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Selected Verse: Psalms 50:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 50:7 Strong Concordance Hear [08085], O my people [05971], and I will speak [01696]; O Israel [03478], and I will testify [05749] against thee: I am God [0430], even thy God [0430].
  King James Hear, O my people, and I will speak; O Israel, and I will testify against thee: I am God, even thy God.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
I will testify--that is, for failure to worship aught.

thy God--and so, by covenant as well as creation, entitled to a pure worship.
11 To what [04100] purpose is the multitude [07230] of your sacrifices [02077] unto me? saith [0559] the LORD [03068]: I am full [07646] of the burnt offerings [05930] of rams [0352], and the fat [02459] of fed beasts [04806]; and I delight [02654] not in the blood [01818] of bullocks [06499], or of lambs [03532], or of he goats [06260].
12 When ye come [0935] to appear [07200] before [06440] me, who hath required [01245] this at your hand [03027], to tread [07429] my courts [02691]?
13 Bring [0935] no more [03254] vain [07723] oblations [04503]; incense [07004] is an abomination [08441] unto me; the new moons [02320] and sabbaths [07676], the calling [07121] of assemblies [04744], I cannot away with [03201]; it is iniquity [0205], even the solemn meeting [06116].
14 Your new moons [02320] and your appointed feasts [04150] my soul [05315] hateth [08130]: they are a trouble [02960] unto me; I am weary [03811] to bear [05375] them.
15 And when ye spread forth [06566] your hands [03709], I will hide [05956] mine eyes [05869] from you: yea, when ye make many [07235] prayers [08605], I will not hear [08085]: your hands [03027] are full [04390] of blood [01818].
6 Wherewith shall I come before [06923] the LORD [03068], and bow [03721] myself before the high [04791] God [0430]? shall I come before [06923] him with burnt offerings [05930], with calves [05695] of a year [08141] old [01121]?
7 Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]?
8 He hath shewed [05046] thee, O man [0120], what is good [02896]; and what doth the LORD [03068] require [01875] of thee, but to do [06213] justly [04941], and to love [0160] mercy [02617], and to walk [03212] humbly [06800] with thy God [0430]?
6 For I desired [02654] mercy [02617], and not sacrifice [02077]; and the knowledge [01847] of God [0430] more than burnt offerings [05930].
3 To do [06213] justice [06666] and judgment [04941] is more acceptable [0977] to the LORD [03068] than sacrifice [02077].
16 But if the sacrifice [02077] of his offering [07133] be a vow [05088], or a voluntary offering [05071], it shall be eaten [0398] the same day [03117] that he offereth [07126] his sacrifice [02077]: and on the morrow [04283] also the remainder [03498] of it shall be eaten [0398]:
11 And this is the law [08451] of the sacrifice [02077] of peace offerings [08002], which he shall offer [07126] unto the LORD [03068].
12 If he offer [07126] it for a thanksgiving [08426], then he shall offer [07126] with the sacrifice [02077] of thanksgiving [08426] unleavened [04682] cakes [02471] mingled [01101] with oil [08081], and unleavened [04682] wafers [07550] anointed [04886] with oil [08081], and cakes [02471] mingled [01101] with oil [08081], of fine flour [05560], fried [07246].
13 Besides the cakes [02471], he shall offer [07126] for his offering [07133] leavened [02557] bread [03899] with the sacrifice [02077] of thanksgiving [08426] of his peace offerings [08002].
14 And of it he shall offer [07126] one [0259] out of the whole oblation [07133] for an heave offering [08641] unto the LORD [03068], and it shall be the priest's [03548] that sprinkleth [02236] the blood [01818] of the peace offerings [08002].
15 And the flesh [01320] of the sacrifice [02077] of his peace offerings [08002] for thanksgiving [08426] shall be eaten [0398] the same day [03117] that it is offered [07133]; he shall not leave [03240] any of it until the morning [01242].
14 Offer [02076] unto God [0430] thanksgiving [08426]; and pay [07999] thy vows [05088] unto the most High [05945]:
12 If I were hungry [07456], I would not tell [0559] thee: for the world [08398] is mine, and the fulness [04393] thereof.
14 Return [07725], we beseech thee, O God [0430] of hosts [06635]: look down [05027] from heaven [08064], and behold [07200], and visit [06485] this vine [01612];
13 Wherefore doth the wicked [07563] contemn [05006] God [0430]? he hath said [0559] in his heart [03820], Thou wilt not require [01875] it.
11 I will teach [03384] you by the hand [03027] of God [0410]: that which is with the Almighty [07706] will I not conceal [03582].
2 The dead bodies [05038] of thy servants [05650] have they given [05414] to be meat [03978] unto the fowls [05775] of the heaven [08064], the flesh [01320] of thy saints [02623] unto the beasts [02416] of the earth [0776].
9 I will take [03947] no bullock [06499] out of thy house [01004], nor he goats [06260] out of thy folds [04356].
18 For I will declare [05046] mine iniquity [05771]; I will be sorry [01672] for my sin [02403].
8 I will not reprove [03198] thee for thy sacrifices [02077] or thy burnt offerings [05930], to have been continually [08548] before me.
11 But my people [05971] would not hearken [08085] to my voice [06963]; and Israel [03478] would [014] none of me.
2 I am the LORD [03068] thy God [0430], which have brought [03318] thee out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], out of the house [01004] of bondage [05650].
9 There shall no strange [02114] god [0410] be in thee; neither shalt thou worship [07812] any strange [05236] god [0410].
7 Hear [08085], O my people [05971], and I will speak [01696]; O Israel [03478], and I will testify [05749] against thee: I am God [0430], even thy God [0430].