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Selected Verse: Proverbs 22:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 22:8 Strong Concordance He that soweth [02232] iniquity [05766] shall reap [07114] vanity [0205]: and the rod [07626] of his anger [05678] shall fail [03615].
  King James He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
(Compare Pro 11:18; Psa 109:16-20; Gal 6:7-8).

the rod . . . fail--His power to do evil will be destroyed.
7 Be [4105] not [3361] deceived [4105]; God [2316] is [3456] not [3756] mocked [3456]: for [1063] whatsoever [3739] [1437] a man [444] soweth [4687], that [5124] shall he [2325] also [2532] reap [2325].
8 For [3754] he that soweth [4687] to [1519] his [1438] flesh [4561] shall [2325] of [1537] the flesh [4561] reap [2325] corruption [5356]; but [1161] he that soweth [4687] to [1519] the Spirit [4151] shall [2325] of [1537] the Spirit [4151] reap [2325] life [2222] everlasting [166].
16 Because that he remembered [02142] not to shew [06213] mercy [02617], but persecuted [07291] the poor [06041] and needy [034] man [0376], that he might even slay [04191] the broken [03512] in heart [03824].
17 As he loved [0157] cursing [07045], so let it come [0935] unto him: as he delighted [02654] not in blessing [01293], so let it be far [07368] from him.
18 As he clothed [03847] himself with cursing [07045] like as with his garment [04055], so let it come [0935] into his bowels [07130] like water [04325], and like oil [08081] into his bones [06106].
19 Let it be unto him as the garment [0899] which covereth [05844] him, and for a girdle [04206] wherewith he is girded [02296] continually [08548].
20 Let this be the reward [06468] of mine adversaries [07853] from the LORD [03068], and of them that speak [01696] evil [07451] against my soul [05315].
18 The wicked [07563] worketh [06213] a deceitful [08267] work [06468]: but to him that soweth [02232] righteousness [06666] shall be a sure [0571] reward [07938].
6 He who smote [05221] the people [05971] in wrath [05678] with a continual [01115] [05627] stroke [04347], he that ruled [07287] the nations [01471] in anger [0639], is persecuted [04783], and none [01097] hindereth [02820].
17 He that loveth [0157] pleasure [08057] shall be a poor [04270] man [0376]: he that loveth [0157] wine [03196] and oil [08081] shall not be rich [06238].
7 Every man [1538] according as [2531] he purposeth [4255] in his heart [2588], so let him give; not [3361] grudgingly [1537] [3077], or [2228] of [1537] necessity [318]: for [1063] God [2316] loveth [25] a cheerful [2431] giver [1395].
8 He that soweth [02232] iniquity [05766] shall reap [07114] vanity [0205]: and the rod [07626] of his anger [05678] shall fail [03615].
6 We have heard [08085] of the pride [01347] of Moab [04124]; he is very [03966] proud [01341]: even of his haughtiness [01346], and his pride [01347], and his wrath [05678]: but his lies [0907] shall not be so.
6 He who smote [05221] the people [05971] in wrath [05678] with a continual [01115] [05627] stroke [04347], he that ruled [07287] the nations [01471] in anger [0639], is persecuted [04783], and none [01097] hindereth [02820].
7 And I heard [08085] the man [0376] clothed [03847] in linen [0906], which was upon [04605] the waters [04325] of the river [02975], when he held up [07311] his right hand [03225] and his left hand [08040] unto heaven [08064], and sware [07650] by him that liveth [02416] for ever [05769] that it shall be for a time [04150], times [04150], and an half [02677]; and when he shall have accomplished [03615] to scatter [05310] the power [03027] of the holy [06944] people [05971], all these things shall be finished [03615].
13 Thus shall mine anger [0639] be accomplished [03615], and I will cause my fury [02534] to rest [05117] upon them, and I will be comforted [05162]: and they shall know [03045] that I the LORD [03068] have spoken [01696] it in my zeal [07068], when I have accomplished [03615] my fury [02534] in them.
4 Let mine outcasts [05080] dwell [01481] with thee, Moab [04124]; be [01933] thou a covert [05643] to them from the face [06440] of the spoiler [07703]: for the extortioner [04160] is at an end [0656], the spoiler [07701] ceaseth [03615], the oppressors [07429] are consumed [08552] out of the land [0776].
3 For the rod [07626] of the wicked [07562] shall not rest [05117] upon the lot [01486] of the righteous [06662]; lest [04616] the righteous [06662] put forth [07971] their hands [03027] unto iniquity [05766].
5 The LORD [03068] hath broken [07665] the staff [04294] of the wicked [07563], and the sceptre [07626] of the rulers [04910].
21 There shall no evil [0205] happen [0579] to the just [06662]: but the wicked [07563] shall be filled [04390] with mischief [07451].
42 The righteous [03477] shall see [07200] it, and rejoice [08055]: and all iniquity [05766] shall stop [07092] her mouth [06310].
3 For the rod [07626] of the wicked [07562] shall not rest [05117] upon the lot [01486] of the righteous [06662]; lest [04616] the righteous [06662] put forth [07971] their hands [03027] unto iniquity [05766].
12 Sow [02232] to yourselves in righteousness [06666], reap [07114] in [06310] mercy [02617]; break up [05214] your fallow ground [05215]: for it is time [06256] to seek [01875] the LORD [03068], till he come [0935] and rain [03384] righteousness [06664] upon you.
8 Even as I have seen [07200], they that plow [02790] iniquity [0205], and sow [02232] wickedness [05999], reap [07114] the same.
18 The wicked [07563] worketh [06213] a deceitful [08267] work [06468]: but to him that soweth [02232] righteousness [06666] shall be a sure [0571] reward [07938].
7 Be [4105] not [3361] deceived [4105]; God [2316] is [3456] not [3756] mocked [3456]: for [1063] whatsoever [3739] [1437] a man [444] soweth [4687], that [5124] shall he [2325] also [2532] reap [2325].