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Selected Verse: Psalms 89:19 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 89:19 Strong Concordance Then thou spakest [01696] in vision [02377] to thy holy one [02623], and saidst [0559], I have laid [07737] help [05828] upon one that is mighty [01368]; I have exalted [07311] one chosen [0977] out of the people [05971].
  King James Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Then--when the covenant was established, of whose execution the exalted views of God now given furnish assurance.

thou . . . to thy holy one--or godly saint, object of favor (Psa 4:3). Nathan is meant (Sa2 7:17; Ch1 17:3-15).

laid help--literally, "given help." David was chosen and then exalted.
3 And it came to pass the same night [03915], that the word [01697] of God [0430] came to Nathan [05416], saying [0559],
4 Go [03212] and tell [0559] David [01732] my servant [05650], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], Thou shalt not build [01129] me an house [01004] to dwell in [03427]:
5 For I have not dwelt in [03427] an house [01004] since the day [03117] that I brought up [05927] Israel [03478] unto this day [03117]; but have gone from tent [0168] to tent [0168], and from one tabernacle [04908] to another.
6 Wheresoever I have walked [01980] with all Israel [03478], spake [01696] I a word [01697] to any [0259] of the judges [08199] of Israel [03478], whom I commanded [06680] to feed [07462] my people [05971], saying [0559], Why have ye not built [01129] me an house [01004] of cedars [0730]?
7 Now therefore thus shalt thou say [0559] unto my servant [05650] David [01732], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], I took [03947] thee from the sheepcote [05116], even from following [0310] the sheep [06629], that thou shouldest be ruler [05057] over my people [05971] Israel [03478]:
8 And I have been with thee whithersoever thou hast walked [01980], and have cut off [03772] all thine enemies [0341] from before [06440] thee, and have made [06213] thee a name [08034] like the name [08034] of the great men [01419] that are in the earth [0776].
9 Also I will ordain [07760] a place [04725] for my people [05971] Israel [03478], and will plant [05193] them, and they shall dwell [07931] in their place, and shall be moved [07264] no more; neither shall the children [01121] of wickedness [05766] waste [01086] them any more [03254], as at the beginning [07223],
10 And since the time [03117] that I commanded [06680] judges [08199] to be over my people [05971] Israel [03478]. Moreover I will subdue [03665] all thine enemies [0341]. Furthermore I tell [05046] thee that the LORD [03068] will build [01129] thee an house [01004].
11 And it shall come to pass, when thy days [03117] be expired [04390] that thou must go [03212] to be with thy fathers [01], that I will raise up [06965] thy seed [02233] after [0310] thee, which shall be of thy sons [01121]; and I will establish [03559] his kingdom [04438].
12 He shall build [01129] me an house [01004], and I will stablish [03559] his throne [03678] for [05704] ever [05769].
13 I will be his father [01], and he shall be my son [01121]: and I will not take [05493] my mercy [02617] away [05493] from him, as I took [05493] it from him that was before [06440] thee:
14 But I will settle [05975] him in mine house [01004] and in my kingdom [04438] for ever [05769]: and his throne [03678] shall be established [03559] for [05704] evermore [05769].
15 According to all these words [01697], and according to all this vision [02377], so did Nathan [05416] speak [01696] unto David [01732].
17 According to all these words [01697], and according to all this vision [02384], so did Nathan [05416] speak [01696] unto David [01732].
3 But know [03045] that the LORD [03068] hath set apart [06395] him that is godly [02623] for himself: the LORD [03068] will hear [08085] when I call [07121] unto him.
70 He chose [0977] David [01732] also his servant [05650], and took [03947] him from the sheepfolds [04356] [06629]:
71 From following [0310] the ewes great with young [05763] he brought [0935] him to feed [07462] Jacob [03290] his people [05971], and Israel [03478] his inheritance [05159].
72 So he fed [07462] them according to the integrity [08537] of his heart [03824]; and guided [05148] them by the skilfulness [08394] of his hands [03709].
8 Now therefore so shalt thou say [0559] unto my servant [05650] David [01732], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], I took [03947] thee from the sheepcote [05116], from following [0310] the sheep [06629], to be ruler [05057] over my people [05971], over Israel [03478]:
9 And I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest [01980], and have cut off [03772] all thine enemies [0341] out of thy sight [06440], and have made [06213] thee a great [01419] name [08034], like unto the name [08034] of the great [01419] men that are in the earth [0776].
17 According to all these words [01697], and according to all this vision [02384], so did Nathan [05416] speak [01696] unto David [01732].
4 And it came to pass that night [03915], that the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto Nathan [05416], saying [0559],
5 Go [03212] and tell [0559] my servant [05650] David [01732], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], Shalt thou build [01129] me an house [01004] for me to dwell in [03427]?
6 Whereas I have not dwelt [03427] in any house [01004] since the time [03117] that I brought up [05927] the children [01121] of Israel [03478] out of Egypt [04714], even to this day [03117], but have walked [01980] in a tent [0168] and in a tabernacle [04908].
7 In all the places wherein I have walked [01980] with all the children [01121] of Israel [03478] spake [01696] I a word [01697] with any [0259] of the tribes [07626] of Israel [03478], whom I commanded [06680] to feed [07462] my people [05971] Israel [03478], saying [0559], Why build [01129] ye not me an house [01004] of cedar [0730]?
8 Now therefore so shalt thou say [0559] unto my servant [05650] David [01732], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], I took [03947] thee from the sheepcote [05116], from following [0310] the sheep [06629], to be ruler [05057] over my people [05971], over Israel [03478]:
9 And I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest [01980], and have cut off [03772] all thine enemies [0341] out of thy sight [06440], and have made [06213] thee a great [01419] name [08034], like unto the name [08034] of the great [01419] men that are in the earth [0776].
10 Moreover I will appoint [07760] a place [04725] for my people [05971] Israel [03478], and will plant [05193] them, that they may dwell [07931] in a place of their own, and move [07264] no more; neither shall the children [01121] of wickedness [05766] afflict [06031] them any more [03254], as beforetime [07223],
11 And as since the time [03117] that I commanded [06680] judges [08199] to be over my people [05971] Israel [03478], and have caused thee to rest [05117] from all thine enemies [0341]. Also the LORD [03068] telleth [05046] thee that he will make [06213] thee an house [01004].
12 And when thy days [03117] be fulfilled [04390], and thou shalt sleep [07901] with thy fathers [01], I will set up [06965] thy seed [02233] after [0310] thee, which shall proceed [03318] out of thy bowels [04578], and I will establish [03559] his kingdom [04467].
13 He shall build [01129] an house [01004] for my name [08034], and I will stablish [03559] the throne [03678] of his kingdom [04467] for [05704] ever [05769].
14 I will be his father [01], and he shall be my son [01121]. If he commit iniquity [05753], I will chasten [03198] him with the rod [07626] of men [0582], and with the stripes [05061] of the children [01121] of men [0120]:
15 But my mercy [02617] shall not depart away [05493] from him, as I took [05493] it from Saul [07586], whom I put away [05493] before [06440] thee.
16 And thine house [01004] and thy kingdom [04467] shall be established [0539] for [05704] ever [05769] before [06440] thee: thy throne [03678] shall be established [03559] for [05704] ever [05769].
17 According to all these words [01697], and according to all this vision [02384], so did Nathan [05416] speak [01696] unto David [01732].
1 The vision [02377] of Isaiah [03470] the son [01121] of Amoz [0531], which he saw [02372] concerning Judah [03063] and Jerusalem [03389] in the days [03117] of Uzziah [05818], Jotham [03147], Ahaz [0271], and Hezekiah [03169], kings [04428] of Judah [03063].
10 Moreover I will appoint [07760] a place [04725] for my people [05971] Israel [03478], and will plant [05193] them, that they may dwell [07931] in a place of their own, and move [07264] no more; neither shall the children [01121] of wickedness [05766] afflict [06031] them any more [03254], as beforetime [07223],
23 And I will beat down [03807] his foes [06862] before his face [06440], and plague [05062] them that hate [08130] him.
16 As for me, I will call [07121] upon God [0430]; and the LORD [03068] shall save [03467] me.
2 And it shall be, as with the people [05971], so with the priest [03548]; as with the servant [05650], so with his master [0113]; as with the maid [08198], so with her mistress [01404]; as with the buyer [07069], so with the seller [04376]; as with the lender [03867], so with the borrower [03867]; as with the taker of usury [05383], so [0834] with the giver of usury [05378] to him.
10 To translate [05674] the kingdom [04467] from the house [01004] of Saul [07586], and to set up [06965] the throne [03678] of David [01732] over Israel [03478] and over Judah [03063], from Dan [01835] even to Beersheba [0884].
14 And David [01732] behaved himself wisely [07919] in all his ways [01870]; and the LORD [03068] was with him.
12 And Saul [07586] was afraid [03372] of [06440] David [01732], because the LORD [03068] was with him, and was departed [05493] from Saul [07586].
37 For their heart [03820] was not right [03559] with him, neither were they stedfast [0539] in his covenant [01285].
22 The enemy [0341] shall not exact [05378] upon him; nor the son [01121] of wickedness [05766] afflict [06031] him.
20 I have found [04672] David [01732] my servant [05650]; with my holy [06944] oil [08081] have I anointed [04886] him:
21 With whom my hand [03027] shall be established [03559]: mine arm [02220] also shall strengthen [0553] him.
71 From following [0310] the ewes great with young [05763] he brought [0935] him to feed [07462] Jacob [03290] his people [05971], and Israel [03478] his inheritance [05159].
4 Thy seed [02233] will I establish [03559] for [05704] ever [05769], and build up [01129] thy throne [03678] to all [01755] generations [01755]. Selah [05542].
6 For thou hast made [07896] him most blessed [01293] for ever [05703]: thou hast made [02302] him exceeding glad [08057] with thy countenance [06440].
15 According to all these words [01697], and according to all this vision [02377], so did Nathan [05416] speak [01696] unto David [01732].
7 Now therefore thus shalt thou say [0559] unto my servant [05650] David [01732], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], I took [03947] thee from the sheepcote [05116], even from following [0310] the sheep [06629], that thou shouldest be ruler [05057] over my people [05971] Israel [03478]:
8 And I have been with thee whithersoever thou hast walked [01980], and have cut off [03772] all thine enemies [0341] from before [06440] thee, and have made [06213] thee a name [08034] like the name [08034] of the great men [01419] that are in the earth [0776].
9 Also I will ordain [07760] a place [04725] for my people [05971] Israel [03478], and will plant [05193] them, and they shall dwell [07931] in their place, and shall be moved [07264] no more; neither shall the children [01121] of wickedness [05766] waste [01086] them any more [03254], as at the beginning [07223],
10 And since the time [03117] that I commanded [06680] judges [08199] to be over my people [05971] Israel [03478]. Moreover I will subdue [03665] all thine enemies [0341]. Furthermore I tell [05046] thee that the LORD [03068] will build [01129] thee an house [01004].
11 And it shall come to pass, when thy days [03117] be expired [04390] that thou must go [03212] to be with thy fathers [01], that I will raise up [06965] thy seed [02233] after [0310] thee, which shall be of thy sons [01121]; and I will establish [03559] his kingdom [04438].
12 He shall build [01129] me an house [01004], and I will stablish [03559] his throne [03678] for [05704] ever [05769].
13 I will be his father [01], and he shall be my son [01121]: and I will not take [05493] my mercy [02617] away [05493] from him, as I took [05493] it from him that was before [06440] thee:
14 But I will settle [05975] him in mine house [01004] and in my kingdom [04438] for ever [05769]: and his throne [03678] shall be established [03559] for [05704] evermore [05769].
15 According to all these words [01697], and according to all this vision [02377], so did Nathan [05416] speak [01696] unto David [01732].
3 And it came to pass the same night [03915], that the word [01697] of God [0430] came to Nathan [05416], saying [0559],
3 Therefore came [0935] all the elders [02205] of Israel [03478] to the king [04428] to Hebron [02275]; and David [01732] made [03772] a covenant [01285] with them in Hebron [02275] before [06440] the LORD [03068]; and they anointed [04886] David [01732] king [04428] over Israel [03478], according to the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] by [03027] Samuel [08050].
2 And moreover in time [08543] past [08032], even when Saul [07586] was king [04428], thou wast he that leddest out [03318] and broughtest in [0935] Israel [03478]: and the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] said [0559] unto thee, Thou shalt feed [07462] my people [05971] Israel [03478], and thou shalt be ruler [05057] over my people [01571] Israel [03478].
5 Go [03212] and tell [0559] my servant [05650] David [01732], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], Shalt thou build [01129] me an house [01004] for me to dwell in [03427]?