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Selected Verse: Psalms 57:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 57:8 Strong Concordance Awake up [05782], my glory [03519]; awake [05782], psaltery [05035] and harp [03658]: I myself will awake [05782] early [07837].
  King James Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Hence--he addresses his glory, or tongue (Psa 16:9; Psa 30:12), and his psaltery, or lute, and harp.

I myself . . . early--literally, "I will awaken dawn," poetically expressing his zeal and diligence.
12 To the end that my glory [03519] may sing [02167] praise to thee, and not be silent [01826]. O LORD [03068] my God [0430], I will give thanks [03034] unto thee for ever [05769].
9 Therefore my heart [03820] is glad [08055], and my glory [03519] rejoiceth [01523]: my flesh [01320] also shall rest [07931] in hope [0983].
9 And the evil [07451] spirit [07307] from the LORD [03068] was upon Saul [07586], as he sat [03427] in his house [01004] with his javelin [02595] in his hand [03027]: and David [01732] played [05059] with his hand [03027].
10 And it came to pass on the morrow [04283], that the evil [07451] spirit [07307] from God [0430] came [06743] upon Saul [07586], and he prophesied [05012] in the midst [08432] of the house [01004]: and David [01732] played [05059] with his hand [03027], as at other times [03117]: and there was a javelin [02595] in Saul's [07586] hand [03027].
23 And it came to pass, when the evil spirit [07307] from God [0430] was upon Saul [07586], that David [01732] took [03947] an harp [03658], and played [05059] with his hand [03027]: so Saul [07586] was refreshed [07304], and was well [02895], and the evil [07451] spirit [07307] departed [05493] from him.
2 Praise [03034] the LORD [03068] with harp [03658]: sing [02167] unto him with the psaltery [05035] and an instrument of ten strings [06218].
12 And the harp [03658], and the viol [05035], the tabret [08596], and pipe [02485], and wine [03196], are in their feasts [04960]: but they regard [05027] not the work [06467] of the LORD [03068], neither consider [07200] the operation [04639] of his hands [03027].
1 A Song [07892] or Psalm [04210] of David [01732]. O God [0430], my heart [03820] is fixed [03559]; I will sing [07891] and give praise [02167], even with my glory [03519].
2 Awake [05782], psaltery [05035] and harp [03658]: I myself will awake [05782] early [07837].
3 I will praise [03034] thee, O LORD [03068], among the people [05971]: and I will sing praises [02167] unto thee among the nations [03816].
4 For thy mercy [02617] is great [01419] above the heavens [08064]: and thy truth [0571] reacheth unto the clouds [07834].
5 Be thou exalted [07311], O God [0430], above the heavens [08064]: and thy glory [03519] above all the earth [0776];
6 That thy beloved [03039] may be delivered [02502]: save [03467] with thy right hand [03225], and answer [06030] me.
7 God [0430] hath spoken [01696] in his holiness [06944]; I will rejoice [05937], I will divide [02505] Shechem [07927], and mete out [04058] the valley [06010] of Succoth [05523].
8 Gilead [01568] is mine; Manasseh [04519] is mine; Ephraim [0669] also is the strength [04581] of mine head [07218]; Judah [03063] is my lawgiver [02710];
9 Moab [04124] is my washpot [07366] [05518]; over Edom [0123] will I cast out [07993] my shoe [05275]; over Philistia [06429] will I triumph [07321].
10 Who will bring [02986] me into the strong [04013] city [05892]? who will lead [05148] me into Edom [0123]?
11 Wilt not thou, O God [0430], who hast cast us off [02186]? and wilt not thou, O God [0430], go forth [03318] with our hosts [06635]?
12 Give [03051] us help [05833] from trouble [06862]: for vain [07723] is the help [08668] of man [0120].
13 Through God [0430] we shall do [06213] valiantly [02428]: for he it is that shall tread down [0947] our enemies [06862].
1 A Song [07892] or Psalm [04210] of David [01732]. O God [0430], my heart [03820] is fixed [03559]; I will sing [07891] and give praise [02167], even with my glory [03519].
2 Awake [05782], psaltery [05035] and harp [03658]: I myself will awake [05782] early [07837].
3 I will praise [03034] thee, O LORD [03068], among the people [05971]: and I will sing praises [02167] unto thee among the nations [03816].
4 For thy mercy [02617] is great [01419] above the heavens [08064]: and thy truth [0571] reacheth unto the clouds [07834].
5 Be thou exalted [07311], O God [0430], above the heavens [08064]: and thy glory [03519] above all the earth [0776];