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Selected Verse: Psalms 91:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 91:6 Strong Concordance Nor for the pestilence [01698] that walketh [01980] in darkness [0652]; nor for the destruction [06986] that wasteth [07736] at noonday [06672].
  King James Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Nor for the pestilence - The plague or pestilence was common in Oriental countries.

That walketh in darkness - Not that it particularly comes in the night, but that it seems to creep along as if in the night; that is, where one cannot mark its progress, or anticipate when or whom it will strike. The laws of its movements are unknown, and it comes upon people as an enemy that suddenly attacks us in the night.

Nor for the destruction - The word used here - קטב qeṭeb - means properly a cutting off, a destruction, as a destroying storm, Isa 28:2; and then, contagious pestilence, Deu 32:24. It may be applied here to anything that sweeps away people - whether storm, war, pestilence, or famine.

That wasteth at noonday - It lays waste, or produces desolation, at noon; that is, visibly, openly. The meaning is, that whenever, or in whatever form, calamity comes which sweeps away the race - whether at midnight or at noon - whether in the form of pestilence, war, or famine - he who trusts in God need not - will not - be afraid. He will feel either that he will be preserved from its ravages, or that if he is cut off he has nothing to fear. He is a friend of God, and he has a hope of a better life. In death, and in the future world, there is nothing of which he should be afraid. The Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate render this, strangely enough, "Nor of mischance and the demon of noonday."
24 They shall be burnt [04198] with hunger [07458], and devoured [03898] with burning heat [07565], and with bitter [04815] destruction [06986]: I will also send [07971] the teeth [08127] of beasts [0929] upon them, with the poison [02534] of serpents [02119] of the dust [06083].
2 Behold, the Lord [0136] hath a mighty [02389] and strong one [0533], which as a tempest [02230] of hail [01259] and a destroying [06986] storm [08178], as a flood [02230] of mighty [03524] waters [04325] overflowing [07857], shall cast down [03240] to the earth [0776] with the hand [03027].