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Selected Verse: Psalms 2:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 2:7 Strong Concordance I will declare [05608] the decree [02706]: the LORD [03068] hath said [0559] unto me, Thou art my Son [01121]; this day [03117] have I begotten [03205] thee.
  King James I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
The king thus constituted declares the fundamental law of His kingdom, in the avowal of His Sonship, a relation involving His universal dominion.

this day have I begotten thee--as Sa2 7:14, "he shall be My son," is a solemn recognition of this relation. The interpretation of this passage to describe the inauguration of Christ as Mediatorial King, by no means impugns the Eternal Sonship of His divine nature. In Act 13:33, Paul's quotation does not imply an application of this passage to the resurrection; for "raised up" in Act 13:32 is used as in Act 2:30; Act 3:22, &c., to denote bringing Him into being as a man; and not that of resurrection, which it has only when, as in Act 2:34, allusion is made to His death (Rom 1:4). That passage says He was declared as to His divine nature to be the Son of God, by the resurrection, and only teaches that that event manifested a truth already existing. A similar recognition of His Sonship is introduced in Heb 5:5, by these ends, and by others in Mat 3:17; Mat 17:5.
5 While he [846] yet [2089] spake [2980], behold [2400], a bright [5460] cloud [3507] overshadowed [1982] them [846]: and [2532] behold [2400] a voice [5456] out of [1537] the cloud [3507], which said [3004], This [3778] is [2076] my [3450] beloved [27] Son [5207], in [1722] whom [3739] I am well pleased [2106]; hear ye [191] him [846].
17 And [2532] lo [2400] a voice [5456] from [1537] heaven [3772], saying [3004], This [3778] is [2076] my [3450] beloved [27] Son [5207], in [1722] whom [3739] I am well pleased [2106].
5 So [3779] also [2532] Christ [5547] glorified [1392] not [3756] himself [1438] to be made [1096] an high priest [749]; but [235] he that said [2980] unto [4314] him [846], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], to day [4594] have [1080] I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].
4 And declared [3724] to be the Son [5207] of God [2316] with [1722] power [1411], according [2596] to the spirit [4151] of holiness [42], by [1537] the resurrection [386] from the dead [3498]:
34 For [1063] David [1138] is not [3756] ascended [305] into [1519] the heavens [3772]: but [1161] he saith [3004] himself [846], The LORD [2962] said [2036] unto my [3450] Lord [2962], Sit thou [2521] on [1537] my [3450] right hand [1188],
22 For [1063] Moses [3475] truly [3303] said [2036] unto [4314] the fathers [3962], [3754] A prophet [4396] shall [450] the Lord [2962] your [5216] God [2316] raise up [450] unto you [5213] of [1537] your [5216] brethren [80], like [5613] unto me [1691]; him [846] shall ye hear [191] in [2596] all things [3956] whatsoever [3745] [302] he shall say [2980] unto [4314] you [5209].
30 Therefore [3767] being [5225] a prophet [4396], and [2532] knowing [1492] that [3754] God [2316] had sworn [3660] with an oath [3727] to him [846], that of [1537] the fruit [2590] of his [846] loins [3751], according to [2596] the flesh [4561], he would raise up [450] Christ [5547] to sit [2523] on [1909] his [846] throne [2362];
32 And [2532] we [2249] declare [2097] unto you [5209] glad tidings [2097], how that [3754] the promise [1860] which was made [1096] unto [4314] the fathers [3962],
33 God [2316] hath fulfilled [1603] the same [5026] unto us [2254] their [846] children [5043], in that he hath raised up [450] Jesus [2424] again [450]; as [5613] it is [1125] also [2532] written [1125] in [1722] the second [1208] psalm [5568], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].
14 I will be his father [01], and he shall be my son [01121]. If he commit iniquity [05753], I will chasten [03198] him with the rod [07626] of men [0582], and with the stripes [05061] of the children [01121] of men [0120]:
33 God [2316] hath fulfilled [1603] the same [5026] unto us [2254] their [846] children [5043], in that he hath raised up [450] Jesus [2424] again [450]; as [5613] it is [1125] also [2532] written [1125] in [1722] the second [1208] psalm [5568], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].
14 And [2532] the Word [3056] was made [1096] flesh [4561], and [2532] dwelt [4637] among [1722] us [2254], (and [2532] we beheld [2300] his [846] glory [1391], the glory [1391] as [5613] of the only begotten [3439] of [3844] the Father [3962],) full [4134] of grace [5485] and [2532] truth [225].
33 God [2316] hath fulfilled [1603] the same [5026] unto us [2254] their [846] children [5043], in that he hath raised up [450] Jesus [2424] again [450]; as [5613] it is [1125] also [2532] written [1125] in [1722] the second [1208] psalm [5568], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].
4 And declared [3724] to be the Son [5207] of God [2316] with [1722] power [1411], according [2596] to the spirit [4151] of holiness [42], by [1537] the resurrection [386] from the dead [3498]:
15 For [1063] though [1437] ye have [2192] ten thousand [3463] instructors [3807] in [1722] Christ [5547], yet [235] have ye not [3756] many [4183] fathers [3962]: for [1063] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] I [1473] have begotten [1080] you [5209] through [1223] the gospel [2098].
27 Saying [0559] to a stock [06086], Thou art my father [01]; and to a stone [068], Thou hast brought me forth [03205]: for they have turned [06437] their back [06203] unto me, and not their face [06440]: but in the time [06256] of their trouble [07451] they will say [0559], Arise [06965], and save [03467] us.
18 Of the Rock [06697] that begat [03205] thee thou art unmindful [07876], and hast forgotten [07911] God [0410] that formed [02342] thee.
18 And unto Enoch [02585] was born [03205] Irad [05897]: and Irad [05897] begat [03205] Mehujael [04232]: and Mehujael [04232] begat [03205] Methusael [04967]: and Methusael [04967] begat [03205] Lamech [03929].
1 And Adam [0120] knew [03045] [0853] Eve [02332] his wife [0802]; and she conceived [02029], and bare [03205] [0853] Cain [07014], and said [0559], I have gotten [07069] a man [0376] from [0854] the LORD [03068].
20 Which [3739] he wrought [1754] in [1722] Christ [5547], when he raised [1453] him [846] from [1537] the dead [3498], and [2532] set [2523] him at [1722] his own [846] right hand [1188] in [1722] the heavenly [2032] places,
21 Far above [5231] all [3956] principality [746], and [2532] power [1849], and [2532] might [1411], and [2532] dominion [2963], and [2532] every [3956] name [3686] that is named [3687], not [3756] only [3440] in [1722] this [5129] world [165], but [235] also [2532] in [1722] that which is to come [3195]:
22 And [2532] hath put [5293] all [3956] things under [5259] his [846] feet [4228], and [2532] gave [1325] him [846] to be the head [2776] over [5228] all [3956] things to the church [1577],
33 God [2316] hath fulfilled [1603] the same [5026] unto us [2254] their [846] children [5043], in that he hath raised up [450] Jesus [2424] again [450]; as [5613] it is [1125] also [2532] written [1125] in [1722] the second [1208] psalm [5568], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].
5 For [1063] unto which [5101] of the angels [32] said he [2036] at any time [4218], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have [1080] I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571]? And [2532] again [3825], I [1473] will be [2071] to [1519] him [846] a Father [3962], and [2532] he [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a Son [5207]?
33 God [2316] hath fulfilled [1603] the same [5026] unto us [2254] their [846] children [5043], in that he hath raised up [450] Jesus [2424] again [450]; as [5613] it is [1125] also [2532] written [1125] in [1722] the second [1208] psalm [5568], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].
5 For [1063] unto which [5101] of the angels [32] said he [2036] at any time [4218], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have [1080] I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571]? And [2532] again [3825], I [1473] will be [2071] to [1519] him [846] a Father [3962], and [2532] he [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a Son [5207]?
33 God [2316] hath fulfilled [1603] the same [5026] unto us [2254] their [846] children [5043], in that he hath raised up [450] Jesus [2424] again [450]; as [5613] it is [1125] also [2532] written [1125] in [1722] the second [1208] psalm [5568], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].
5 For [1063] unto which [5101] of the angels [32] said he [2036] at any time [4218], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have [1080] I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571]? And [2532] again [3825], I [1473] will be [2071] to [1519] him [846] a Father [3962], and [2532] he [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a Son [5207]?
5 For [1063] unto which [5101] of the angels [32] said he [2036] at any time [4218], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have [1080] I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571]? And [2532] again [3825], I [1473] will be [2071] to [1519] him [846] a Father [3962], and [2532] he [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a Son [5207]?
25 He answered [06032] and said [0560], Lo [01888], I [0576] see [02370] four [0703] men [01400] loose [08271], walking [01981] in the midst [01459] of the fire [05135], and they have [0383] no [03809] hurt [02257]; and the form [07299] of the fourth [07244] is like [01821] the Son [01247] of God [0426].
7 When the morning [01242] stars [03556] sang [07442] together [03162], and all the sons [01121] of God [0430] shouted [07321] for joy?
1 Behold [1492], what manner [4217] of love [26] the Father [3962] hath bestowed [1325] upon us [2254], that [2443] we should be called [2564] the sons [5043] of God [2316]: therefore [1223] [5124] the world [2889] knoweth [1097] us [2248] not [3756], because [3754] it knew [1097] him [846] not [3756].
15 That [2443] ye may be [1096] blameless [273] and [2532] harmless [185], the sons [5043] of God [2316], without rebuke [298], in [1722] the midst [3319] of a crooked [4646] and [2532] perverse [1294] nation [1074], among [1722] whom [3739] ye shine [5316] as [5613] lights [5458] in [1722] the world [2889];
19 For [1063] the earnest expectation [603] of the creature [2937] waiteth [553] for the manifestation [602] of the sons [5207] of God [2316].
14 For [1063] as many as [3745] are led [71] by the Spirit [4151] of God [2316], they [3778] are [1526] the sons [5207] of God [2316].
12 But [1161] as many as [3745] received [2983] him [846], to them [846] gave he [1325] power [1849] to become [1096] the sons [5043] of God [2316], even to them that believe [4100] on [1519] his [846] name [3686]:
10 Yet the number [04557] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478] shall be as the sand [02344] of the sea [03220], which cannot be measured [04058] nor numbered [05608]; and it shall come to pass, that in the place [04725] where it was said [0559] unto them, Ye are not my people [05971], there it shall be said [0559] unto them, Ye are the sons [01121] of the living [02416] God [0410].
6 Now there was a day [03117] when the sons [01121] of God [0430] came [0935] to present [03320] themselves before the LORD [03068], and Satan [07854] came [0935] also among [08432] them.
4 There were giants [05303] in the earth [0776] in those days [03117]; and also after [0310] that [03651], when [0834] the sons [01121] of God [0430] came in [0935] unto the daughters [01323] of men [0120], and they bare [03205] children to them, the same [01992] became mighty men [01368] which were of old [05769], men [0582] of renown [08034].
2 That the sons [01121] of God [0430] saw [07200] the daughters [01323] of men [0120] that they [02007] were fair [02896]; and they took [03947] them wives [0802] of all which they chose [0977].
18 Therefore [1223] [5124] [3767] the Jews [2453] sought [2212] the more [3123] to kill [615] him [846], because [3754] he [3089] not [3756] only [3440] had broken [3089] the sabbath [4521], but [235] said [3004] also [2532] that God [2316] was his [2398] Father [3962], making [4160] himself [1438] equal [2470] with God [2316].
4 And declared [3724] to be the Son [5207] of God [2316] with [1722] power [1411], according [2596] to the spirit [4151] of holiness [42], by [1537] the resurrection [386] from the dead [3498]:
5 For [1063] unto which [5101] of the angels [32] said he [2036] at any time [4218], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have [1080] I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571]? And [2532] again [3825], I [1473] will be [2071] to [1519] him [846] a Father [3962], and [2532] he [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a Son [5207]?
2 Hath [2980] in [1909] these [5130] last [2078] days [2250] spoken [2980] unto us [2254] by [1722] his Son [5207], whom [3739] he hath appointed [5087] heir [2818] of all things [3956], by [1223] whom [3739] also [2532] he made [4160] the worlds [165];
1 The book [976] of the generation [1078] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], the son [5207] of David [1138], the son [5207] of Abraham [11].
4 He that sitteth [03427] in the heavens [08064] shall laugh [07832]: the Lord [0136] shall have them in derision [03932].
2 The kings [04428] of the earth [0776] set [03320] themselves, and the rulers [07336] take counsel [03245] together [03162], against the LORD [03068], and against his anointed [04899], saying,
6 Yet have I set [05258] my king [04428] upon my holy [06944] hill [02022] of Zion [06726].
8 Ask [07592] of me, and I shall give [05414] thee the heathen [01471] for thine inheritance [05159], and the uttermost parts [0657] of the earth [0776] for thy possession [0272].
7 I will declare [05608] the decree [02706]: the LORD [03068] hath said [0559] unto me, Thou art my Son [01121]; this day [03117] have I begotten [03205] thee.
24 And ye shall observe [08104] this thing [01697] for an ordinance [02706] to thee and to thy sons [01121] for [05704] ever [05769].
26 And Joseph [03130] made [07760] it a law [02706] over the land [0127] of Egypt [04714] unto this day [03117], that Pharaoh [06547] should have the fifth [02569] part; except [07535] the land [0127] of the priests [03548] only, which became not Pharaoh's [06547].
14 For he performeth [07999] the thing that is appointed [02706] for me: and many [07227] such [02007] things are with him.
4 He that sitteth [03427] in the heavens [08064] shall laugh [07832]: the Lord [0136] shall have them in derision [03932].
5 Then shall he speak [01696] unto them in his wrath [0639], and vex [0926] them in his sore displeasure [02740].
6 Yet have I set [05258] my king [04428] upon my holy [06944] hill [02022] of Zion [06726].
1 Why do the heathen [01471] rage [07283], and the people [03816] imagine [01897] a vain thing [07385]?
2 The kings [04428] of the earth [0776] set [03320] themselves, and the rulers [07336] take counsel [03245] together [03162], against the LORD [03068], and against his anointed [04899], saying,
3 Let us break [05423] their bands [04147] asunder [05423], and cast away [07993] their cords [05688] from us.
6 Yet have I set [05258] my king [04428] upon my holy [06944] hill [02022] of Zion [06726].
14 Feed [07462] thy people [05971] with thy rod [07626], the flock [06629] of thine heritage [05159], which dwell [07931] solitarily [0910] in the wood [03293], in the midst [08432] of Carmel [03760]: let them feed [07462] in Bashan [01316] and Gilead [01568], as in the days [03117] of old [05769].
4 Yea, though I walk [03212] through the valley [01516] of the shadow of death [06757], I will fear [03372] no evil [07451]: for thou art with me; thy rod [07626] and thy staff [04938] they comfort [05162] me.
21 What [5101] will ye [2309]? shall I come [2064] unto [4314] you [5209] with [1722] a rod [4464], or [2228] in [1722] love [26], and [5037] in the spirit [4151] of meekness [4236]?
11 And shalt say [0559] unto them, Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635]; Even so [03602] will I break [07665] this people [05971] and this city [05892], as one breaketh [07665] a potter's [03335] vessel [03627], that cannot [03201] be made whole again [07495]: and they shall bury [06912] them in Tophet [08612], till there be no place [04725] to bury [06912].
2 Before the mountains [02022] were brought forth [03205], or ever thou hadst formed [02342] the earth [0776] and the world [08398], even from everlasting [05769] to [05704] everlasting [05769], thou art God [0410].
9 Thou shalt break [07489] them with a rod [07626] of iron [01270]; thou shalt dash them in pieces [05310] like a potter's [03335] vessel [03627].
27 Also I will make [05414] him my firstborn [01060], higher [05945] than the kings [04428] of the earth [0776].
15 But in mine adversity [06761] they rejoiced [08055], and gathered themselves together [0622]: yea, the abjects [05222] gathered themselves together [0622] against me, and I knew [03045] it not; they did tear [07167] me, and ceased [01826] not:
14 But I trusted [0982] in thee, O LORD [03068]: I said [0559], Thou art my God [0430].
4 One [0259] thing have I desired [07592] of the LORD [03068], that will I seek [01245] after; that I may dwell [03427] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068] all the days [03117] of my life [02416], to behold [02372] the beauty [05278] of the LORD [03068], and to enquire [01239] in his temple [01964].
7 Remember [02142] not the sins [02403] of my youth [05271], nor my transgressions [06588]: according to thy mercy [02617] remember [02142] thou me for thy goodness [02898]' sake, O LORD [03068].
4 Have all the workers [06466] of iniquity [0205] no knowledge [03045]? who eat up [0398] my people [05971] as they eat [0398] bread [03899], and call [07121] not upon the LORD [03068].
7 But the LORD [03068] shall endure [03427] for ever [05769]: he hath prepared [03559] his throne [03678] for judgment [04941].
2 Before the mountains [02022] were brought forth [03205], or ever thou hadst formed [02342] the earth [0776] and the world [08398], even from everlasting [05769] to [05704] everlasting [05769], thou art God [0410].
12 The north [06828] and the south [03225] thou hast created [01254] them: Tabor [08396] and Hermon [02768] shall rejoice [07442] in thy name [08034].
10 Thou hast broken [01792] Rahab [07294] in pieces [01792], as one that is slain [02491]; thou hast scattered [06340] thine enemies [0341] with thy strong [05797] arm [02220].
19 The living [02416], the living [02416], he shall praise [03034] thee, as I do this day [03117]: the father [01] to the children [01121] shall make known [03045] thy truth [0571].
19 And they spake [01696] against [05921] the God [0430] of Jerusalem [03389], as against the gods [0430] of the people [05971] of the earth [0776], which were the work [04639] of the hands [03027] of man [0120].
19 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] concerning the pillars [05982], and concerning the sea [03220], and concerning the bases [04350], and concerning the residue [03499] of the vessels [03627] that remain [03498] in this city [05892],
2 And Abraham [085] said [0559] of [0413] Sarah [08283] his wife [0802], She is my sister [0269]: and Abimelech [040] king [04428] of Gerar [01642] sent [07971], and took [03947] Sarah [08283].
27 Add [05414] iniquity [05771] unto their iniquity [05771]: and let them not come [0935] into thy righteousness [06666].
2 Have mercy [02603] upon me, O LORD [03068]; for I am weak [0536]: O LORD [03068], heal [07495] me; for my bones [06106] are vexed [0926].
11 But let all those that put their trust [02620] in thee rejoice [08055]: let them ever [05769] shout for joy [07442], because thou defendest [05526] them: let them also that love [0157] thy name [08034] be joyful [05970] in thee.
1 A Prayer [08605] of Moses [04872] the man [0376] of God [0430]. Lord [0136], thou hast been our dwelling place [04583] in all [01755] generations [01755].
8 The earth [0776] shook [07493], the heavens [08064] also dropped [05197] at the presence [06440] of God [0430]: even Sinai [05514] itself [02088] was moved at the presence [06440] of God [0430], the God [0430] of Israel [03478].
2 O my God [0430], I trust [0982] in thee: let me not be ashamed [0954], let not mine enemies [0341] triumph [05970] over me.
4 And declared [3724] to be the Son [5207] of God [2316] with [1722] power [1411], according [2596] to the spirit [4151] of holiness [42], by [1537] the resurrection [386] from the dead [3498]:
33 God [2316] hath fulfilled [1603] the same [5026] unto us [2254] their [846] children [5043], in that he hath raised up [450] Jesus [2424] again [450]; as [5613] it is [1125] also [2532] written [1125] in [1722] the second [1208] psalm [5568], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].
5 While he [846] yet [2089] spake [2980], behold [2400], a bright [5460] cloud [3507] overshadowed [1982] them [846]: and [2532] behold [2400] a voice [5456] out of [1537] the cloud [3507], which said [3004], This [3778] is [2076] my [3450] beloved [27] Son [5207], in [1722] whom [3739] I am well pleased [2106]; hear ye [191] him [846].
17 And [2532] lo [2400] a voice [5456] from [1537] heaven [3772], saying [3004], This [3778] is [2076] my [3450] beloved [27] Son [5207], in [1722] whom [3739] I am well pleased [2106].
32 He [3778] shall be [2071] great [3173], and [2532] shall be called [2564] the Son [5207] of the Highest [5310]: and [2532] the Lord [2962] God [2316] shall give [1325] unto him [846] the throne [2362] of his [846] father [3962] David [1138]:
5 For [1063] unto which [5101] of the angels [32] said he [2036] at any time [4218], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have [1080] I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571]? And [2532] again [3825], I [1473] will be [2071] to [1519] him [846] a Father [3962], and [2532] he [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a Son [5207]?
33 God [2316] hath fulfilled [1603] the same [5026] unto us [2254] their [846] children [5043], in that he hath raised up [450] Jesus [2424] again [450]; as [5613] it is [1125] also [2532] written [1125] in [1722] the second [1208] psalm [5568], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].
4 These [0428] are the generations [08435] of the heavens [08064] and of the earth [0776] when they were created [01254], in the day [03117] that the LORD [03068] God [0430] made [06213] the earth [0776] and the heavens [08064],
4 And declared [3724] to be the Son [5207] of God [2316] with [1722] power [1411], according [2596] to the spirit [4151] of holiness [42], by [1537] the resurrection [386] from the dead [3498]:
3 Concerning [4012] his [846] Son [5207] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] our [2257] Lord [2962], which [3588] was made [1096] of [1537] the seed [4690] of David [1138] according [2596] to the flesh [4561];
35 And [2532] the angel [32] answered [611] and said [2036] unto her [846], The Holy [40] Ghost [4151] shall come [1904] upon [1909] thee [4571], and [2532] the power [1411] of the Highest [5310] shall overshadow [1982] thee [4671]: therefore [1352] also [2532] that holy thing [40] which shall be born [1080] of [1537] thee [4675] shall be called [2564] the Son [5207] of God [2316].
6 As [2531] he saith [3004] also [2532] in [1722] another [2087] place, Thou [4771] art a priest [2409] for [1519] ever [165] after [2596] the order [5010] of Melchisedec [3198].
33 God [2316] hath fulfilled [1603] the same [5026] unto us [2254] their [846] children [5043], in that he hath raised up [450] Jesus [2424] again [450]; as [5613] it is [1125] also [2532] written [1125] in [1722] the second [1208] psalm [5568], Thou [4771] art [1488] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have I [1473] begotten [1080] thee [4571].