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Selected Verse: Ecclesiates 12:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ec 12:11 Strong Concordance The words [01697] of the wise [02450] are as goads [01861], and as nails [04930] fastened [05193] by the masters [01167] of assemblies [0627], which are given [05414] from one [0259] shepherd [07462].
  King James The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
goads--piercing deeply into the mind (Act 2:37; Act 9:5; Heb 4:12); evidently inspired words, as the end of the verse proves.

fastened--rather, on account of the Hebrew genders, (The words) "are fastened (in the memory) like nails" [HOLDEN].

masters of assemblies--rather, "the masters of collections (that is, collectors of inspired sayings, Pro 25:1), are given ('have published them as proceeding' [HOLDEN]) from one Shepherd," namely, the Spirit of Jesus Christ [WEISS], (Eze 37:24). However, the mention of "goads" favors the English Version, "masters of assemblies," namely, under-shepherds, inspired by the Chief Shepherd (Pe1 5:2-4). SCHMIDT translates, "The masters of assemblies are fastened (made sure) as nails," so Isa 22:23.
23 And I will fasten [08628] him as a nail [03489] in a sure [0539] place [04725]; and he shall be for a glorious [03519] throne [03678] to his father's [01] house [01004].
2 Feed [4165] the flock [4168] of God [2316] which is among [1722] you [5213], taking the oversight [1983] thereof, not [3361] by constraint [317], but [235] willingly [1596]; not [3366] for filthy lucre [147], but [235] of a ready mind [4290];
3 Neither [3366] as [5613] being lords over [2634] God's heritage [2819], but [235] being [1096] ensamples [5179] to the flock [4168].
4 And [2532] when the chief Shepherd [750] shall appear [5319], ye shall receive [2865] a crown [4735] of glory [1391] that fadeth not away [262].
24 And David [01732] my servant [05650] shall be king [04428] over them; and they all shall have one [0259] shepherd [07462]: they shall also walk [03212] in my judgments [04941], and observe [08104] my statutes [02708], and do [06213] them.
1 These are also proverbs [04912] of Solomon [08010], which the men [0582] of Hezekiah [02396] king [04428] of Judah [03063] copied out [06275].
12 For [1063] the word [3056] of God [2316] is quick [2198], and [2532] powerful [1756], and [2532] sharper [5114] than [5228] any [3956] twoedged [1366] sword [3162], piercing [1338] even to [891] the dividing asunder [3311] of soul [5590] and [5037] [2532] spirit [4151], and [5037] [2532] of the joints [719] and [2532] marrow [3452], and [2532] is a discerner [2924] of the thoughts [1761] and [2532] intents [1771] of the heart [2588].
5 And [1161] he said [2036], Who [5101] art thou [1488], Lord [2962]? And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036], I [1473] am [1510] Jesus [2424] whom [3739] thou [4771] persecutest [1377]: it is hard [4642] for thee [4671] to kick [2979] against [4314] the pricks [2759].
37 Now [1161] when they heard [191] this, they were pricked [2660] in their heart [2588], and [5037] said [2036] unto [4314] Peter [4074] and [2532] to the rest [3062] of the apostles [652], Men [435] and brethren [80], what [5101] shall we do [4160]?
11 The words [01697] of the wise [02450] are as goads [01861], and as nails [04930] fastened [05193] by the masters [01167] of assemblies [0627], which are given [05414] from one [0259] shepherd [07462].
23 The steps [04703] of a good man [01397] are ordered [03559] by the LORD [03068]: and he delighteth [02654] in his way [01870].
4 The flood [05158] breaketh out [06555] from the inhabitant [01481]; even the waters forgotten [07911] of the foot [07272]: they are dried up [01809], they are gone away [05128] from men [0582].
1 But Job [0347] answered [06030] and said [0559],
25 Then Laban [03837] overtook [05381] Jacob [03290]. Now Jacob [03290] had pitched [08628] his tent [0168] in the mount [02022]: and Laban [03837] with his brethren [0251] pitched [08628] in the mount [02022] of Gilead [01568].
45 And he shall plant [05193] the tabernacles [0168] of his palace [0643] between the seas [03220] in the glorious [06643] holy [06944] mountain [02022]; yet he shall come [0935] to his end [07093], and none shall help [05826] him.
21 For the ways [01870] of man [0376] are before [05227] the eyes [05869] of the LORD [03068], and he pondereth [06424] all his goings [04570].
9 Save [03467] thy people [05971], and bless [01288] thine inheritance [05159]: feed [07462] them also, and lift them up [05375] for ever [05769].
1 A Psalm [04210] of David [01732]. The LORD [03068] is my shepherd [07462]; I shall not want [02637].
20 Have not I written [03789] to thee [08032] excellent things [07991] in counsels [04156] and knowledge [01847],
18 For there were many [07227] in Judah [03063] sworn [01167] [07621] unto him, because he was the son in law [02860] of Shechaniah [07935] the son [01121] of Arah [0733]; and his son [01121] Johanan [03076] had taken [03947] the daughter [01323] of Meshullam [04918] the son [01121] of Berechiah [01296].
13 And there came [0935] one that had escaped [06412], and told [05046] Abram [087] the Hebrew [05680]; for he dwelt [07931] in the plain [0436] of Mamre [04471] the Amorite [0567], brother [0251] of Eshcol [0812], and brother [0251] of Aner [06063]: and these were confederate [01167] [01285] with Abram [087].
7 For your shame [01322] ye shall have double [04932]; and for confusion [03639] they shall rejoice [07442] in their portion [02506]: therefore in their land [0776] they shall possess [03423] the double [04932]: everlasting [05769] joy [08057] shall be unto them.
1 Woe [01945] to the crown [05850] of pride [01348], to the drunkards [07910] of Ephraim [0669], whose glorious [06643] beauty [08597] is a fading [05034] flower [06731], which are on the head [07218] of the fat [08081] valleys [01516] of them that are overcome [01986] with wine [03196]!
11 And [2532] he [846] gave [1325] some [3303], apostles [652]; and [1161] some, prophets [4396]; and [1161] some, evangelists [2099]; and [1161] some, pastors [4166] and [2532] teachers [1320];
15 Behold, I will make [07760] thee a new [02319] sharp [02742] threshing [04173] instrument having [01167] teeth [06374]: thou shalt thresh [01758] the mountains [02022], and beat them small [01854], and shalt make [07760] the hills [01389] as chaff [04671].
20 Curse [07043] not the king [04428], no not in thy thought [04093]; and curse [07043] not the rich [06223] in thy bedchamber [02315] [04904]: for a bird [05775] of the air [08064] shall carry [03212] the voice [06963], and that which hath [01167] wings [03671] shall tell [05046] the matter [01697].
11 Surely the serpent [05175] will bite [05391] without enchantment [03908]; and a babbler [03956] [01167] is no better [03504].
11 Therefore they did set [07760] over them taskmasters [04522] [08269] to afflict [06031] them with their burdens [05450]. And they built [01129] for Pharaoh [06547] treasure [04543] cities [05892], Pithom [06619] and Raamses [07486].
3 And his master [0113] saw [07200] that the LORD [03068] was with him, and that the LORD [03068] made all that he did [06213] to prosper [06743] in his hand [03027].