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Selected Verse: Psalms 96:10 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 96:10 Strong Concordance Say [0559] among the heathen [01471] that the LORD [03068] reigneth [04427]: the world [08398] also shall be established [03559] that it shall not be moved [04131]: he shall judge [01777] the people [05971] righteously [04339].
  King James Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Let all know that the government of the world is ordered in justice, and they shall enjoy firm and lasting peace (compare Psa 72:3, Psa 72:7; Isa 9:6-7).
6 For unto us a child [03206] is born [03205], unto us a son [01121] is given [05414]: and the government [04951] shall be upon his shoulder [07926]: and his name [08034] shall be called [07121] Wonderful [06382], Counsellor [03289], The mighty [01368] God [0410], The everlasting [05703] Father [01], The Prince [08269] of Peace [07965].
7 Of the increase [04766] of his government [04951] and peace [07965] there shall be no end [07093], upon the throne [03678] of David [01732], and upon his kingdom [04467], to order [03559] it, and to establish [05582] it with judgment [04941] and with justice [06666] from henceforth even for [05704] ever [05769]. The zeal [07068] of the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] will perform [06213] this.
7 In his days [03117] shall the righteous [06662] flourish [06524]; and abundance [07230] of peace [07965] so long as the moon [03394] endureth.
3 The mountains [02022] shall bring [05375] peace [07965] to the people [05971], and the little hills [01389], by righteousness [06666].
4 O let the nations [03816] be glad [08055] and sing for joy [07442]: for thou shalt judge [08199] the people [05971] righteously [04334], and govern [05148] the nations [03816] upon earth [0776]. Selah [05542].
1 The LORD [03068] reigneth [04427], he is clothed [03847] with majesty [01348]; the LORD [03068] is clothed [03847] with strength [05797], wherewith he hath girded [0247] himself: the world [08398] also is stablished [03559], that it cannot be moved [04131].
11 Let the heavens [08064] rejoice [08055], and let the earth [0776] be glad [01523]; let the sea [03220] roar [07481], and the fulness [04393] thereof.
11 Let the heavens [08064] rejoice [08055], and let the earth [0776] be glad [01523]; let the sea [03220] roar [07481], and the fulness [04393] thereof.
10 Say [0559] among the heathen [01471] that the LORD [03068] reigneth [04427]: the world [08398] also shall be established [03559] that it shall not be moved [04131]: he shall judge [01777] the people [05971] righteously [04339].
10 Sing [07891] unto the LORD [03068] a new [02319] song [07892], and his praise [08416] from the end [07097] of the earth [0776], ye that go down [03381] to the sea [03220], and all that is therein [04393]; the isles [0339], and the inhabitants [03427] thereof.
1 The wilderness [04057] and the solitary place [06723] shall be glad [07797] for them; and the desert [06160] shall rejoice [01523], and blossom [06524] as the rose [02261].
1 Comfort [05162] ye, comfort [05162] ye my people [05971], saith [0559] your God [0430].
11 Let the heavens [08064] rejoice [08055], and let the earth [0776] be glad [01523]; let the sea [03220] roar [07481], and the fulness [04393] thereof.
11 Let the heavens [08064] rejoice [08055], and let the earth [0776] be glad [01523]; let the sea [03220] roar [07481], and the fulness [04393] thereof.
1 The LORD [03068] reigneth [04427], he is clothed [03847] with majesty [01348]; the LORD [03068] is clothed [03847] with strength [05797], wherewith he hath girded [0247] himself: the world [08398] also is stablished [03559], that it cannot be moved [04131].
17 Saying [3004], We give [2168] thee [4671] thanks [2168], O Lord [2962] God [2316] Almighty [3841], which [3588] art [5607] [3801], and [2532] wast [2258] [3801], and [2532] art to come [2064] [3801]; because [3754] thou hast taken to thee [2983] thy [4675] great [3173] power [1411], and [2532] hast reigned [936].
7 How beautiful [04998] upon the mountains [02022] are the feet [07272] of him that bringeth good tidings [01319], that publisheth [08085] peace [07965]; that bringeth good tidings [01319] of good [02896], that publisheth [08085] salvation [03444]; that saith [0559] unto Zion [06726], Thy God [0430] reigneth [04427] !