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Selected Verse: Proverbs 7:16 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 7:16 Strong Concordance I have decked [07234] my bed [06210] with coverings [04765] of tapestry, with carved [02405] works, with fine linen [0330] of Egypt [04714].
  King James I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
my bed--or, "couch," adorned in the costliest manner.
25 And they were both [08147] naked [06174], the man [0120] and his wife [0802], and were not ashamed [0954].
13 Gavest thou the goodly [07443] wings [03671] unto the peacocks [05965]? or wings [084] and feathers [02624] unto the ostrich [05133]?
18 That which he laboured [03022] for shall he restore [07725], and shall not swallow it down [01104]: according to his substance [02428] shall the restitution [08545] be, and he shall not rejoice [05965] therein.
19 Let her be as the loving [0158] hind [0365] and pleasant [02580] roe [03280]; let her breasts [01717] satisfy [07301] thee at all times [06256]; and be thou ravished [07686] always [08548] with her love [0160].
1 I am come [0935] into my garden [01588], my sister [0269], my spouse [03618]: I have gathered [0717] my myrrh [04753] with my spice [01313]; I have eaten [0398] my honeycomb [03293] with my honey [01706]; I have drunk [08354] my wine [03196] with my milk [02461]: eat [0398], O friends [07453]; drink [08354], yea, drink abundantly [07937], O beloved [01730].
12 Now when every maid's [05291] turn [08447] was come [05060] to go in [0935] to king [04428] Ahasuerus [0325], after [07093] that she had been twelve [08147] [06240] months [02320], according to the manner [01881] of the women [0802], (for so were the days [03117] of their purifications [04795] accomplished [04390], to wit, six [08337] months [02320] with oil [08081] of myrrh [04753], and six [08337] months [02320] with sweet odours [01314], and with other things for the purifying [08562] of the women [0802];)
22 Moreover the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872], saying [0559],
23 Take [03947] thou also unto thee principal [07218] spices [01314], of pure [01865] myrrh [04753] five [02568] hundred [03967] shekels, and of sweet [01314] cinnamon [07076] half [04276] so much [04276], even two hundred [03967] and fifty [02572] shekels, and of sweet [01314] calamus [07070] two hundred [03967] and fifty [02572] shekels,
24 And of cassia [06916] five [02568] hundred [03967] shekels, after the shekel [08255] of the sanctuary [06944], and of oil [08081] olive [02132] an hin [01969]:
25 And thou shalt make [06213] it an oil [08081] of holy [06944] ointment [04888], an ointment [07545] compound [04842] after the art [04639] of the apothecary [07543]: it shall be an holy [06944] anointing [04888] oil [08081].
26 And thou shalt anoint [04886] the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150] therewith, and the ark [0727] of the testimony [05715],
27 And the table [07979] and all his vessels [03627], and the candlestick [04501] and his vessels [03627], and the altar [04196] of incense [07004],
28 And the altar [04196] of burnt offering [05930] with all his vessels [03627], and the laver [03595] and his foot [03653].
29 And thou shalt sanctify [06942] them, that they may be most [06944] holy [06944]: whatsoever toucheth [05060] them shall be holy [06942].
30 And thou shalt anoint [04886] Aaron [0175] and his sons [01121], and consecrate [06942] them, that they may minister unto me in the priest's office [03547].
31 And thou shalt speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], saying [0559], This shall be an holy [06944] anointing [04888] oil [08081] unto me throughout your generations [01755].
32 Upon man's [0120] flesh [01320] shall it not be poured [03251], neither shall ye make [06213] any other like it, after the composition [04971] of it: it is holy [06944], and it shall be holy [06944] unto you.
33 Whosoever [0834] [0376] compoundeth [07543] any like it, or whosoever putteth [05414] any of it upon a stranger [02114], shall even be cut [03772] off from his people [05971].
13 Mark [07896] ye well [03820] her bulwarks [02430], consider [06448] her palaces [0759]; that ye may tell [05608] it to the generation [01755] following [0314].
6 Who is this that cometh [05927] out of the wilderness [04057] like pillars [08490] of smoke [06227], perfumed [06999] with myrrh [04753] and frankincense [03828], with all powders [081] of the merchant [07402]?
6 As the valleys [05158] are they spread forth [05186], as gardens [01593] by the river's side [05104], as the trees of lign aloes [0174] which the LORD [03068] hath planted [05193], and as cedar trees [0730] beside the waters [04325].
13 A bundle [06872] of myrrh [04753] is my wellbeloved [01730] unto me; he shall lie [03885] all night betwixt my breasts [07699].
3 To receive [03947] the instruction [04148] of wisdom [07919], justice [06664], and judgment [04941], and equity [04339];
14 Enter [0935] not into the path [0734] of the wicked [07563], and go [0833] not in the way [01870] of evil [07451] men.
17 I have perfumed [05130] my bed [04904] with myrrh [04753], aloes [0174], and cinnamon [07076].
18 Come [03212], let us take our fill [07301] of love [01730] until the morning [01242]: let us solace [05965] ourselves with loves [0159].
2 Enlarge [07337] the place [04725] of thy tent [0168], and let them stretch forth [05186] the curtains [03407] of thine habitations [04908]: spare [02820] not, lengthen [0748] thy cords [04340], and strengthen [02388] thy stakes [03489];
6 Then took [03947] they Jeremiah [03414], and cast [07993] him into the dungeon [0953] of Malchiah [04441] the son [01121] of Hammelech [04428], that was in the court [02691] of the prison [04307]: and they let down [07971] Jeremiah [03414] with cords [02256]. And in the dungeon [0953] there was no water [04325], but mire [02916]: so Jeremiah [03414] sunk [02883] in the mire [02916].
12 That our sons [01121] may be as plants [05195] grown up [01431] in their youth [05271]; that our daughters [01323] may be as corner stones [02106], polished [02404] after the similitude [08403] of a palace [01964]:
13 If I wait [06960], the grave [07585] is mine house [01004]: I have made [07502] my bed [03326] in the darkness [02822].
42 And Pharaoh [06547] took off [05493] his ring [02885] from his hand [03027], and put [05414] it upon Joseph's [03130] hand [03027], and arrayed [03847] him in vestures [0899] of fine linen [08336], and put [07760] a gold [02091] chain [07242] about his neck [06677];
17 I have perfumed [05130] my bed [04904] with myrrh [04753], aloes [0174], and cinnamon [07076].