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Selected Verse: Psalms 49:14 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 49:14 Strong Concordance Like sheep [06629] they are laid [08371] in the grave [07585]; death [04194] shall feed [07462] on them; and the upright [03477] shall have dominion [07287] over them in the morning [01242]; and their beauty [06697] [06736] shall consume [01086] in the grave [07585] from their dwelling [02073].
  King James Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Like sheep--(compare Psa 49:12) unwittingly, they

are laid--or, "put," &c.

death shall feed on--or, better, "shall rule"

them--as a shepherd (compare "feed," Psa 28:9, Margin).

have dominion over--or, "subdue"

them in the morning--suddenly, or in their turn.

their beauty--literally, "form" or shape.

shall consume--literally, "is for the consumption," that is, of the grave.

from their dwelling--literally, "from their home (they go) to it," that is, the grave.
9 Save [03467] thy people [05971], and bless [01288] thine inheritance [05159]: feed [07462] them also, and lift them up [05375] for ever [05769].
12 Nevertheless man [0120] being in honour [03366] abideth [03885] not: he is like [04911] the beasts [0929] that perish [01820].
9 Therefore my heart [03820] is glad [08055], and my glory [03519] rejoiceth [01523]: my flesh [01320] also shall rest [07931] in hope [0983].
10 For thou wilt not leave [05800] my soul [05315] in hell [07585]; neither wilt thou suffer [05414] thine Holy One [02623] to see [07200] corruption [07845].
19 Thy dead [04191] men shall live [02421], together with my dead body [05038] shall they arise [06965]. Awake [06974] and sing [07442], ye that dwell [07931] in dust [06083]: for thy dew [02919] is as the dew [02919] of herbs [0219], and the earth [0776] shall cast out [05307] the dead [07496].
2 And many [07227] of them that sleep [03463] in the dust [06083] of the earth [0127] shall awake [06974], some to everlasting [05769] life [02416], and some to shame [02781] and everlasting [05769] contempt [01860].
5 For his anger [0639] endureth but a moment [07281]; in his favour [07522] is life [02416]: weeping [01065] may endure [03885] for a night [06153], but joy [07440] cometh in the morning [01242].
5 For in death [04194] there is no remembrance [02143] of thee: in the grave [07585] who shall give thee thanks [03034]?
21 Before I go [03212] whence I shall not return [07725], even to the land [0776] of darkness [02822] and the shadow of death [06757];
22 A land [0776] of darkness [05890], as darkness [0652] itself; and of the shadow of death [06757], without any order [05468], and where the light [03313] is as darkness [0652].
5 Yea also, because he transgresseth [0898] by wine [03196], he is a proud [03093] man [01397], neither keepeth at home [05115], who enlargeth [07337] his desire [05315] as hell [07585], and is as death [04194], and cannot be satisfied [07646], but gathereth [0622] unto him all nations [01471], and heapeth [06908] unto him all people [05971]: