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Selected Verse: Proverbs 20:27 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 20:27 Strong Concordance The spirit [05397] of man [0120] is the candle [05216] of the LORD [03068], searching [02664] all the inward parts [02315] of the belly [0990].
  King James The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
The spirit . . . Lord--Men's minds are God's gifts, and thus able to search one another (compare Pro 20:5; Pro 18:8, Pro 18:17; Co1 2:11).
11 For [1063] what [5101] man [444] knoweth [1492] the things [3588] of a man [444], save [1508] the spirit [4151] of man [444] which [3588] is in [1722] him [846]? even [2532] so [3779] the things [3588] of God [2316] knoweth [1492] no man [3762], but [1508] the Spirit [4151] of God [2316].
17 He that is first [07223] in his own cause [07379] seemeth just [06662]; but his neighbour [07453] cometh [0935] [0935] and searcheth [02713] him.
8 The words [01697] of a talebearer [05372] are as wounds [03859], and they go down [03381] into the innermost parts [02315] of the belly [0990].
5 Counsel [06098] in the heart [03820] of man [0376] is like deep [06013] water [04325]; but a man [0376] of understanding [08394] will draw it out [01802].
7 And the LORD [03068] God [0430] formed [03335] man [0120] of the dust [06083] of [04480] the ground [0127], and breathed [05301] into his nostrils [0639] the breath [05397] of life [02416]; and man [0120] became a living [02416] soul [05315].
11 For [1063] what [5101] man [444] knoweth [1492] the things [3588] of a man [444], save [1508] the spirit [4151] of man [444] which [3588] is in [1722] him [846]? even [2532] so [3779] the things [3588] of God [2316] knoweth [1492] no man [3762], but [1508] the Spirit [4151] of God [2316].
22 The light [3088] of the body [4983] is [2076] the eye [3788]: if [1437] therefore [3767] thine [4675] eye [3788] be [5600] single [573], thy [4675] whole [3650] body [4983] shall be [2071] full of light [5460].
18 For it is a pleasant thing [05273] if thou keep [08104] them within [0990] thee; they shall withal [03162] be fitted [03559] in thy lips [08193].
8 The words [01697] of a talebearer [05372] are as wounds [03859], and they go down [03381] into the innermost parts [02315] of the belly [0990].
12 And it shall come to pass at that time [06256], that I will search [02664] Jerusalem [03389] with candles [05216], and punish [06485] the men [0582] that are settled [07087] on their lees [08105]: that say [0559] in their heart [03824], The LORD [03068] will not do good [03190], neither will he do evil [07489].
22 All in whose nostrils [0639] was the breath [05397] [07307] of life [02416], of all that was in the dry [02724] land, died [04191].
7 And the LORD [03068] God [0430] formed [03335] man [0120] of the dust [06083] of [04480] the ground [0127], and breathed [05301] into his nostrils [0639] the breath [05397] of life [02416]; and man [0120] became a living [02416] soul [05315].
20 Whoso curseth [07043] his father [01] or his mother [0517], his lamp [05216] shall be put out [01846] in obscure [0380] [0380] darkness [02822].
7 Then shall the dust [06083] return [07725] to the earth [0776] as it was: and the spirit [07307] shall return [07725] unto God [0430] who gave [05414] it.