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Selected Verse: Psalms 69:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 69:11 Strong Concordance I made [05414] sackcloth [08242] also my garment [03830]; and I became a proverb [04912] to them.
  King James I made sackcloth also my garment; and I became a proverb to them.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
I made sackcloth also my garment - I put on sackcloth. This was often done as expressive of grief and sorrow. See Psa 30:11, note; Psa 35:13, note. Compare Isa 22:12; Dan 9:3. In the case here referred to, this was an act of religion; an expression of penitence and humiliation.

And I became a proverb to them - A jest; a subject of derision; a by-word. They ridiculed me for it. Compare Kg1 9:7.
7 Then will I cut off [03772] Israel [03478] out [06440] of the land [0127] which I have given [05414] them; and this house [01004], which I have hallowed [06942] for my name [08034], will I cast out [07971] of my sight [06440]; and Israel [03478] shall be a proverb [04912] and a byword [08148] among all people [05971]:
3 And I set [05414] my face [06440] unto the Lord [0136] God [0430], to seek [01245] by prayer [08605] and supplications [08469], with fasting [06685], and sackcloth [08242], and ashes [0665]:
12 And in that day [03117] did the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] of hosts [06635] call [07121] to weeping [01065], and to mourning [04553], and to baldness [07144], and to girding [02296] with sackcloth [08242]:
13 But as for me, when they were sick [02470], my clothing [03830] was sackcloth [08242]: I humbled [06031] my soul [05315] with fasting [06685]; and my prayer [08605] returned [07725] into mine own bosom [02436].
11 Thou hast turned [02015] for me my mourning [04553] into dancing [04234]: thou hast put off [06605] my sackcloth [08242], and girded [0247] me with gladness [08057];