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Selected Verse: Ecclesiates 2:20 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ec 2:20 Strong Concordance Therefore I went about [05437] to cause [02976] my heart [03820] to despair [02976] of all the labour [05999] which I took [05998] under the sun [08121].
  King James Therefore I went about to cause my heart to despair of all the labour which I took under the sun.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
I gave up as desperate all hope of solid fruit from my labor.
11 I returned [07725], and saw [07200] under the sun [08121], that the race [04793] is not to the swift [07031], nor the battle [04421] to the strong [01368], neither yet bread [03899] to the wise [02450], nor yet riches [06239] to men of understanding [0995], nor yet favour [02580] to men of skill [03045]; but time [06256] and chance [06294] happeneth [07136] to them all.
7 Then I returned [07725], and I saw [07200] vanity [01892] under the sun [08121].
1 So I returned [07725], and considered [07200] all the oppressions [06217] that are done [06213] under the sun [08121]: and behold the tears [01832] of such as were oppressed [06231], and they had no comforter [05162]; and on the side [03027] of their oppressors [06231] there was power [03581]; but they had no comforter [05162].
25 I applied [05437] mine heart [03820] to know [03045], and to search [08446], and to seek out [01245] wisdom [02451], and the reason [02808] of things, and to know [03045] the wickedness [07562] of folly [03689], even of foolishness [05531] and madness [01947]:
9 For I will have respect [06437] unto you, and make you fruitful [06509], and multiply [07235] you, and establish [06965] my covenant [01285] with you.
14 So all the people [05971] that Ishmael [03458] had carried away captive [07617] from Mizpah [04709] cast about [05437] and returned [07725], and went [03212] unto Johanan [03110] the son [01121] of Kareah [07143].
17 Until the day [03117] break [06315], and the shadows [06752] flee away [05127], turn [05437], my beloved [01730], and be thou like [01819] a roe [06643] or a young [06082] hart [0354] upon the mountains [02022] of Bether [01336].
17 And the king [04428] said [0559] unto the footmen [07323] that stood [05324] about him, Turn [05437], and slay [04191] the priests [03548] of the LORD [03068]; because their hand [03027] also is with David [01732], and because they knew [03045] when he fled [01272], and did not shew [01540] [0241] it to me. But the servants [05650] of the king [04428] would [014] not put forth [07971] their hand [03027] to fall [06293] upon the priests [03548] of the LORD [03068].