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Selected Verse: Exodus 3:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ex 3:6 Strong Concordance Moreover he said [0559], I am the God [0430] of thy father [01], the God [0430] of Abraham [085], the God [0430] of Isaac [03327], and the God [0430] of Jacob [03290]. And Moses [04872] hid [05641] his face [06440]; for he was afraid [03372] to look [05027] upon God [0430].
  King James Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
I am the God . . . come down to deliver--The reverential awe of Moses must have been relieved by the divine Speaker (see Mat 22:32), announcing Himself in His covenant character, and by the welcome intelligence communicated. Moreover, the time, as well as all the circumstances of this miraculous appearance, were such as to give him an illustrious display of God's faithfulness to His promises. The period of Israel's journey and affliction in Egypt had been predicted (Gen 15:13), and it was during the last year of the term which had still to run that the Lord appeared in the burning bush.
13 And he said [0559] unto Abram [087], Know [03045] of a surety [03045] that thy seed [02233] shall be a stranger [01616] in a land [0776] that is not theirs, and shall serve [05647] them; and they shall afflict [06031] them four [0702] hundred [03967] years [08141];
32 I [1473] am [1510] the God [2316] of Abraham [11], and [2532] the God [2316] of Isaac [2464], and [2532] the God [2316] of Jacob [2384]? God [2316] is [2076] not [3756] the God [2316] of the dead [3498], but [235] of the living [2198].
26 And [1161] as touching [4012] the dead [3498], that [3754] they rise [1453]: have ye [314] not [3756] read [314] in [1722] the book [976] of Moses [3475], how [5613] in [1909] the bush [942] God [2316] spake [2036] unto him [846], saying [3004], I [1473] am the God [2316] of Abraham [11], and [2532] the God [2316] of Isaac [2464], and [2532] the God [2316] of Jacob [2384]?
32 I [1473] am [1510] the God [2316] of Abraham [11], and [2532] the God [2316] of Isaac [2464], and [2532] the God [2316] of Jacob [2384]? God [2316] is [2076] not [3756] the God [2316] of the dead [3498], but [235] of the living [2198].
12 And after [0310] the earthquake [07494] a fire [0784]; but the LORD [03068] was not in the fire [0784]: and after [0310] the fire [0784] a still [01827] small [01851] voice [06963].
4 And the name [08034] of the other [0259] was Eliezer [0461]; for the God [0430] of my father [01], said he, was mine help [05828], and delivered [05337] me from the sword [02719] of Pharaoh [06547]:
34 I have seen [1492], I have seen [1492] the affliction [2561] of my [3450] people [2992] which [3588] is in [1722] Egypt [125], and [2532] I have heard [191] their [846] groaning [4726], and [2532] am come down [2597] to deliver [1807] them [846]. And [2532] now [3568] come [1204], I will send [649] thee [4571] into [1519] Egypt [125].
44 Nevertheless he regarded [07200] their affliction [06862], when he heard [08085] their cry [07440]:
9 And didst see [07200] the affliction [06040] of our fathers [01] in Egypt [04714], and heardest [08085] their cry [02201] by the Red [05488] sea [03220];
5 Then said [0559] I, Woe [0188] is me! for I am undone [01820]; because I am a man [0376] of unclean [02931] lips [08193], and I dwell [03427] in the midst [08432] of a people [05971] of unclean [02931] lips [08193]: for mine eyes [05869] have seen [07200] the King [04428], the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
1 In the year [08141] that king [04428] Uzziah [05818] died [04194] I saw [07200] also [0853] the Lord [0136] sitting [03427] upon a throne [03678], high [07311] and lifted up [05375], and his train [07757] filled [04392] [0853] the temple [01964].
13 And it was so, when Elijah [0452] heard [08085] it, that he wrapped [03874] his face [06440] in his mantle [0155], and went out [03318], and stood [05975] in the entering in [06607] of the cave [04631]. And, behold, there came a voice [06963] unto him, and said [0559], What doest thou here, Elijah [0452]?
23 And the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto her, Two [08147] nations [01471] are in thy womb [0990], and two manner [08147] of people [03816] shall be separated [06504] from thy bowels [04578]; and the one people [03816] shall be stronger [0553] than the other people [03816]; and the elder [07227] shall serve [05647] the younger [06810].
32 Saying, I [1473] am the God [2316] of thy [4675] fathers [3962], the God [2316] of Abraham [11], and [2532] the God [2316] of Isaac [2464], and [2532] the God [2316] of Jacob [2384]. Then [1161] Moses [3475] trembled [1096] [1790], and durst [5111] not [3756] behold [2657].