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Selected Verse: Psalms 85:1 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 85:1 Strong Concordance To the chief Musician [05329], A Psalm [04210] for the sons [01121] of Korah [07141]. LORD [03068], thou hast been favourable [07521] unto thy land [0776]: thou hast brought back [07725] the captivity [07622] [07622] of Jacob [03290].
  King James To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. LORD, thou hast been favourable unto thy land: thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
On the ground of former mercies, the Psalmist prays for renewed blessings, and, confidently expecting them, rejoices. (Psa 85:1-13)

captivity--not necessarily the Babylonian, but any great evil (Psa 14:7).
7 Oh that [05414] the salvation [03444] of Israel [03478] were come out of Zion [06726]! when the LORD [03068] bringeth back [07725] the captivity [07622] of his people [05971], Jacob [03290] shall rejoice [01523], and Israel [03478] shall be glad [08055].
1 To the chief Musician [05329], A Psalm [04210] for the sons [01121] of Korah [07141]. LORD [03068], thou hast been favourable [07521] unto thy land [0776]: thou hast brought back [07725] the captivity [07622] [07622] of Jacob [03290].
2 Thou hast forgiven [05375] the iniquity [05771] of thy people [05971], thou hast covered [03680] all their sin [02403]. Selah [05542].
3 Thou hast taken away [0622] all thy wrath [05678]: thou hast turned [07725] thyself from the fierceness [02740] of thine anger [0639].
4 Turn [07725] us, O God [0430] of our salvation [03468], and cause thine anger [03708] toward us to cease [06565].
5 Wilt thou be angry [0599] with us for ever [05769]? wilt thou draw out [04900] thine anger [0639] to all [01755] generations [01755]?
6 Wilt thou not revive [02421] us again [07725]: that thy people [05971] may rejoice [08055] in thee?
7 Shew [07200] us thy mercy [02617], O LORD [03068], and grant [05414] us thy salvation [03468].
8 I will hear [08085] what God [0410] the LORD [03068] will speak [01696]: for he will speak [01696] peace [07965] unto his people [05971], and to his saints [02623]: but let them not turn again [07725] to folly [03690].
9 Surely his salvation [03468] is nigh [07138] them that fear [03373] him; that glory [03519] may dwell [07931] in our land [0776].
10 Mercy [02617] and truth [0571] are met together [06298]; righteousness [06664] and peace [07965] have kissed [05401] each other.
11 Truth [0571] shall spring out [06779] of the earth [0776]; and righteousness [06664] shall look down [08259] from heaven [08064].
12 Yea, the LORD [03068] shall give [05414] that which is good [02896]; and our land [0776] shall yield [05414] her increase [02981].
13 Righteousness [06664] shall go [01980] before [06440] him; and shall set [07760] us in the way [01870] of his steps [06471].
12 Wherefore should the Egyptians [04714] speak [0559], and say [0559], For mischief [07451] did he bring [03318] them out, to slay [02026] them in the mountains [02022], and to consume [03615] them from the face [06440] of the earth [0127]? Turn [07725] from thy fierce [02740] wrath [0639], and repent [05162] of this evil [07451] against thy people [05971].
25 Therefore thus saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069]; Now will I bring again [07725] the captivity [07622] [07622] of Jacob [03290], and have mercy [07355] upon the whole house [01004] of Israel [03478], and will be jealous [07065] for my holy [06944] name [08034];
6 Therefore say [0559] unto the house [01004] of Israel [03478], Thus saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069]; Repent [07725], and turn [07725] yourselves from your idols [01544]; and turn away [07725] your faces [06440] from all your abominations [08441].
4 Turn [07725] us, O God [0430] of our salvation [03468], and cause thine anger [03708] toward us to cease [06565].
19 And it came to pass, while Saul [07586] talked [01696] unto the priest [03548], that the noise [01995] that was in the host [04264] of the Philistines [06430] went [03212] on [01980] and increased [07227]: and Saul [07586] said [0559] unto the priest [03548], Withdraw [0622] thine hand [03027].
29 Thou hidest [05641] thy face [06440], they are troubled [0926]: thou takest away [0622] their breath [07307], they die [01478], and return [07725] to their dust [06083].
15 The sun [08121] and the moon [03394] shall be darkened [06937], and the stars [03556] shall withdraw [0622] their shining [05051].
4 Turn [07725] us, O God [0430] of our salvation [03468], and cause thine anger [03708] toward us to cease [06565].
1 A Psalm of David [01732], Maschil [04905]. Blessed [0835] is he whose transgression [06588] is forgiven [05375], whose sin [02401] is covered [03680].
3 Thou hast taken away [0622] all thy wrath [05678]: thou hast turned [07725] thyself from the fierceness [02740] of thine anger [0639].
3 Thou hast taken away [0622] all thy wrath [05678]: thou hast turned [07725] thyself from the fierceness [02740] of thine anger [0639].
11 The LORD [03068] taketh pleasure [07521] in them that fear [03373] him, in those that hope [03176] in his mercy [02617].
4 Thou art my King [04428], O God [0430]: command [06680] deliverances [03444] for Jacob [03290].
7 Oh that [05414] the salvation [03444] of Israel [03478] were come out of Zion [06726]! when the LORD [03068] bringeth back [07725] the captivity [07622] of his people [05971], Jacob [03290] shall rejoice [01523], and Israel [03478] shall be glad [08055].
5 Wilt thou be angry [0599] with us for ever [05769]? wilt thou draw out [04900] thine anger [0639] to all [01755] generations [01755]?
9 Surely his salvation [03468] is nigh [07138] them that fear [03373] him; that glory [03519] may dwell [07931] in our land [0776].
5 Wilt thou be angry [0599] with us for ever [05769]? wilt thou draw out [04900] thine anger [0639] to all [01755] generations [01755]?
6 Wilt thou not revive [02421] us again [07725]: that thy people [05971] may rejoice [08055] in thee?
7 Shew [07200] us thy mercy [02617], O LORD [03068], and grant [05414] us thy salvation [03468].
8 I will hear [08085] what God [0410] the LORD [03068] will speak [01696]: for he will speak [01696] peace [07965] unto his people [05971], and to his saints [02623]: but let them not turn again [07725] to folly [03690].