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Selected Verse: Proverbs 3:31 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 3:31 Strong Concordance Envy [07065] thou not the oppressor [0376] [02555], and choose [0977] none of his ways [01870].
  King James Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
oppressor--or man of mischief. The destiny of successful evildoers warns against desiring their lot (Psa 37:1-2, Psa 37:35-36).
35 I have seen [07200] the wicked [07563] in great power [06184], and spreading [06168] himself like a green [07488] bay tree [0249].
36 Yet he passed away [05674], and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought [01245] him, but he could not be found [04672].
1 A Psalm of David [01732]. Fret [02734] not thyself because of evildoers [07489], neither be thou envious [07065] against the workers [06213] of iniquity [05766].
2 For they shall soon [04120] be cut down [05243] like the grass [02682], and wither [05034] as the green [03418] herb [01877].
7 Surely the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] will do [06213] nothing [01697], but he revealeth [01540] his secret [05475] unto his servants [05650] the prophets [05030].
4 As I was in the days [03117] of my youth [02779], when the secret [05475] of God [0433] was upon my tabernacle [0168];
14 The secret [05475] of the LORD [03068] is with them that fear [03373] him; and he will shew [03045] them his covenant [01285].
15 Whose ways [0734] are crooked [06141], and they froward [03868] in their paths [04570]:
4 Her prophets [05030] are light [06348] and treacherous [0900] persons [0582]: her priests [03548] have polluted [02490] the sanctuary [06944], they have done violence [02554] to the law [08451].
7 Rest [01826] in the LORD [03068], and wait patiently [02342] for him: fret [02734] not thyself because of him who prospereth [06743] in his way [01870], because of the man [0376] who bringeth [06213] wicked devices [04209] to pass [06213].
1 A Psalm of David [01732]. Fret [02734] not thyself because of evildoers [07489], neither be thou envious [07065] against the workers [06213] of iniquity [05766].