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Selected Verse: Proverbs 29:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 29:6 Strong Concordance In the transgression [06588] of an evil [07451] man [0376] there is a snare [04170]: but the righteous [06662] doth sing [07442] and rejoice [08056].
  King James In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare: but the righteous doth sing and rejoice.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
In--or, "By"

the transgression--he is brought into difficulty (Pro 12:13), but the righteous go on prospering, and so sing or rejoice.
13 The wicked [07451] is snared [04170] by the transgression [06588] of his lips [08193]: but the just [06662] shall come out [03318] of trouble [06869].
10 The name [08034] of the LORD [03068] is a strong [05797] tower [04026]: the righteous [06662] runneth [07323] into it, and is safe [07682].
12 When thou goest [03212], thy steps [06806] shall not be straitened [03334]; and when thou runnest [07323], thou shalt not stumble [03782].
13 The wicked [07451] is snared [04170] by the transgression [06588] of his lips [08193]: but the just [06662] shall come out [03318] of trouble [06869].
132 Look [06437] thou upon me, and be merciful [02603] unto me, as thou usest [04941] to do unto those that love [0157] thy name [08034].
6 His going forth [04161] is from the end [07097] of the heaven [08064], and his circuit [08622] unto the ends [07098] of it: and there is nothing hid [05641] from the heat [02535] thereof.
65 Then the Lord [0136] awaked [03364] as one out of sleep [03463], and like a mighty man [01368] that shouteth [07442] by reason of wine [03196].
7 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; Sing [07442] with gladness [08057] for Jacob [03290], and shout [06670] among the chief [07218] of the nations [01471]: publish [08085] ye, praise [01984] ye, and say [0559], O LORD [03068], save [03467] thy people [05971], the remnant [07611] of Israel [03478].
1 I lifted up [05375] mine eyes [05869] again, and looked [07200], and behold a man [0376] with a measuring [04060] line [02256] in his hand [03027].
2 Then said [0559] I, Whither goest [01980] thou? And he said [0559] unto me, To measure [04058] Jerusalem [03389], to see [07200] what [04100] is the breadth [07341] thereof, and what is the length [0753] thereof.
3 And, behold, the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me went forth [03318], and another [0312] angel [04397] went out [03318] to meet [07125] him,
4 And said [0559] unto him, Run [07323], speak [01696] to this [01975] young man [05288], saying [0559], Jerusalem [03389] shall be inhabited [03427] as towns without walls [06519] for the multitude [07230] of men [0120] and cattle [0929] therein [08432]:
5 For I, saith [05002] the LORD [03068], will be unto her a wall [02346] of fire [0784] round about [05439], and will be the glory [03519] in the midst [08432] of her.
6 Ho [01945], ho [01945], come forth, and flee [05127] from the land [0776] of the north [06828], saith [05002] the LORD [03068]: for I have spread you abroad [06566] as the four [0702] winds [07307] of the heaven [08064], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
7 Deliver [04422] thyself, O [01945] Zion [06726], that dwellest [03427] with the daughter [01323] of Babylon [0894].
8 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635]; After [0310] the glory [03519] hath he sent [07971] me unto the nations [01471] which spoiled [07997] you: for he that toucheth [05060] you toucheth [05060] the apple [0892] of his eye [05869].
9 For, behold, I will shake [05130] mine hand [03027] upon them, and they shall be a spoil [07998] to their servants [05647]: and ye shall know [03045] that the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] hath sent [07971] me.
10 Sing [07442] and rejoice [08055], O daughter [01323] of Zion [06726]: for, lo, I come [0935], and I will dwell [07931] in the midst [08432] of thee, saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
11 And many [07227] nations [01471] shall be joined [03867] to the LORD [03068] in that day [03117], and shall be my people [05971]: and I will dwell [07931] in the midst [08432] of thee, and thou shalt know [03045] that the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] hath sent [07971] me unto thee.
12 And the LORD [03068] shall inherit [05157] Judah [03063] his portion [02506] in the holy [06944] land [0127], and shall choose [0977] Jerusalem [03389] again.
13 Be silent [02013], O all flesh [01320], before [06440] the LORD [03068]: for he is raised up [05782] out of his holy [06944] habitation [04583].
4 He shall not fail [03543] nor be discouraged [07533], till he have set [07760] judgment [04941] in the earth [0776]: and the isles [0339] shall wait [03176] for his law [08451].
6 Nor for the pestilence [01698] that walketh [01980] in darkness [0652]; nor for the destruction [06986] that wasteth [07736] at noonday [06672].
16 For a just [06662] man falleth [05307] seven times [07651], and riseth up again [06965]: but the wicked [07563] shall fall [03782] into mischief [07451].
30 Lift up [06670] thy voice [06963], O daughter [01323] of [01530] Gallim [01554]: cause it to be heard [07181] unto Laish [03919], O poor [06041] Anathoth [06068].
21 For the LORD [03068] shall rise up [06965] as in mount [02022] Perazim [06559], he shall be wroth [07264] as in the valley [06010] of Gibeon [01391], that he may do [06213] his work [04639], his strange [02114] work [04639]; and bring to pass [05647] his act [05656], his strange [05237] act [05656].
13 The wicked [07451] is snared [04170] by the transgression [06588] of his lips [08193]: but the just [06662] shall come out [03318] of trouble [06869].
5 Evil [07451] men [0582] understand [0995] not judgment [04941]: but they that seek [01245] the LORD [03068] understand [0995] all things.