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Selected Verse: Exodus 4:21 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ex 4:21 Strong Concordance And the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto Moses [04872], When thou goest [03212] to return [07725] into Egypt [04714], see [07200] that thou do [06213] all those wonders [04159] before [06440] Pharaoh [06547], which I have put [07760] in thine hand [03027]: but I will harden [02388] his heart [03820], that he shall not let the people [05971] go [07971].
  King James And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
I will harden - Calamities which do not subdue the heart harden it. In the case of Pharaoh, the hardening was at once a righteous judgment, and a natural result of a long series of oppressions and cruelties.
17 For [1063] the scripture [1124] saith [3004] unto Pharaoh [5328], Even for [3754] [1519] this [5124] same purpose [846] have I raised [1825] thee [4571] up [1825], that [3704] I might shew [1731] my [3450] power [1411] in [1722] thee [4671], and [2532] that [3704] my [3450] name [3686] might be declared [1229] throughout [1722] all [3956] the earth [1093].
18 Therefore [686] [3767] hath he mercy [1653] on whom [3739] he will [2309] have mercy, and [1161] whom [3739] he will [2309] he hardeneth [4645].
19 Thou wilt say [2046] then [3767] unto me [3427], Why [5101] doth he yet [2089] find fault [3201]? For [1063] who [5101] hath resisted [436] his [846] will [1013]?
20 Nay but [3304], O [5599] man [444], who [5101] art [1488] thou [4771] that repliest against [470] God [2316]? [3361] Shall [2046] the thing formed [4110] say [2046] to him that formed [4111] it, Why [5101] hast thou made [4160] me [3165] thus [3779]?
21 [2228] Hath [2192] not [3756] the potter [2763] power [1849] over the clay [4081], of [1537] the same [846] lump [5445] to [3739] [3303] make [4160] one vessel [4632] unto [1519] honour [5092], and [1161] another [3739] unto [1519] dishonour [819]?
22 What if [1487] [1161] God [2316], willing [2309] to shew [1731] his wrath [3709], and [2532] to make [1107] his [846] power [1415] known [1107], endured [5342] with [1722] much [4183] longsuffering [3115] the vessels [4632] of wrath [3709] fitted [2675] to [1519] destruction [684]:
23 And [2532] that [2443] he might make known [1107] the riches [4149] of his [846] glory [1391] on [1909] the vessels [4632] of mercy [1656], which [3739] he had afore prepared [4282] unto [1519] glory [1391],
24 [3739] Even [2532] us [2248], whom [3739] he hath called [2564], not [3756] of [1537] the Jews [2453] only [3440], but [235] also [2532] of [1537] the Gentiles [1484]?
34 And when Pharaoh [06547] saw [07200] that the rain [04306] and the hail [01259] and the thunders [06963] were ceased [02308], he sinned [02398] yet more [03254], and hardened [03513] his heart [03820], he and his servants [05650].
32 And Pharaoh [06547] hardened [03513] his heart [03820] at this time [06471] also, neither would he let the people [05971] go [07971].
15 But when Pharaoh [06547] saw [07200] that there was respite [07309], he hardened [03513] his heart [03820], and hearkened [08085] not unto them; as the LORD [03068] had said [01696].
16 And in very [0199] deed [05668] for this cause have I raised thee up [05975], for to shew [07200] in thee my power [03581]; and that my name [08034] may be declared [05608] throughout all the earth [0776].
34 And when Pharaoh [06547] saw [07200] that the rain [04306] and the hail [01259] and the thunders [06963] were ceased [02308], he sinned [02398] yet more [03254], and hardened [03513] his heart [03820], he and his servants [05650].
3 And I will harden [07185] Pharaoh's [06547] heart [03820], and multiply [07235] my signs [0226] and my wonders [04159] in the land [0776] of Egypt [04714].
6 Be ye therefore very [03966] courageous [02388] to keep [08104] and to do [06213] all that is written [03789] in the book [05612] of the law [08451] of Moses [04872], that ye turn [05493] not aside therefrom to the right hand [03225] or to the left [08040];
7 Only be thou strong [02388] and very [03966] courageous [0553], that thou mayest observe [08104] to do [06213] according to all the law [08451], which Moses [04872] my servant [05650] commanded [06680] thee: turn [05493] not from it to the right hand [03225] or to the left [08040], that thou mayest prosper [07919] whithersoever thou goest [03212].