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Selected Verse: Proverbs 23:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 23:6 Strong Concordance Eat [03898] thou not the bread [03899] of him that hath an evil [07451] eye [05869], neither desire [0183] thou his dainty meats [04303]:
  King James Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Beware of deceitful men, whose courtesies even you will repent of having accepted.

evil eye--or purpose (Pro 22:9; Deu 15:9; Mat 6:23).
23 But [1161] if [1437] thine [4675] eye [3788] be [5600] evil [4190], thy [4675] whole [3650] body [4983] shall be [2071] full of darkness [4652]. If [1487] therefore [3767] the light [5457] that is [2076] in [1722] thee [4671] be darkness [4655], how great [4214] is that darkness [4655]!
9 Beware [08104] that there be not a thought [01697] in thy wicked [01100] heart [03824], saying [0559], The seventh [07651] year [08141], the year [08141] of release [08059], is at hand [07126]; and thine eye [05869] be evil [07489] against thy poor [034] brother [0251], and thou givest [05414] him nought; and he cry [07121] unto the LORD [03068] against thee, and it be sin [02399] unto thee.
9 He that hath a bountiful [02896] eye [05869] shall be blessed [01288]; for he giveth [05414] of his bread [03899] to the poor [01800].
15 [2228] Is it not [3756] lawful [1832] for me [3427] to do [4160] what [3739] I will [2309] with [1722] mine own [1699]? [1487] Is [2076] thine [4675] eye [3788] evil [4190], because [3754] I [1473] am [1510] good [18]?
1 When thou sittest [03427] to eat [03898] with a ruler [04910], consider [0995] diligently [0995] what is before [06440] thee:
1 A Psalm of David [01732]. The LORD [03068] is my light [0216] and my salvation [03468]; whom shall I fear [03372]? the LORD [03068] is the strength [04581] of my life [02416]; of whom shall I be afraid [06342]?
9 Lest I be full [07646], and deny [03584] thee, and say [0559], Who is the LORD [03068]? or lest I be poor [03423], and steal [01589], and take [08610] the name [08034] of my God [0430]in vain.
23 These things also belong to the wise [02450]. It is not good [02896] to have respect [05234] of persons [06440] in judgment [04941].
1 I am come [0935] into my garden [01588], my sister [0269], my spouse [03618]: I have gathered [0717] my myrrh [04753] with my spice [01313]; I have eaten [0398] my honeycomb [03293] with my honey [01706]; I have drunk [08354] my wine [03196] with my milk [02461]: eat [0398], O friends [07453]; drink [08354], yea, drink abundantly [07937], O beloved [01730].
18 We have been with child [02029], we have been in pain [02342], we have as it were [03644] brought forth [03205] wind [07307]; we have not wrought [06213] any deliverance [03444] in the earth [0776]; neither [01077] have the inhabitants [03427] of the world [08398] fallen [05307].
17 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635]; Behold, I will send [07971] upon them the sword [02719], the famine [07458], and the pestilence [01698], and will make [05414] them like vile [08182] figs [08384], that cannot be eaten [0398], they are so evil [07455].
15 Then [1161] answered [611] Peter [4074] and said [2036] unto him [846], Declare [5419] unto us [2254] this [5026] parable [3850].
9 Beware [08104] that there be not a thought [01697] in thy wicked [01100] heart [03824], saying [0559], The seventh [07651] year [08141], the year [08141] of release [08059], is at hand [07126]; and thine eye [05869] be evil [07489] against thy poor [034] brother [0251], and thou givest [05414] him nought; and he cry [07121] unto the LORD [03068] against thee, and it be sin [02399] unto thee.
9 He that hath a bountiful [02896] eye [05869] shall be blessed [01288]; for he giveth [05414] of his bread [03899] to the poor [01800].