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Selected Verse: Psalms 38:1 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 38:1 Strong Concordance A Psalm [04210] of David [01732], to bring to remembrance [02142]. O LORD [03068], rebuke [03198] me not in thy wrath [07110]: neither chasten [03256] me in thy hot displeasure [02534].
  King James A Psalm of David, to bring to remembrance. O LORD, rebuke me not in thy wrath: neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
To bring to remembrance, or, remind God of His mercy and himself of his sin. Appealing to God for relief from His heavy chastisement, the Psalmist avows his integrity before men, complains of the defection of friends and persecution of enemies, and in a submissive spirit, casting himself on God, with penitent confession he pleads God's covenant relation and his innocence of the charges of his enemies, and prays for divine comfort and help. (Psa. 38:1-22)

He deprecates deserved punishment, which is described (Psa 6:1), under the figure of bodily disease [Psa 38:3].
3 There is no soundness [04974] in my flesh [01320] because [06440] of thine anger [02195]; neither is there any rest [07965] in my bones [06106] because [06440] of my sin [02403].
1 To the chief Musician [05329] on Neginoth [05058] upon Sheminith [08067], A Psalm [04210] of David [01732]. O LORD [03068], rebuke [03198] me not in thine anger [0639], neither chasten [03256] me in thy hot displeasure [02534].
1 To the chief Musician [05329] on Neginoth [05058] upon Sheminith [08067], A Psalm [04210] of David [01732]. O LORD [03068], rebuke [03198] me not in thine anger [0639], neither chasten [03256] me in thy hot displeasure [02534].
1 To the chief Musician [05329] on Neginoth [05058] upon Sheminith [08067], A Psalm [04210] of David [01732]. O LORD [03068], rebuke [03198] me not in thine anger [0639], neither chasten [03256] me in thy hot displeasure [02534].
8 I am feeble [06313] and sore [03966] broken [01794]: I have roared [07580] by reason of the disquietness [05100] of my heart [03820].
14 I behaved [01980] myself as though he had been my friend [07453] or brother [0251]: I bowed down [07817] heavily [06937], as one that mourneth [057] for his mother [0517].
3 Therefore are my loins [04975] filled [04390] with pain [02479]: pangs [06735] have taken hold [0270] upon me, as the pangs [06735] of a woman that travaileth [03205]: I was bowed down [05753] at the hearing [08085] of it; I was dismayed [0926] at the seeing [07200] of it.
7 For my loins [03689] are filled [04390] with a loathsome [07033] disease: and there is no soundness [04974] in my flesh [01320].
6 From the sole [03709] of the foot [07272] even unto the head [07218] there is no soundness [04974] in it; but wounds [06482], and bruises [02250], and putrifying [02961] sores [04347]: they have not been closed [02115], neither bound up [02280], neither mollified [07401] with ointment [08081].
6 I am troubled [05753]; I am bowed down [07817] greatly [03966]; I go [01980] mourning [06937] all the day [03117] long.
5 My wounds [02250] stink [0887] and are corrupt [04743] because [06440] of my foolishness [0200].
5 My wounds [02250] stink [0887] and are corrupt [04743] because [06440] of my foolishness [0200].
4 For mine iniquities [05771] are gone over [05674] mine head [07218]: as an heavy [03515] burden [04853] they are too heavy [03513] for me.
11 When thou with rebukes [08433] dost correct [03256] man [0376] for iniquity [05771], thou makest his beauty [02530] to consume away [04529] like a moth [06211]: surely every man [0120] is vanity [01892]. Selah [05542].
4 For day [03119] and night [03915] thy hand [03027] was heavy [03513] upon me: my moisture [03955] is turned [02015] into the drought [02725] of summer [07019]. Selah [05542].
7 As for Samaria [08111], her king [04428] is cut off [01820] as the foam [07110] upon [06440] the water [04325].
35 Thou hast also given [05414] me the shield [04043] of thy salvation [03468]: and thy right hand [03225] hath holden me up [05582], and thy gentleness [06037] hath made me great [07235].
6 For promotion [07311] [02022] cometh neither from the east [04161], nor from the west [04628], nor from the south [04057].
19 Arise [06965], O LORD [03068]; let not man [0582] prevail [05810]: let the heathen [01471] be judged [08199] in thy sight [06440].
5 Therefore the ungodly [07563] shall not stand [06965] in the judgment [04941], nor sinners [02400] in the congregation [05712] of the righteous [06662].
2 For thine arrows [02671] stick fast [05181] in me, and thy hand [03027] presseth me sore [05181].
2 Have mercy [02603] upon me, O LORD [03068]; for I am weak [0536]: O LORD [03068], heal [07495] me; for my bones [06106] are vexed [0926].
2 For thine arrows [02671] stick fast [05181] in me, and thy hand [03027] presseth me sore [05181].
1 To the chief Musician [05329] on Neginoth [05058] upon Sheminith [08067], A Psalm [04210] of David [01732]. O LORD [03068], rebuke [03198] me not in thine anger [0639], neither chasten [03256] me in thy hot displeasure [02534].
2 Have mercy [02603] upon me, O LORD [03068]; for I am weak [0536]: O LORD [03068], heal [07495] me; for my bones [06106] are vexed [0926].
3 My soul [05315] is also sore [03966] vexed [0926]: but thou, O LORD [03068], how long?
4 Return [07725], O LORD [03068], deliver [02502] my soul [05315]: oh save [03467] me for thy mercies [02617]' sake.
5 For in death [04194] there is no remembrance [02143] of thee: in the grave [07585] who shall give thee thanks [03034]?
6 I am weary [03021] with my groaning [0585]; all the night [03915] make I my bed [04296] to swim [07811]; I water [04529] my couch [06210] with my tears [01832].
7 Mine eye [05869] is consumed [06244] because of grief [03708]; it waxeth old [06275] because of all mine enemies [06887].
8 Depart [05493] from me, all ye workers [06466] of iniquity [0205]; for the LORD [03068] hath heard [08085] the voice [06963] of my weeping [01065].
9 The LORD [03068] hath heard [08085] my supplication [08467]; the LORD [03068] will receive [03947] my prayer [08605].
10 Let all mine enemies [0341] be ashamed [0954] and sore [03966] vexed [0926]: let them return [07725] and be ashamed [0954] suddenly [07281].