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Selected Verse: Proverbs 10:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 10:4 Strong Concordance He becometh poor [07326] that dealeth [06213] with a slack [07423] hand [03709]: but the hand [03027] of the diligent [02742] maketh rich [06238].
  King James He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
slack--literally, "deceitful," failing of its purpose (compare Hos 7:16).

maketh rich--(compare Pro 10:22).
22 The blessing [01293] of the LORD [03068], it maketh rich [06238], and he addeth [03254] no sorrow [06089] with it.
16 They return [07725], but not to the most High [05920]: they are like a deceitful [07423] bow [07198]: their princes [08269] shall fall [05307] by the sword [02719] for the rage [02195] of their tongue [03956]: this [02097] shall be their derision [03933] in the land [0776] of Egypt [04714].
10 Cursed [0779] be he that doeth [06213] the work [04399] of the LORD [03068] deceitfully [07423], and cursed [0779] be he that keepeth back [04513] his sword [02719] from blood [01818].
16 They return [07725], but not to the most High [05920]: they are like a deceitful [07423] bow [07198]: their princes [08269] shall fall [05307] by the sword [02719] for the rage [02195] of their tongue [03956]: this [02097] shall be their derision [03933] in the land [0776] of Egypt [04714].
2 Deliver [05337] my soul [05315], O LORD [03068], from lying [08267] lips [08193], and from a deceitful [07423] tongue [03956].
3 What shall be given [05414] unto thee? or what shall be done [03254] unto thee, thou false [07423] tongue [03956]?
7 Will ye speak [01696] wickedly [05766] for God [0410]? and talk [01696] deceitfully [07423] for him?
7 He that worketh [06213] deceit [07423] shall not dwell [03427] within [07130] my house [01004]: he that telleth [01696] lies [08267] shall not tarry [03559] in my sight [05869].
4 Thou lovest [0157] all devouring [01105] words [01697], O thou deceitful [04820] tongue [03956].
10 Cursed [0779] be he that doeth [06213] the work [04399] of the LORD [03068] deceitfully [07423], and cursed [0779] be he that keepeth back [04513] his sword [02719] from blood [01818].
14 Therefore shall a tumult [07588] arise [06965] among thy people [05971], and all thy fortresses [04013] shall be spoiled [07703], as Shalman [08020] spoiled [07701] Betharbel [01009] in the day [03117] of battle [04421]: the mother [0517] was dashed in pieces [07376] upon her children [01121].
11 Come [03212], ye children [01121], hearken [08085] unto me: I will teach [03925] you the fear [03374] of the LORD [03068].
14 If ye will fear [03372] the LORD [03068], and serve [05647] him, and obey [08085] his voice [06963], and not rebel [04784] against the commandment [06310] of the LORD [03068], then shall both ye and also the king [04428] that reigneth [04427] over you continue following [0310] the LORD [03068] your God [0430]:
15 And the priest [03548] shall take [03947] some of the log [03849] of oil [08081], and pour [03332] it into the palm [03709] of his own [03548] left hand [08042]:
2 Deliver [05337] my soul [05315], O LORD [03068], from lying [08267] lips [08193], and from a deceitful [07423] tongue [03956].
27 The slothful [07423] man roasteth [02760] not that which he took in hunting [06718]: but the substance [01952] of a diligent [02742] man [0120] is precious [03368].
24 The hand [03027] of the diligent [02742] shall bear rule [04910]: but the slothful [07423] shall be under tribute [04522].
15 Slothfulness [06103] casteth [05307] into a deep sleep [08639]; and an idle [07423] soul [05315] shall suffer hunger [07456].