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Selected Verse: Proverbs 25:18 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 25:18 Strong Concordance A man [0376] that beareth [06030] false [08267] witness [05707] against his neighbour [07453] is a maul [04650], and a sword [02719], and a sharp [08150] arrow [02671].
  King James A man that beareth false witness against his neighbour is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
A false witness is as destructive to reputation, as such weapons to the body (Pro 24:28).

beareth . . . witness--literally, "answereth questions," as before a judge, against his neighbor.
28 Be not a witness [05707] against thy neighbour [07453] without cause [02600]; and deceive [06601] not with thy lips [08193].
8 Then shall thy light [0216] break forth [01234] as the morning [07837], and thine health [0724] shall spring forth [06779] speedily [04120]: and thy righteousness [06664] shall go [01980] before [06440] thee; the glory [03519] of the LORD [03068] shall be thy rereward [0622].
9 Then shalt thou call [07121], and the LORD [03068] shall answer [06030]; thou shalt cry [07768], and he shall say [0559], Here I am. If thou take away [05493] from the midst [08432] of thee the yoke [04133], the putting forth [07971] of the finger [0676], and speaking [01696] vanity [0205];
10 And if thou draw out [06329] thy soul [05315] to the hungry [07457], and satisfy [07646] the afflicted [06031] soul [05315]; then shall thy light [0216] rise [02224] in obscurity [02822], and thy darkness [0653] be as the noonday [06672]:
11 And the LORD [03068] shall guide [05148] thee continually [08548], and satisfy [07646] thy soul [05315] in drought [06710], and make fat [02502] thy bones [06106]: and thou shalt be like a watered [07302] garden [01588], and like a spring [04161] of water [04325], whose waters [04325] fail [03576] not.
12 And they that shall be of thee shall build [01129] the old [05769] waste places [02723]: thou shalt raise up [06965] the foundations [04146] of many [01755] generations [01755]; and thou shalt be called [07121], The repairer [01443] of the breach [06556], The restorer [07725] of paths [05410] to dwell in [03427].
21 If thine enemy [08130] be hungry [07457], give him bread [03899] to eat [0398]; and if he be thirsty [06771], give him water [04325] to drink [08248]:
22 For thou shalt heap [02846] coals of fire [01513] upon his head [07218], and the LORD [03068] shall reward [07999] thee.
10 Let burning coals [01513] fall [04131] [04131] upon them: let them be cast [05307] into the fire [0784]; into deep pits [04113], that they rise not up again [06965].
27 Can a man [0376] take [02846] fire [0784] in his bosom [02436], and his clothes [0899] not be burned [08313]?
20 Therefore [3767] if [1437] thine [4675] enemy [2190] hunger [3983], feed [5595] him [846]; if [1437] he thirst [1372], give [4222] him [846] drink [4222]: for [1063] in so [5124] doing [4160] thou shalt heap [4987] coals [440] of fire [4442] on [1909] his [846] head [2776].
21 If thine enemy [08130] be hungry [07457], give him bread [03899] to eat [0398]; and if he be thirsty [06771], give him water [04325] to drink [08248]:
22 For thou shalt heap [02846] coals of fire [01513] upon his head [07218], and the LORD [03068] shall reward [07999] thee.
20 And Moses [04872] and Aaron [0175] did [06213] so, as the LORD [03068] commanded [06680]; and he lifted up [07311] the rod [04294], and smote [05221] the waters [04325] that were in the river [02975], in the sight [05869] of Pharaoh [06547], and in the sight [05869] of his servants [05650]; and all the waters [04325] that were in the river [02975] were turned [02015] to blood [01818].
30 The blueness [02250] of a wound [06482] cleanseth [08562] away evil [07451]: so do stripes [04347] the inward parts [02315] of the belly [0990].
5 Come [03212], eat [03898] of my bread [03899], and drink [08354] of the wine [03196] which I have mingled [04537].
2 Speak [01696] ye comfortably [03820] to Jerusalem [03389], and cry [07121] unto her, that her warfare [06635] is accomplished [04390], that her iniquity [05771] is pardoned [07521]: for she hath received [03947] of the LORD'S [03068] hand [03027] double [03718] for all her sins [02403].
16 And it shall be at that day [03117], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], that thou shalt call [07121] me Ishi [0376]; and shalt call [07121] me no more Baali [01180].
10 To whom shall I speak [01696], and give warning [05749], that they may hear [08085]? behold, their ear [0241] is uncircumcised [06189], and they cannot [03201] hearken [07181]: behold, the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] is unto them a reproach [02781]; they have no delight [02654] in it.
27 He looketh [07789] upon men [0582], and if any say [0559], I have sinned [02398], and perverted [05753] that which was right [03477], and it profited [07737] me not;
23 Burning [01814] lips [08193] and a wicked [07451] heart [03820] are like a potsherd [02789] covered [06823] with silver [03701] dross [05509].
25 And I will turn [07725] my hand [03027] upon thee, and purely [01253] purge away [06884] thy dross [05509], and take away [05493] all thy tin [0913]:
19 But be not thou far [07368] from me, O LORD [03068]: O my strength [0360], haste [02363] thee to help [05833] me.
8 The lion's [07830] whelps [01121] have not trodden [01869] it, nor the fierce lion [07826] passed [05710] by it.
15 Rejoice [5463] with [3326] them that do rejoice [5463], and [2532] weep [2799] with [3326] them that weep [2799].
18 A man [0376] that beareth [06030] false [08267] witness [05707] against his neighbour [07453] is a maul [04650], and a sword [02719], and a sharp [08150] arrow [02671].
20 As he that taketh away [05710] a garment [0899] in cold [07135] weather [03117], and as vinegar [02558] upon nitre [05427], so is he that singeth [07891] songs [07892] to an heavy [07451] heart [03820].
5 Yea also, because he transgresseth [0898] by wine [03196], he is a proud [03093] man [01397], neither keepeth at home [05115], who enlargeth [07337] his desire [05315] as hell [07585], and is as death [04194], and cannot be satisfied [07646], but gathereth [0622] unto him all nations [01471], and heapeth [06908] unto him all people [05971]:
30 So took [06901] the priests [03548] and the Levites [03881] the weight [04948] of the silver [03701], and the gold [02091], and the vessels [03627], to bring [0935] them to Jerusalem [03389] unto the house [01004] of our God [0430].
6 Which by his strength [03581] setteth fast [03559] the mountains [02022]; being girded [0247] with power [01369]:
12 For man [0120] also knoweth [03045] not his time [06256]: as the fishes [01709] that are taken [0270] in an evil [07451] net [04685], and as the birds [06833] that are caught [0270] in the snare [06341]; so [01992] are the sons [01121] of men [0120] snared [03369] in an evil [07451] time [06256], when it falleth [05307] suddenly [06597] upon them.
9 And the maiden [05291] pleased [03190] [05869] him, and she obtained [05375] kindness [02617] of him [06440]; and he speedily [0926] gave [05414] her her things for purification [08562], with such things as belonged [04490] to her, and seven [07651] maidens [05291], which were meet [07200] to be given [05414] her, out of the king's [04428] house [01004]: and he preferred [08138] her and her maids [05291] unto the best [02896] place of the house [01004] of the women [0802].
5 The forefront [08127] of the one [0259] was situate [04690] northward [06828] over against [04136] Michmash [04363], and the other [0259] southward [05045] over against [04136] Gibeah [01387].
19 The meek [06035] also shall increase [03254] their joy [08057] in the LORD [03068], and the poor [034] among men [0120] shall rejoice [01523] in the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478].
19 Confidence [04009] in an unfaithful man [0898] in time [03117] of trouble [06869] is like a broken [07465] tooth [08127], and a foot [07272] out of joint [04154].
33 So shall my righteousness [06666] answer [06030] for me in time [03117] to come [04279], when it shall come [0935] for my hire [07939] before thy face [06440]: every one [03605] that is not speckled [05348] and spotted [02921] among the goats [05795], and brown [02345] among the sheep [03775], that shall be counted stolen [01589] with me.
3 Behold, here I am: witness [06030] against me before the LORD [03068], and before his anointed [04899]: whose ox [07794] have I taken [03947]? or whose ass [02543] have I taken [03947]? or whom have I defrauded [06231]? whom have I oppressed [07533]? or of whose hand [03027] have I received any bribe [03724] to blind [05956] mine eyes [05869] therewith? and I will restore [07725] it you.
21 And it shall come to pass, when many [07227] evils [07451] and troubles [06869] are befallen [04672] them, that this song [07892] shall testify [06030] against [06440] them as a witness [05707]; for it shall not be forgotten [07911] out of the mouths [06310] of their seed [02233]: for I know [03045] their imagination [03336] which they go about [06213], even now [03117], before I have brought [0935] them into the land [0776] which I sware [07650].
17 Thou shalt not kill [07523].
16 Thou shalt not bear [06030] false [08267] witness [05707] against thy neighbour [07453].
18 A man [0376] that beareth [06030] false [08267] witness [05707] against his neighbour [07453] is a maul [04650], and a sword [02719], and a sharp [08150] arrow [02671].