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Selected Verse: Ecclesiates 6:1 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ec 6:1 Strong Concordance There is [03426] an evil [07451] which I have seen [07200] under the sun [08121], and it is common [07227] among men [0120]:
  King James There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
(Ecc 6:1-12)

common--or else more literally,--"great upon man," falls heavily upon man.
1 There is [03426] an evil [07451] which I have seen [07200] under the sun [08121], and it is common [07227] among men [0120]:
2 A man [0376] to whom God [0430] hath given [05414] riches [06239], wealth [05233], and honour [03519], so that he wanteth [02638] nothing for his soul [05315] of all that he desireth [0183], yet God [0430] giveth him not power [07980] to eat [0398] thereof, but a stranger [0376] [05237] eateth [0398] it: this is vanity [01892], and it is an evil [07451] disease [02483].
3 If a man [0376] beget [03205] an hundred [03967] children, and live [02421] many [07227] years [08141], so that the days [03117] of his years [08141] be many [07227], and his soul [05315] be not filled [07646] with good [02896], and also that he have no burial [06900]; I say [0559], that an untimely birth [05309] is better [02896] than he.
4 For he cometh [0935] in with vanity [01892], and departeth [03212] in darkness [02822], and his name [08034] shall be covered [03680] with darkness [02822].
5 Moreover he hath not seen [07200] the sun [08121], nor known [03045] any thing: this [02088] hath more rest [05183] than [02088] the other.
6 Yea, though [0432] he live [02421] a thousand [0505] years [08141] twice [06471] told, yet hath he seen [07200] no good [02896]: do not all go [01980] to one [0259] place [04725]?
7 All the labour [05999] of man [0120] is for his mouth [06310], and yet the appetite [05315] is not filled [04390].
8 For what hath the wise [02450] more [03148] than the fool [03684]? what hath the poor [06041], that knoweth [03045] to walk [01980] before the living [02416]?
9 Better [02896] is the sight [04758] of the eyes [05869] than the wandering [01980] of the desire [05315]: this is also vanity [01892] and vexation [07469] of spirit [07307].
10 That which hath been is named [07121] [08034] already [03528], and it is known [03045] that it is man [0120]: neither may [03201] he contend [01777] with him that is mightier [08623] than he.
11 Seeing there be [03426] many [07235] things [01697] that increase [07235] vanity [01892], what is man [0120] the better [03148]?
12 For who knoweth [03045] what is good [02896] for man [0120] in this life [02416], all [04557] the days [03117] of his vain [01892] life [02416] which he spendeth [06213] as a shadow [06738]? for who can tell [05046] a man [0120] what shall be after [0310] him under the sun [08121]?
45 Again [3825], the kingdom [932] of heaven [3772] is [2076] like [3664] unto a merchant [1713] man [444], seeking [2212] goodly [2570] pearls [3135]:
21 For there is [03426] a man [0120] whose labour [05999] is in wisdom [02451], and in knowledge [01847], and in equity [03788]; yet to a man [0120] that hath not laboured [05998] therein shall he leave [05414] it for his portion [02506]. This also is vanity [01892] and a great [07227] evil [07451].
17 Therefore I hated [08130] life [02416]; because the work [04639] that is wrought [06213] under the sun [08121] is grievous [07451] unto me: for all is vanity [01892] and vexation [07469] of spirit [07307].
6 Because to every purpose [02656] there is [03426] time [06256] and judgment [04941], therefore the misery [07451] of man [0120] is great [07227] upon him.
5 There is [03426] an evil [07451] which I have seen [07200] under the sun [08121], as an error [07684] which proceedeth [03318] from [06440] the ruler [07989]:
12 The sleep [08142] of a labouring man [05647] is sweet [04966], whether he eat [0398] little [04592] or much [07235]: but the abundance [07647] of the rich [06223] will not suffer [03240] him to sleep [03462].