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Selected Verse: Psalms 78:24 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 78:24 Strong Concordance And had rained down [04305] manna [04478] upon them to eat [0398], and had given [05414] them of the corn [01715] of heaven [08064].
  King James And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
And had rained down manna upon them to eat - Exo 16:4-5, Exo 16:14; Num 11:7-9. Compare the notes at Joh 6:31.

And had given them of the corn of heaven - Food that seemed to come down from heaven. The reference here is to the manna, and it is called corn in the sense that it was food, or that it supplied the place of grain. It may also have been called corn from its resemblance to grain. See Exo 16:31.
31 And the house [01004] of Israel [03478] called [07121] the name [08034] thereof Manna [04478]: and it was like coriander [01407] seed [02233], white [03836]; and the taste [02940] of it was like wafers [06838] made with honey [01706].
31 Our [2257] fathers [3962] did eat [5315] manna [3131] in [1722] the desert [2048]; as [2531] it is [2076] written [1125], He gave [1325] them [846] bread [740] from [1537] heaven [3772] to eat [5315].
7 And the manna [04478] was as coriander [01407] seed [02233], and the colour [05869] thereof as the colour [05869] of bdellium [0916].
8 And the people [05971] went about [07751], and gathered [03950] it, and ground [02912] it in mills [07347], or beat [01743] it in a mortar [04085], and baked [01310] it in pans [06517], and made [06213] cakes [05692] of it: and the taste [02940] of it was as the taste [02940] of fresh [03955] oil [08081].
9 And when the dew [02919] fell [03381] upon the camp [04264] in the night [03915], the manna [04478] fell [03381] upon it.
14 And when the dew [02919] that lay [07902] was gone up [05927], behold, upon the face [06440] of the wilderness [04057] there lay a small [01851] round thing [02636], as small [01851] as the hoar frost [03713] on the ground [0776].
4 Then said [0559] the LORD [03068] unto Moses [04872], Behold, I will rain [04305] bread [03899] from heaven [08064] for you; and the people [05971] shall go out [03318] and gather [03950] a certain rate [01697] every day [03117] [03117], that I may prove [05254] them, whether they will walk [03212] in my law [08451], or no.
5 And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth [08345] day [03117] they shall prepare [03559] that which [0834] they bring in [0935]; and it shall be twice [04932] as much as they gather [03950] daily [03117] [03117].