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Selected Verse: Psalms 73:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 73:8 Strong Concordance They are corrupt [04167], and speak [01696] wickedly [07451] concerning oppression [06233]: they speak [01696] loftily [04791].
  King James They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
They are corrupt--or, literally, "they deride," they speak maliciously and arrogantly and invade even heaven with blasphemy (Rev 13:6), and cover earth with slanders (Job 21:7-14).
7 Wherefore do the wicked [07563] live [02421], become old [06275], yea, are mighty [01396] in power [02428]?
8 Their seed [02233] is established [03559] in their sight [06440] with them, and their offspring [06631] before their eyes [05869].
9 Their houses [01004] are safe [07965] from fear [06343], neither is the rod [07626] of God [0433] upon them.
10 Their bull [07794] gendereth [05674], and faileth [01602] not; their cow [06510] calveth [06403], and casteth not her calf [07921].
11 They send forth [07971] their little ones [05759] like a flock [06629], and their children [03206] dance [07540].
12 They take [05375] the timbrel [08596] and harp [03658], and rejoice [08055] at the sound [06963] of the organ [05748].
13 They spend [03615] [01086] their days [03117] in wealth [02896], and in a moment [07281] go down [02865] [05181] to the grave [07585].
14 Therefore they say [0559] unto God [0410], Depart [05493] from us; for we desire [02654] not the knowledge [01847] of thy ways [01870].
6 And [2532] he opened [455] his [846] mouth [4750] in [1519] blasphemy [988] against [4314] God [2316], to blaspheme [987] his [846] name [3686], and [2532] his [846] tabernacle [4633], and [2532] them that dwell [4637] in [1722] heaven [3772].