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Selected Verse: Song of solomon 1:15 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
So 1:15 Strong Concordance Behold, thou art fair [03303], my love [07474]; behold, thou art fair [03303]; thou hast doves [03123]' eyes [05869].
  King James Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
fair--He discerns beauty in her, who had said, "I am black" (Sol 1:5), because of the everlasting covenant (Psa 45:11; Isa 62:5; Eph 1:4-5).

doves' eyes--large and beautiful in the doves of Syria. The prominent features of her beauty (Mat 10:16), gentleness, innocence, and constant love, emblem of the Holy Ghost, who changes us to His own likeness (Gen 8:10-11; Mat 3:16). The opposite kind of eyes (Psa 101:5; Mat 20:15; Pe2 2:14).
14 Having [2192] eyes [3788] full [3324] of adultery [3428], and [2532] that cannot cease from [180] sin [266]; beguiling [1185] unstable [793] souls [5590]: an heart [2588] they have [2192] exercised [1128] with covetous practices [4124]; cursed [2671] children [5043]:
15 [2228] Is it not [3756] lawful [1832] for me [3427] to do [4160] what [3739] I will [2309] with [1722] mine own [1699]? [1487] Is [2076] thine [4675] eye [3788] evil [4190], because [3754] I [1473] am [1510] good [18]?
5 Whoso privily [05643] slandereth [03960] [03960] his neighbour [07453], him will I cut off [06789]: him that hath an high [01362] look [05869] and a proud [07342] heart [03824] will not I suffer [03201].
16 And [2532] Jesus [2424], when he was baptized [907], went up [305] straightway [2117] out of [575] the water [5204]: and [2532], lo [2400], the heavens [3772] were opened [455] unto him [846], and [2532] he saw [1492] the Spirit [4151] of God [2316] descending [2597] like [5616] a dove [4058], and [2532] lighting [2064] upon [1909] him [846]:
10 And he stayed [02342] yet other [0312] seven [07651] days [03117]; and again [03254] he sent forth [07971] the dove [03123] out of the ark [08392];
11 And the dove [03123] came in [0935] to him in the evening [06256] [06153]; and, lo, in her mouth [06310] was an olive [02132] leaf [05929] pluckt off [02965]: so Noah [05146] knew [03045] that the waters [04325] were abated [07043] from off the earth [0776].
16 Behold [2400], I [1473] send [649] you [5209] forth [649] as [5613] sheep [4263] in [1722] the midst [3319] of wolves [3074]: be ye [1096] therefore [3767] wise [5429] as [5613] serpents [3789], and [2532] harmless [185] as [5613] doves [4058].
4 According as [2531] he hath chosen [1586] us [2248] in [1722] him [846] before [4253] the foundation [2602] of the world [2889], that we [2248] should be [1511] holy [40] and [2532] without blame [299] before [2714] him [846] in [1722] love [26]:
5 Having predestinated [4309] us [2248] unto [1519] the adoption of children [5206] by [1223] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] to [1519] himself [846], according [2596] to the good pleasure [2107] of his [846] will [2307],
5 For as a young man [0970] marrieth [01166] a virgin [01330], so shall thy sons [01121] marry [01166] thee: and as the bridegroom [02860] rejoiceth [04885] over the bride [03618], so shall thy God [0430] rejoice [07797] over thee.
11 So shall the king [04428] greatly desire [0183] thy beauty [03308]: for he is thy Lord [0113]; and worship [07812] thou him.
5 I am black [07838], but comely [05000], O ye daughters [01323] of Jerusalem [03389], as the tents [0168] of Kedar [06938], as the curtains [03407] of Solomon [08010].
19 The LORD [03069] God [0136] is my strength [02428], and he will make [07760] my feet [07272] like hinds [0355]' feet, and he will make me to walk [01869] upon mine high places [01116]. To the chief singer [05329] on my stringed instruments [05058].