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Selected Verse: Psalms 77:16 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 77:16 Strong Concordance The waters [04325] saw [07200] thee, O God [0430], the waters [04325] saw [07200] thee; they were afraid [02342]: the depths [08415] also were troubled [07264].
  King James The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee; they were afraid: the depths also were troubled.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
The waters saw thee ... - The waters of the Red Sea and the Jordan. There is great sublimity in this expression; in representing the waters as conscious of the presence of God, and as fleeing in consternation at his presence. Compare Rev 20:11; Hab 3:10-11.

They were afraid - On the word used here - חול chûl - see Psa 10:5, note; Psa 55:4, note. It may mean here to tremble or quake, as in pain Deu 2:25; Joe 2:6. - Alarm, distress, anguish, came over the waters at the presence of God; and they trembled, and fled.

The depths also were troubled - The deep waters, or the waters "in" the depths. It was not a ripple on the surface; but the very depths - the usually calm and undisturbed waters that lie below the surface - were heaved into commotion at the divine presence.
6 Before their face [06440] the people [05971] shall be much pained [02342]: all faces [06440] shall gather [06908] blackness [06289].
25 This day [03117] will I begin [02490] to put [05414] the dread [06343] of thee and the fear [03374] of thee upon the nations [06440] [05971] that are under the whole heaven [08064], who shall hear [08085] report [08088] of thee, and shall tremble [07264], and be in anguish [02342] because of thee [06440].
4 My heart [03820] is sore pained [02342] within [07130] me: and the terrors [0367] of death [04194] are fallen [05307] upon me.
5 His ways [01870] are always [06256] grievous [02342]; thy judgments [04941] are far above [04791] out of his sight: as for all his enemies [06887], he puffeth [06315] at them.
10 The mountains [02022] saw [07200] thee, and they trembled [02342]: the overflowing [02230] of the water [04325] passed by [05674]: the deep [08415] uttered [05414] his voice [06963], and lifted up [05375] his hands [03027] on high [07315].
11 The sun [08121] and moon [03394] stood still [05975] in their habitation [02073]: at the light [0216] of thine arrows [02671] they went [01980], and at the shining [05051] of thy glittering [01300] spear [02595].
11 And [2532] I saw [1492] a great [3173] white [3022] throne [2362], and [2532] him that sat [2521] on [1909] it [846], from [575] whose [3739] face [4383] the earth [1093] and [2532] the heaven [3772] fled away [5343]; and [2532] there was found [2147] no [3756] place [5117] for them [846].
15 Because my people [05971] hath forgotten [07911] me, they have burned incense [06999] to vanity [07723], and they have caused them to stumble [03782] in their ways [01870] from the ancient [05769] paths [07635] [07635], to walk [03212] in paths [05410], in a way [01870] not cast up [05549];
4 His lightnings [01300] enlightened [0215] the world [08398]: the earth [0776] saw [07200], and trembled [02342].
19 Thy way [01870] is in the sea [03220], and thy path [07635] in the great [07227] waters [04325], and thy footsteps [06119] are not known [03045].
13 As for the wheels [0212], it was cried [07121] unto them in my hearing [0241], O wheel [01534].
14 As the fire [0784] burneth [01197] a wood [03293], and as the flame [03852] setteth [03857] the mountains [02022] on fire [03857];
4 The voice [06963] of the LORD [03068] is powerful [03581]; the voice [06963] of the LORD [03068] is full of majesty [01926].
34 Ascribe [05414] ye strength [05797] unto God [0430]: his excellency [01346] is over Israel [03478], and his strength [05797] is in the clouds [07834].
5 And the LORD [03068] will create [01254] upon every dwelling place [04349] of mount [02022] Zion [06726], and upon her assemblies [04744], a cloud [06051] and smoke [06227] by day [03119], and the shining [05051] of a flaming [03852] fire [0784] by night [03915]: for upon all the glory [03519] shall be a defence [02646].
12 At the brightness [05051] that was before him his thick clouds [05645] passed [05674], hail [01259] stones and coals [01513] of fire [0784].
6 Thy righteousness [06666] is like the great [0410] mountains [02042]; thy judgments [04941] are a great [07227] deep [08415]: O LORD [03068], thou preservest [03467] man [0120] and beast [0929].
12 At the brightness [05051] that was before him his thick clouds [05645] passed [05674], hail [01259] stones and coals [01513] of fire [0784].
19 Thy way [01870] is in the sea [03220], and thy path [07635] in the great [07227] waters [04325], and thy footsteps [06119] are not known [03045].
18 The voice [06963] of thy thunder [07482] was in the heaven [01534]: the lightnings [01300] lightened [0215] the world [08398]: the earth [0776] trembled [07264] and shook [07493].
10 The mountains [02022] saw [07200] thee, and they trembled [02342]: the overflowing [02230] of the water [04325] passed by [05674]: the deep [08415] uttered [05414] his voice [06963], and lifted up [05375] his hands [03027] on high [07315].