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Selected Verse: Psalms 69:31 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 69:31 Strong Concordance This also shall please [03190] the LORD [03068] better [03190] than an ox [07794] or bullock [06499] that hath horns [07160] and hoofs [06536].
  King James This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
This also shall please the Lord - This will be more acceptable to the Lord.

Better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs - Better than a burnt sacrifice - horns, and hoofs, and all. The original here is, "horning and hoofing;" that is, an ox whose horns were fully grown, and whose hoofs were compact and solid; a perfect animal in its kind, offered whole on the altar. The psalmist does not say that such an offering would "not" be acceptable to the Lord, but that the offering of the heart - the sacrifice of praise - would be "more" acceptable than any such offering in itself considered. This sentiment accords with the common language of the Old Testament. See the notes at Psa 40:6-8. Compare Psa 51:16-17; Sa1 15:22.
22 And Samuel [08050] said [0559], Hath the LORD [03068] as great delight [02656] in burnt offerings [05930] and sacrifices [02077], as in obeying [08085] the voice [06963] of the LORD [03068]? Behold, to obey [08085] is better [02896] than sacrifice [02077], and to hearken [07181] than the fat [02459] of rams [0352].
16 For thou desirest [02654] not sacrifice [02077]; else would I give [05414] it: thou delightest [07521] not in burnt offering [05930].
17 The sacrifices [02077] of God [0430] are a broken [07665] spirit [07307]: a broken [07665] and a contrite [01794] heart [03820], O God [0430], thou wilt not despise [0959].
6 Sacrifice [02077] and offering [04503] thou didst not desire [02654]; mine ears [0241] hast thou opened [03738]: burnt offering [05930] and sin offering [02401] hast thou not required [07592].
7 Then said [0559] I, Lo, I come [0935]: in the volume [04039] of the book [05612] it is written [03789] of me,
8 I delight [02654] to do [06213] thy will [07522], O my God [0430]: yea, thy law [08451] is within [08432] my heart [04578].