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Selected Verse: Psalms 54:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 54:6 Strong Concordance I will freely [05071] sacrifice [02076] unto thee: I will praise [03034] thy name [08034], O LORD [03068]; for it is good [02896].
  King James I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
I will freely, &c.--or, present a freewill offering (Lev 7:16; Num 15:3).
3 And will make [06213] an offering by fire [0801] unto the LORD [03068], a burnt offering [05930], or a sacrifice [02077] in performing [06381] a vow [05088], or in a freewill offering [05071], or in your solemn feasts [04150], to make [06213] a sweet [05207] savour [07381] unto the LORD [03068], of the herd [01241], or of the flock [06629]:
16 But if the sacrifice [02077] of his offering [07133] be a vow [05088], or a voluntary offering [05071], it shall be eaten [0398] the same day [03117] that he offereth [07126] his sacrifice [02077]: and on the morrow [04283] also the remainder [03498] of it shall be eaten [0398]:
9 I will praise [03034] thee for ever [05769], because thou hast done [06213] it: and I will wait [06960] on thy name [08034]; for it is good [02896] before thy saints [02623].
39 These things ye shall do [06213] unto the LORD [03068] in your set feasts [04150], beside your vows [05088], and your freewill offerings [05071], for your burnt offerings [05930], and for your meat offerings [04503], and for your drink offerings [05262], and for your peace offerings [08002].
3 And will make [06213] an offering by fire [0801] unto the LORD [03068], a burnt offering [05930], or a sacrifice [02077] in performing [06381] a vow [05088], or in a freewill offering [05071], or in your solemn feasts [04150], to make [06213] a sweet [05207] savour [07381] unto the LORD [03068], of the herd [01241], or of the flock [06629]:
18 Speak [01696] unto Aaron [0175], and to his sons [01121], and unto all the children [01121] of Israel [03478], and say [0559] unto them, Whatsoever [0376] he be of the house [01004] of Israel [03478], or of the strangers [01616] in Israel [03478], that will offer [07126] his oblation [07133] for all his vows [05088], and for all his freewill offerings [05071], which they will offer [07126] unto the LORD [03068] for a burnt offering [05930];
16 But if the sacrifice [02077] of his offering [07133] be a vow [05088], or a voluntary offering [05071], it shall be eaten [0398] the same day [03117] that he offereth [07126] his sacrifice [02077]: and on the morrow [04283] also the remainder [03498] of it shall be eaten [0398]:
3 And they received [03947] of [06440] Moses [04872] all the offering [08641], which the children [01121] of Israel [03478] had brought [0935] for the work [04399] of the service [05656] of the sanctuary [06944], to make [06213] it withal. And they brought [0935] yet unto him free offerings [05071] every morning [01242].
29 The children [01121] of Israel [03478] brought [0935] a willing offering [05071] unto the LORD [03068], every man [0376] and woman [0802], whose [0834] heart [03820] made them willing [05068] to bring [0935] for all manner of work [04399], which the LORD [03068] had commanded [06680] to be made [06213] by the hand [03027] of Moses [04872].