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Selected Verse: Ecclesiates 2:22 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ec 2:22 Strong Concordance For what hath [01933] man [0120] of all his labour [05999], and of the vexation [07475] of his heart [03820], wherein [01931] he hath laboured [06001] under the sun [08121]?
  King James For what hath man of all his labour, and of the vexation of his heart, wherein he hath laboured under the sun?

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Same sentiment as in Ecc 2:21, interrogatively.
21 For there is [03426] a man [0120] whose labour [05999] is in wisdom [02451], and in knowledge [01847], and in equity [03788]; yet to a man [0120] that hath not laboured [05998] therein shall he leave [05414] it for his portion [02506]. This also is vanity [01892] and a great [07227] evil [07451].
23 For all his days [03117] are sorrows [04341], and his travail [06045] grief [03708]; yea, his heart [03820] taketh not rest [07901] in the night [03915]. This is also vanity [01892].
21 For there is [03426] a man [0120] whose labour [05999] is in wisdom [02451], and in knowledge [01847], and in equity [03788]; yet to a man [0120] that hath not laboured [05998] therein shall he leave [05414] it for his portion [02506]. This also is vanity [01892] and a great [07227] evil [07451].
17 Therefore I hated [08130] life [02416]; because the work [04639] that is wrought [06213] under the sun [08121] is grievous [07451] unto me: for all is vanity [01892] and vexation [07469] of spirit [07307].
10 Hearken [08085], O daughter [01323], and consider [07200], and incline [05186] thine ear [0241]; forget [07911] also thine own people [05971], and thy father's [01] house [01004];
19 Thy dead [04191] men shall live [02421], together with my dead body [05038] shall they arise [06965]. Awake [06974] and sing [07442], ye that dwell [07931] in dust [06083]: for thy dew [02919] is as the dew [02919] of herbs [0219], and the earth [0776] shall cast out [05307] the dead [07496].
17 And Naaman [05283] said [0559], Shall there not then, I pray thee, be given [05414] to thy servant [05650] two [06776] mules [06505]' burden [04853] of earth [0127]? for thy servant [05650] will henceforth offer [06213] neither burnt offering [05930] nor sacrifice [02077] unto other [0312] gods [0430], but unto the LORD [03068].
17 For, behold, I create [01254] new [02319] heavens [08064] and a new [02319] earth [0776]: and the former [07223] shall not be remembered [02142], nor come [05927] into mind [03820].
3 The heaven [08064] for height [07312], and the earth [0776] for depth [06011], and the heart [03820] of kings [04428] is unsearchable [02714].
5 Ye shall therefore keep [08104] my statutes [02708], and my judgments [04941]: which [0834] if a man [0120] do [06213], he shall live [02425] in them: I am the LORD [03068].
12 And the harp [03658], and the viol [05035], the tabret [08596], and pipe [02485], and wine [03196], are in their feasts [04960]: but they regard [05027] not the work [06467] of the LORD [03068], neither consider [07200] the operation [04639] of his hands [03027].
4 And the porch [0197] that was in the front [06440] of the house, the length [0753] of it was according to the breadth [07341] of the house [01004], twenty [06242] cubits [0520], and the height [01363] was an hundred [03967] and twenty [06242]: and he overlaid [06823] it within [06441] with pure [02889] gold [02091].
18 I said [0559] in mine heart [03820] concerning the estate [01700] of the sons [01121] of men [0120], that God [0430] might manifest [01305] them, and that they might see [07200] that they [01992] themselves are beasts [0929].
3 The LORD [03068] will not suffer [07456] the soul [05315] of the righteous [06662] to famish [07456]: but he casteth away [01920] the substance [01942] of the wicked [07563].
6 Wherein was written [03789], It is reported [08085] among the heathen [01471], and Gashmu [01654] saith [0559] it, that thou and the Jews [03064] think [02803] to rebel [04775]: for which cause [03651] thou buildest [01129] the wall [02346], that thou mayest be [01933] their king [04428], according to these words [01697].