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Selected Verse: Psalms 68:14 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 68:14 Strong Concordance When the Almighty [07706] scattered [06566] kings [04428] in it, it was white as snow [07949] in Salmon [06756].
  King James When the Almighty scattered kings in it, it was white as snow in Salmon.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Their enemies dispersed, the contrast of their prosperity with their former distress is represented by that of the snow with the dark and somber shades of Salmon.
48 And Abimelech [040] gat him up [05927] to mount [02022] Zalmon [06756], he and all the people [05971] that were with him; and Abimelech [040] took [03947] an axe [07134] in his hand [03027], and cut down [03772] a bough [07754] from the trees [06086], and took [05375] it, and laid [07760] it on his shoulder [07926], and said [0559] unto the people [05971] that were with him, What ye have seen [07200] me do [06213], make haste [04116], and do [06213] as I [03644] have done.
27 The leprosy [06883] therefore of Naaman [05283] shall cleave [01692] unto thee, and unto thy seed [02233] for ever [05769]. And he went out [03318] from his presence [06440] a leper [06879] as white as snow [07950].
20 And Benaiah [01141] the son [01121] of Jehoiada [03077], the son [01121] of a valiant [02428] man [0376] [0381], of Kabzeel [06909], who had done many [07227] acts [06467], he slew [05221] two [08147] lionlike men [0739] of Moab [04124]: he went down [03381] also and slew [05221] a lion [0738] in the midst [08432] of a pit [0953] in time [03117] of snow [07950]:
10 And the cloud [06051] departed [05493] from off the tabernacle [0168]; and, behold, Miriam [04813] became leprous [06879], white as snow [07950]: and Aaron [0175] looked [06437] upon Miriam [04813], and, behold, she was leprous [06879].
6 And the LORD [03068] said [0559] furthermore [05750] unto him, Put [0935] now thine hand [03027] into thy bosom [02436]. And he put [0935] his hand [03027] into his bosom [02436]: and when he took [03318] it out, behold, his hand [03027] was leprous [06879] as snow [07950].
7 O God [0430], when thou wentest forth [03318] before [06440] thy people [05971], when thou didst march [06805] through the wilderness [03452]; Selah [05542]:
8 The earth [0776] shook [07493], the heavens [08064] also dropped [05197] at the presence [06440] of God [0430]: even Sinai [05514] itself [02088] was moved at the presence [06440] of God [0430], the God [0430] of Israel [03478].
9 Thou, O God [0430], didst send [05130] a plentiful [05071] rain [01653], whereby thou didst confirm [03559] thine inheritance [05159], when it was weary [03811].
5 They saw [07200] it, and so they marvelled [08539]; they were troubled [0926], and hasted away [02648].
6 Fear [07461] took hold [0270] upon them there, and pain [02427], as of a woman in travail [03205].