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Selected Verse: Psalms 84:5 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 84:5 Strong Concordance Blessed [0835] is the man [0120] whose strength [05797] is in thee; in whose heart [03824] are the ways [04546] of them.
  King James Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
(Compare Psa 68:28).

in whose heart . . . the ways--that is, who knows and loves the way to God's favor (Pro 16:17; Isa 40:3-4).
3 The voice [06963] of him that crieth [07121] in the wilderness [04057], Prepare [06437] ye the way [01870] of the LORD [03068], make straight [03474] in the desert [06160] a highway [04546] for our God [0430].
4 Every valley [01516] shall be exalted [05375], and every mountain [02022] and hill [01389] shall be made low [08213]: and the crooked [06121] shall be made straight [04334], and the rough places [07406] plain [01237]:
17 The highway [04546] of the upright [03477] is to depart [05493] from evil [07451]: he that keepeth [05341] his way [01870] preserveth [08104] his soul [05315].
28 Thy God [0430] hath commanded [06680] thy strength [05797]: strengthen [05810], O God [0430], that which [02098] thou hast wrought [06466] for us.
7 They go [03212] from strength [02428] to strength [02428], every one of them in Zion [06726] appeareth [07200] before God [0430].
31 But they that wait [06960] upon the LORD [03068] shall renew [02498] their strength [03581]; they shall mount up [05927] with wings [083] as eagles [05404]; they shall run [07323], and not be weary [03021]; and they shall walk [03212], and not faint [03286].
2 He that walketh [01980] uprightly [08549], and worketh [06466] righteousness [06664], and speaketh [01696] the truth [0571] in his heart [03824].
6 Mine eyes [05869] shall be upon the faithful [0539] of the land [0776], that they may dwell [03427] with me: he that walketh [01980] in a perfect [08549] way [01870], he shall serve [08334] me.
25 And the king [04428] said [0559] unto Zadok [06659], Carry back [07725] the ark [0727] of God [0430] into the city [05892]: if I shall find [04672] favour [02580] in the eyes [05869] of the LORD [03068], he will bring me again [07725], and shew [07200] me both it, and his habitation [05116]:
11 For the LORD [03068] God [0430] is a sun [08121] and shield [04043]: the LORD [03068] will give [05414] grace [02580] and glory [03519]: no good [02896] thing will he withhold [04513] from them that walk [01980] uprightly [08549].
19 Then thou spakest [01696] in vision [02377] to thy holy one [02623], and saidst [0559], I have laid [07737] help [05828] upon one that is mighty [01368]; I have exalted [07311] one chosen [0977] out of the people [05971].
50 Till the LORD [03068] look down [08259], and behold [07200] from heaven [08064].
22 Thus Joash [03101] the king [04428] remembered [02142] not the kindness [02617] which Jehoiada [03077] his father [01] had done [06213] to him, but slew [02026] his son [01121]. And when he died [04194], he said [0559], The LORD [03068] look [07200] upon it, and require [01875] it.
12 For the sin [02403] of their mouth [06310] and the words [01697] of their lips [08193] let them even be taken [03920] in their pride [01347]: and for cursing [0423] and lying [03585] which they speak [05608].
9 Behold [07200], O God [0430] our shield [04043], and look [05027] upon the face [06440] of thine anointed [04899].
16 And [2532] of [1537] his [846] fulness [4138] have [2983] all [3956] we [2249] received [2983], and [2532] grace [5485] for [473] grace [5485].
31 But they that wait [06960] upon the LORD [03068] shall renew [02498] their strength [03581]; they shall mount up [05927] with wings [083] as eagles [05404]; they shall run [07323], and not be weary [03021]; and they shall walk [03212], and not faint [03286].
2 Thou hast planted [05193] them, yea, they have taken root [08327]: they grow [03212], yea, they bring forth [06213] fruit [06529]: thou art near [07138] in their mouth [06310], and far from [07350] their reins [03629].
2 Oh that [05414] I had in the wilderness [04057] a lodging place [04411] of wayfaring men [0732]; that I might leave [05800] my people [05971], and go [03212] from them! for they be all adulterers [05003], an assembly [06116] of treacherous men [0898].
1 The wilderness [04057] and the solitary place [06723] shall be glad [07797] for them; and the desert [06160] shall rejoice [01523], and blossom [06524] as the rose [02261].
18 I will open [06605] rivers [05104] in high places [08205], and fountains [04599] in the midst [08432] of the valleys [01237]: I will make [07760] the wilderness [04057] a pool [098] of water [04325], and the dry [06723] land [0776] springs [04161] of water [04325].
7 And the parched ground [08273] shall become a pool [098], and the thirsty land [06774] springs [04002] of water [04325]: in the habitation [05116] of dragons [08577], where each lay [07258], shall be grass [02682] with reeds [07070] and rushes [01573].
22 And the Philistines [06430] came up [05927] yet again [03254], and spread [05203] themselves in the valley [06010] of Rephaim [07497].
23 And when David [01732] enquired [07592] of the LORD [03068], he said [0559], Thou shalt not go up [05927]; but fetch a compass [05437] behind [0310] them, and come [0935] upon them over against [04136] the mulberry trees [01057].
24 And let it be, when thou hearest [08085] the sound [06963] of a going [06807] in the tops [07218] of the mulberry trees [01057], that then thou shalt bestir [02782] thyself: for then shall the LORD [03068] go out [03318] before [06440] thee, to smite [05221] the host [04264] of the Philistines [06430].
25 And David [01732] did so [06213], as the LORD [03068] had commanded [06680] him; and smote [05221] the Philistines [06430] from Geba [01387] until thou come [0935] to Gazer [01507].
21 Bless [01288] ye the LORD [03068], all ye his hosts [06635]; ye ministers [08334] of his, that do [06213] his pleasure [07522].
24 And let it be, when thou hearest [08085] the sound [06963] of a going [06807] in the tops [07218] of the mulberry trees [01057], that then thou shalt bestir [02782] thyself: for then shall the LORD [03068] go out [03318] before [06440] thee, to smite [05221] the host [04264] of the Philistines [06430].
11 He bindeth [02280] the floods [05104] from overflowing [01065]; and the thing that is hid [08587] bringeth he forth [03318] to light [0216].
21 Set thee up [05324] waymarks [06725], make [07760] thee high heaps [08564]: set [07896] thine heart [03820] toward the highway [04546], even the way [01870] which thou wentest [01980]: turn again [07725], O virgin [01330] of Israel [03478], turn again [07725] to these thy cities [05892].
8 The highways [04546] lie waste [08074], the wayfaring man [05674] [0734] ceaseth [07673]: he hath broken [06565] the covenant [01285], he hath despised [03988] the cities [05892], he regardeth [02803] no man [0582].
3 The voice [06963] of him that crieth [07121] in the wilderness [04057], Prepare [06437] ye the way [01870] of the LORD [03068], make straight [03474] in the desert [06160] a highway [04546] for our God [0430].
6 Who passing [05674] through the valley [06010] of Baca [01056] [01057] make [07896] it a well [04599]; the rain [04175] also filleth [05844] the pools [01293].