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Selected Verse: Psalms 54:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 54:4 Strong Concordance Behold, God [0430] is mine helper [05826]: the Lord [0136] is with them that uphold [05564] my soul [05315].
  King James Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
(Compare Psa 30:10).

with them--on their side, and for me (compare Psa 46:11).
11 The LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] is with us; the God [0430] of Jacob [03290] is our refuge [04869]. Selah [05542].
10 Hear [08085], O LORD [03068], and have mercy [02603] upon me: LORD [03068], be thou my helper [05826].
10 I have not hid [03680] thy righteousness [06666] within [08432] my heart [03820]; I have declared [0559] thy faithfulness [0530] and thy salvation [08668]: I have not concealed [03582] thy lovingkindness [02617] and thy truth [0571] from the great [07227] congregation [06951].
18 I will give thee thanks [03034] in the great [07227] congregation [06951]: I will praise [01984] thee among much [06099] people [05971].
26 The meek [06035] shall eat [0398] and be satisfied [07646]: they shall praise [01984] the LORD [03068] that seek [01875] him: your heart [03824] shall live [02421] for ever [05703].
12 For the sin [02403] of their mouth [06310] and the words [01697] of their lips [08193] let them even be taken [03920] in their pride [01347]: and for cursing [0423] and lying [03585] which they speak [05608].
8 Thou tellest [05608] my wanderings [05112]: put [07760] thou my tears [01832] into thy bottle [04997]: are they not in thy book [05612]?
13 Arise [06965], O LORD [03068], disappoint [06923] him [06440], cast him down [03766]: deliver [06403] my soul [05315] from the wicked [07563], which is thy sword [02719]:
12 The righteous [06662] shall flourish [06524] like the palm tree [08558]: he shall grow [07685] like a cedar [0730] in Lebanon [03844].
11 Slay [02026] them not, lest my people [05971] forget [07911]: scatter [05128] them by thy power [02428]; and bring them down [03381], O Lord [0136] our shield [04043].
21 Yea, they opened their mouth [06310] wide [07337] against me, and said [0559], Aha [01889], aha [01889], our eye [05869] hath seen [07200] it.
27 Behold, the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] cometh [0935] from far [04801], burning [01197] with his anger [0639], and the burden [04858] thereof is heavy [03514]: his lips [08193] are full [04390] of indignation [02195], and his tongue [03956] as a devouring [0398] fire [0784]:
11 And the Israelitish [03482] woman's [0802] son [01121] blasphemed [05344] the name [08034] of the LORD, and cursed [07043]. And they brought [0935] him unto Moses [04872]: (and his mother's [0517] name [08034] was Shelomith [08019], the daughter [01323] of Dibri [01704], of the tribe [04294] of Dan [01835]:)
14 Offer [02076] unto God [0430] thanksgiving [08426]; and pay [07999] thy vows [05088] unto the most High [05945]:
3 And will make [06213] an offering by fire [0801] unto the LORD [03068], a burnt offering [05930], or a sacrifice [02077] in performing [06381] a vow [05088], or in a freewill offering [05071], or in your solemn feasts [04150], to make [06213] a sweet [05207] savour [07381] unto the LORD [03068], of the herd [01241], or of the flock [06629]:
7 For he hath delivered [05337] me out of all trouble [06869]: and mine eye [05869] hath seen [07200] his desire upon mine enemies [0341].
11 Teach [03384] me thy way [01870], O LORD [03068], and lead [05148] me in a plain [04334] path [0734], because of mine enemies [08324].
17 I will praise [03034] the LORD [03068] according to his righteousness [06664]: and will sing praise [02167] to the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] most high [05945].
7 For he hath delivered [05337] me out of all trouble [06869]: and mine eye [05869] hath seen [07200] his desire upon mine enemies [0341].
35 And it came to pass, when he saw [07200] her, that he rent [07167] his clothes [0899], and said [0559], Alas [0162], my daughter [01323]! thou hast brought [03766] me very [03766] low [03766], and thou art one of them that trouble [05916] me: for I have opened [06475] my mouth [06310] unto the LORD [03068], and I cannot [03201] go back [07725].
6 Moses [04872] and Aaron [0175] among his priests [03548], and Samuel [08050] among them that call [07121] upon his name [08034]; they called [07121] upon the LORD [03068], and he answered [06030] them.
7 The LORD [03068] taketh my part with them that help [05826] me: therefore shall I see [07200] my desire upon them that hate [08130] me.