935] to Tirzah [08656]: and when she came [0935] to the threshold [05592] of the door [01004], the child [05288] died [04191];
24 The king [04428] of Tirzah [08656], one [0259]: all the kings [04428] thirty [07970] and one [0259].