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Selected Verse: Proverbs 13:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 13:4 Strong Concordance The soul [05315] of the sluggard [06102] desireth [0183], and hath nothing: but the soul [05315] of the diligent [02742] shall be made fat [01878].
  King James The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
(Compare Pro 12:11, Pro 12:27).
27 The slothful [07423] man roasteth [02760] not that which he took in hunting [06718]: but the substance [01952] of a diligent [02742] man [0120] is precious [03368].
11 He that tilleth [05647] his land [0127] shall be satisfied [07646] with bread [03899]: but he that followeth [07291] vain [07386] persons is void [02638] of understanding [03820].
25 The desire [08378] of the slothful [06102] killeth [04191] him; for his hands [03027] refuse [03985] to labour [06213].
25 He that is of a proud [07342] heart [05315] stirreth up [01624] strife [04066]: but he that putteth his trust [0982] in the LORD [03068] shall be made fat [01878].
25 The liberal [01293] soul [05315] shall be made fat [01878]: and he that watereth [07301] shall be watered [03384] also himself.
21 But God [0430] shall wound [04272] the head [07218] of his enemies [0341], and the hairy [08181] scalp [06936] of such an one as goeth on still [01980] in his trespasses [0817].
4 The sluggard [06102] will not plow [02790] by reason of the cold [02779]; therefore shall he beg [07592] [07592] in harvest [07105], and have nothing.
6 A scorner [03887] seeketh [01245] wisdom [02451], and findeth it not: but knowledge [01847] is easy [07043] unto him that understandeth [0995].
1 The wicked [07563] flee [05127] when no man pursueth [07291]: but the righteous [06662] are bold [0982] as a lion [03715].
6 And when she had opened [06605] it, she saw [07200] the child [03206]: and, behold, the babe [05288] wept [01058]. And she had compassion [02550] on him, and said [0559], This is one of the Hebrews [05680]' children [03206].
7 I am as a wonder [04159] unto many [07227]; but thou art my strong [05797] refuge [04268].
33 God [0410] is my strength [04581] and power [02428]: and he maketh [05425] my way [01870] perfect [08549].
13 Even in laughter [07814] the heart [03820] is sorrowful [03510]; and the end [0319] of that mirth [08057] is heaviness [08424].
6 Yet gleaning grapes [05955] shall be left [07604] in it, as the shaking [05363] of an olive tree [02132], two [08147] or three [07969] berries [01620] in the top [07218] of the uppermost bough [0534], four [0702] or five [02568] in the outmost fruitful [06509] branches [05585] thereof, saith [05002] the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478].
3 He that keepeth [05341] his mouth [06310] keepeth [08104] his life [05315]: but he that openeth wide [06589] his lips [08193] shall have destruction [04288].
2 A man [0376] shall eat [0398] good [02896] by the fruit [06529] of his mouth [06310]: but the soul [05315] of the transgressors [0898] shall eat violence [02555].
1 A wise [02450] son [01121] heareth his father's [01] instruction [04148]: but a scorner [03887] heareth [08085] not rebuke [01606].
2 A man [0376] shall eat [0398] good [02896] by the fruit [06529] of his mouth [06310]: but the soul [05315] of the transgressors [0898] shall eat violence [02555].
3 He that keepeth [05341] his mouth [06310] keepeth [08104] his life [05315]: but he that openeth wide [06589] his lips [08193] shall have destruction [04288].