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Selected Verse: Psalms 29:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 29:8 Strong Concordance The voice [06963] of the LORD [03068] shaketh [02342] the wilderness [04057]; the LORD [03068] shaketh [02342] the wilderness [04057] of Kadesh [06946].
  King James The voice of the LORD shaketh the wilderness; the LORD shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
the wilderness--especially Kadesh, south of Judea, is selected as another scene of this display of divine power, as a vast and desolate region impresses the mind, like mountains, with images of grandeur.
1 Then came [0935] the children [01121] of Israel [03478], even the whole congregation [05712], into the desert [04057] of Zin [06790] in the first [07223] month [02320]: and the people [05971] abode [03427] in Kadesh [06946]; and Miriam [04813] died [04191] there, and was buried [06912] there.
7 And Adonibezek [0137] said [0559], Threescore and ten [07657] kings [04428], having their thumbs [0931] [03027] and their great toes [07272] cut off [07112], gathered [03950] their meat under my table [07979]: as I have done [06213], so God [0430] hath requited [07999] me. And they brought [0935] him to Jerusalem [03389], and there he died [04191].
41 Then ye answered [06030] and said [0559] unto me, We have sinned [02398] against the LORD [03068], we will go up [05927] and fight [03898], according to all that the LORD [03068] our God [0430] commanded [06680] us. And when ye had girded [02296] on every man [0376] his weapons [03627] of war [04421], ye were ready [01951] to go up [05927] into the hill [02022].
42 And the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Say [0559] unto them, Go not up [05927], neither fight [03898]; for I am not among [07130] you; lest ye be smitten [05062] before [06440] your enemies [0341].
43 So I spake [01696] unto you; and ye would not hear [08085], but rebelled [04784] against the commandment [06310] of the LORD [03068], and went [05927] presumptuously [02102] up [05927] into the hill [02022].
44 And the Amorites [0567], which dwelt [03427] in that mountain [02022], came out [03318] against [07125] you, and chased [07291] you, as bees [01682] do [06213], and destroyed [03807] you in Seir [08165], even unto Hormah [02767].
45 And ye returned [07725] and wept [01058] before [06440] the LORD [03068]; but the LORD [03068] would not hearken [08085] to your voice [06963], nor give ear [0238] unto you.
46 So ye abode [03427] in Kadesh [06946] many [07227] days [03117], according unto the days [03117] that ye abode [03427] there.
1 And when king [04428] Arad [06166] the Canaanite [03669], which dwelt [03427] in the south [05045], heard [08085] tell that Israel [03478] came [0935] by the way [01870] of the spies [0871]; then he fought [03898] against Israel [03478], and took [07617] some of them prisoners [07628].
2 And Israel [03478] vowed [05087] a vow [05088] unto the LORD [03068], and said [0559], If thou wilt indeed [05414] deliver [05414] this people [05971] into my hand [03027], then I will utterly destroy [02763] their cities [05892].
3 And the LORD [03068] hearkened [08085] to the voice [06963] of Israel [03478], and delivered up [05414] the Canaanites [03669]; and they utterly destroyed [02763] them and their cities [05892]: and he called [07121] the name [08034] of the place [04725] Hormah [02767].
40 And they rose up early [07925] in the morning [01242], and gat them up [05927] into the top [07218] of the mountain [02022], saying [0559], Lo [02009], we be here, and will go up [05927] unto the place [04725] which the LORD [03068] hath promised [0559]: for we have sinned [02398].
41 And Moses [04872] said [0559], Wherefore now do ye transgress [05674] the commandment [06310] of the LORD [03068]? but it shall not prosper [06743].
42 Go not up [05927], for the LORD [03068] is not among [07130] you; that ye be not smitten [05062] before [06440] your enemies [0341].
43 For the Amalekites [06003] and the Canaanites [03669] are there before [06440] you, and ye shall fall [05307] by the sword [02719]: because ye are turned [07725] away [0310] from the LORD [03068], therefore the LORD [03068] will not be with you.
44 But they presumed [06075] to go up [05927] unto the hill [02022] top [07218]: nevertheless the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of the LORD [03068], and Moses [04872], departed [04185] not out [07130] of the camp [04264].
45 Then the Amalekites [06003] came down [03381], and the Canaanites [03669] which dwelt [03427] in that hill [02022], and smote [05221] them, and discomfited [03807] them, even unto Hormah [02767].
26 And they went [03212] and came [0935] to Moses [04872], and to Aaron [0175], and to all the congregation [05712] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478], unto the wilderness [04057] of Paran [06290], to Kadesh [06946]; and brought back [07725] word [01697] unto them, and unto all the congregation [05712], and shewed [07200] them the fruit [06529] of the land [0776].
17 And Moses [04872] sent [07971] them to spy out [08446] the land [0776] of Canaan [03667], and said [0559] unto them, Get you up [05927] this way southward [05045], and go up [05927] into the mountain [02022]:
5 The voice [06963] of the LORD [03068] breaketh [07665] the cedars [0730]; yea, the LORD [03068] breaketh [07665] the cedars [0730] of Lebanon [03844].
6 He maketh them also to skip [07540] like a calf [05695]; Lebanon [03844] and Sirion [08303] like a young [01121] unicorn [07214].