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Selected Verse: Psalms 16:9 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 16:9 Strong Concordance Therefore my heart [03820] is glad [08055], and my glory [03519] rejoiceth [01523]: my flesh [01320] also shall rest [07931] in hope [0983].
  King James Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
glory--as heart (Psa 7:5), for self. In Act 2:26, after the Septuagint, "my tongue" as "the glory of the frame"--the instrument for praising God.

flesh--If taken as opposed to soul (Psa 16:10), it may mean the body; otherwise, the whole person (compare Psa 63:1; Psa 84:2).

rest in hope--(compare Margin).
2 My soul [05315] longeth [03700], yea, even fainteth [03615] for the courts [02691] of the LORD [03068]: my heart [03820] and my flesh [01320] crieth out [07442] for the living [02416] God [0410].
1 A Psalm [04210] of David [01732], when he was in the wilderness [04057] of Judah [03063]. O God [0430], thou art my God [0410]; early will I seek [07836] thee: my soul [05315] thirsteth [06770] for thee, my flesh [01320] longeth [03642] for thee in a dry [06723] and thirsty [05889] land [0776], where no [01097] water [04325] is;
10 For thou wilt not leave [05800] my soul [05315] in hell [07585]; neither wilt thou suffer [05414] thine Holy One [02623] to see [07200] corruption [07845].
26 Therefore [1223] [5124] did [2165] my [3450] heart [2588] rejoice [2165], and [2532] my [3450] tongue [1100] was glad [21]; moreover [1161] [2089] also [2532] my [3450] flesh [4561] shall rest [2681] in [1909] hope [1680]:
5 Let the enemy [0341] persecute [07291] my soul [05315], and take [05381] it; yea, let him tread down [07429] my life [02416] upon the earth [0776], and lay [07931] mine honour [03519] in the dust [06083]. Selah [05542].
26 Therefore [1223] [5124] did [2165] my [3450] heart [2588] rejoice [2165], and [2532] my [3450] tongue [1100] was glad [21]; moreover [1161] [2089] also [2532] my [3450] flesh [4561] shall rest [2681] in [1909] hope [1680]:
2 And many [07227] of them that sleep [03463] in the dust [06083] of the earth [0127] shall awake [06974], some to everlasting [05769] life [02416], and some to shame [02781] and everlasting [05769] contempt [01860].
19 Thy dead [04191] men shall live [02421], together with my dead body [05038] shall they arise [06965]. Awake [06974] and sing [07442], ye that dwell [07931] in dust [06083]: for thy dew [02919] is as the dew [02919] of herbs [0219], and the earth [0776] shall cast out [05307] the dead [07496].
17 Gilead [01568] abode [07931] beyond [05676] Jordan [03383]: and why did Dan [01835] remain [01481] in ships [0591]? Asher [0836] continued [03427] on the sea [03220] shore [02348], and abode [07931] in his breaches [04664].
2 And Balaam [01109] lifted up [05375] his eyes [05869], and he saw [07200] Israel [03478] abiding [07931] in his tents according to their tribes [07626]; and the spirit [07307] of God [0430] came upon him.
20 And of Gad [01410] he said [0559], Blessed [01288] be he that enlargeth [07337] Gad [01410]: he dwelleth [07931] as a lion [03833], and teareth [02963] the arm [02220] with [0637] the crown of the head [06936].
16 And the glory [03519] of the LORD [03068] abode [07931] upon mount [02022] Sinai [05514], and the cloud [06051] covered [03680] it six [08337] days [03117]: and the seventh [07637] day [03117] he called [07121] unto Moses [04872] out of the midst [08432] of the cloud [06051].
17 And when [06310] the cloud [06051] was taken up [05927] from the tabernacle [0168], then after [0310] that the children [01121] of Israel [03478] journeyed [05265]: and in the place [04725] where the cloud [06051] abode [07931], there the children [01121] of Israel [03478] pitched their tents [02583].
10 For thou wilt not leave [05800] my soul [05315] in hell [07585]; neither wilt thou suffer [05414] thine Holy One [02623] to see [07200] corruption [07845].
26 Therefore [1223] [5124] did [2165] my [3450] heart [2588] rejoice [2165], and [2532] my [3450] tongue [1100] was glad [21]; moreover [1161] [2089] also [2532] my [3450] flesh [4561] shall rest [2681] in [1909] hope [1680]:
26 Therefore [1223] [5124] did [2165] my [3450] heart [2588] rejoice [2165], and [2532] my [3450] tongue [1100] was glad [21]; moreover [1161] [2089] also [2532] my [3450] flesh [4561] shall rest [2681] in [1909] hope [1680]:
8 In that day [03117] shall the LORD [03068] defend [01598] the inhabitants [03427] of Jerusalem [03389]; and he that is feeble [03782] among them at that day [03117] shall be as David [01732]; and the house [01004] of David [01732] shall be as God [0430], as the angel [04397] of the LORD [03068] before [06440] them.
14 I will be his father [01], and he shall be my son [01121]. If he commit iniquity [05753], I will chasten [03198] him with the rod [07626] of men [0582], and with the stripes [05061] of the children [01121] of men [0120]:
13 And [1161] after [3326] they had held [4601] their [846] peace [4601], James [2385] answered [611], saying [3004], Men [435] and brethren [80], hearken [191] unto me [3450]:
14 Simeon [4826] hath declared [1834] how [2531] God [2316] at the first [4412] did visit [1980] the Gentiles [1484], to take [2983] out of [1537] them a people [2992] for [1909] his [846] name [3686].
15 And [2532] to this [5129] agree [4856] the words [3056] of the prophets [4396]; as [2531] it is written [1125],
16 After [3326] this [5023] I will return [390], and [2532] will build again [456] the tabernacle [4633] of David [1138], which [3588] is fallen down [4098]; and [2532] I will build again [456] the ruins [2679] thereof [846], and [2532] I will set [461] it [846] up [461]:
17 That [3704] [302] the residue [2645] of men [444] might seek after [1567] the Lord [2962], and [2532] all [3956] the Gentiles [1484], upon [1909] whom [3739] my [3450] name [3686] is called [1941] [1909] [846], saith [3004] the Lord [2962], who [3588] doeth [4160] all [3956] these things [5023].
33 And [2532] he shall reign [936] over [1909] the house [3624] of Jacob [2384] for [1519] ever [165]; and [2532] of his [846] kingdom [932] there shall be [2071] no [3756] end [5056].
32 He [3778] shall be [2071] great [3173], and [2532] shall be called [2564] the Son [5207] of the Highest [5310]: and [2532] the Lord [2962] God [2316] shall give [1325] unto him [846] the throne [2362] of his [846] father [3962] David [1138]:
25 For [1063] David [1138] speaketh [3004] concerning [1519] him [846], I foresaw [4308] the Lord [2962] always [1223] [3956] before [1799] my [3450] face, for [3754] he is [2076] on [1537] my [3450] right hand [1188], that [3363] I should [4531] not [3363] be moved [4531]:
26 Therefore [1223] [5124] did [2165] my [3450] heart [2588] rejoice [2165], and [2532] my [3450] tongue [1100] was glad [21]; moreover [1161] [2089] also [2532] my [3450] flesh [4561] shall rest [2681] in [1909] hope [1680]:
27 Because [3754] thou wilt [1459] not [3756] leave [1459] my [3450] soul [5590] in [1519] hell [86], neither [3761] wilt thou suffer [1325] thine [4675] Holy One [3741] to see [1492] corruption [1312].
28 Thou hast made known [1107] to me [3427] the ways [3598] of life [2222]; thou shalt make [4137] me [3165] full [4137] of joy [2167] with [3326] thy [4675] countenance [4383].
29 Men [435] and brethren [80], let [2036] me [1832] freely [3326] [3954] speak [2036] unto [4314] you [5209] of [4012] the patriarch [3966] David [1138], that [3754] he is [5053] both [2532] dead [5053] and [2532] buried [2290], and [2532] his [846] sepulchre [3418] is [2076] with [1722] us [2254] unto [891] this [5026] day [2250].
30 Therefore [3767] being [5225] a prophet [4396], and [2532] knowing [1492] that [3754] God [2316] had sworn [3660] with an oath [3727] to him [846], that of [1537] the fruit [2590] of his [846] loins [3751], according to [2596] the flesh [4561], he would raise up [450] Christ [5547] to sit [2523] on [1909] his [846] throne [2362];
31 He seeing this before [4275] spake [2980] of [4012] the resurrection [386] of Christ [5547], that [3754] his [846] soul [5590] was [2641] not [3756] left [2641] in [1519] hell [86], neither [3761] his [846] flesh [4561] did see [1492] corruption [1312].
35 Wherefore [1352] he saith [3004] also [2532] in [1722] another [2087] psalm, Thou shalt [1325] not [3756] suffer [1325] thine [4675] Holy One [3741] to see [1492] corruption [1312].
36 For [1063] [3303] David [1138], after he had served [5256] his own [2398] generation [1074] by the will [1012] of God [2316], fell on sleep [2837], and [2532] was laid [4369] unto [4314] his [846] fathers [3962], and [2532] saw [1492] corruption [1312]:
37 But [1161] he, whom [3739] God [2316] raised again [1453], saw [1492] no [3756] corruption [1312].
29 Men [435] and brethren [80], let [2036] me [1832] freely [3326] [3954] speak [2036] unto [4314] you [5209] of [4012] the patriarch [3966] David [1138], that [3754] he is [5053] both [2532] dead [5053] and [2532] buried [2290], and [2532] his [846] sepulchre [3418] is [2076] with [1722] us [2254] unto [891] this [5026] day [2250].
30 Therefore [3767] being [5225] a prophet [4396], and [2532] knowing [1492] that [3754] God [2316] had sworn [3660] with an oath [3727] to him [846], that of [1537] the fruit [2590] of his [846] loins [3751], according to [2596] the flesh [4561], he would raise up [450] Christ [5547] to sit [2523] on [1909] his [846] throne [2362];
31 He seeing this before [4275] spake [2980] of [4012] the resurrection [386] of Christ [5547], that [3754] his [846] soul [5590] was [2641] not [3756] left [2641] in [1519] hell [86], neither [3761] his [846] flesh [4561] did see [1492] corruption [1312].
32 This [5126] Jesus [2424] hath [450] God [2316] raised up [450], whereof [3739] we [2249] all [3956] are [2070] witnesses [3144].
7 For the king [04428] trusteth [0982] in the LORD [03068], and through the mercy [02617] of the most High [05945] he shall not be moved [04131].
11 Thou wilt shew [03045] me the path [0734] of life [02416]: in thy presence [06440] is fulness [07648] of joy [08057]; at thy right hand [03225] there are pleasures [05273] for evermore [05331].
15 See [07200], I have set [05414] before [06440] thee this day [03117] life [02416] and good [02896], and death [04194] and evil [07451];
10 O continue [04900] thy lovingkindness [02617] unto them that know [03045] thee; and thy righteousness [06666] to the upright [03477] in heart [03820].
14 Because [3754] strait [4728] is the gate [4439], and [2532] narrow [2346] is the way [3598], which [3588] leadeth [520] unto [1519] life [2222], and [2532] few [3641] there be [1526] that find [2147] it [846].
17 LORD [03068], thou hast heard [08085] the desire [08378] of the humble [06035]: thou wilt prepare [03559] their heart [03820], thou wilt cause thine ear [0241] to hear [07181]:
19 None that go [0935] unto her return again [07725], neither take they hold [05381] of the paths [0734] of life [02416].
6 Lest thou shouldest ponder [06424] the path [0734] of life [02416], her ways [04570] are moveable [05128], that thou canst not know [03045] them.
11 Thou wilt shew [03045] me the path [0734] of life [02416]: in thy presence [06440] is fulness [07648] of joy [08057]; at thy right hand [03225] there are pleasures [05273] for evermore [05331].
10 For thou wilt not leave [05800] my soul [05315] in hell [07585]; neither wilt thou suffer [05414] thine Holy One [02623] to see [07200] corruption [07845].
36 He that believeth [4100] on [1519] the Son [5207] hath [2192] everlasting [166] life [2222]: and [1161] he that believeth not [544] the Son [5207] shall [3700] not [3756] see [3700] life [2222]; but [235] the wrath [3709] of God [2316] abideth [3306] on [1909] him [846].
9 Live [02416] joyfully [07200] with the wife [0802] whom thou lovest [0157] all the days [03117] of the life [02416] of thy vanity [01892], which he hath given [05414] thee under the sun [08121], all the days [03117] of thy vanity [01892]: for that is thy portion [02506] in this life [02416], and in thy labour [05999] which thou takest [06001] under the sun [08121].
51 Verily [281], verily [281], I say [3004] unto you [5213], If [1437] a man [5100] keep [5083] my [1699] saying [3056], he shall [2334] never [3364] [1519] [165] see [2334] death [2288].
26 And [2532] it was [2258] revealed [5537] unto him [846] by [5259] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], that he should [1492] not [3361] see [1492] death [2288], before [4250] [2228] he had seen [1492] the Lord's [2962] Christ [5547].
49 Lord [0136], where are thy former [07223] lovingkindnesses [02617], which thou swarest [07650] unto David [01732] in thy truth [0530]?
10 For he seeth [07200] that wise men [02450] die [04191], likewise [03162] the fool [03684] and the brutish person [01198] perish [06], and leave [05800] their wealth [02428] to others [0312].
10 For thou wilt not leave [05800] my soul [05315] in hell [07585]; neither wilt thou suffer [05414] thine Holy One [02623] to see [07200] corruption [07845].
16 His mischief [05999] shall return [07725] upon his own head [07218], and his violent [02555] dealing shall come down [03381] upon his own pate [06936].
14 I have said [07121] to corruption [07845], Thou art my father [01]: to the worm [07415], Thou art my mother [0517], and my sister [0269].
24 When thou liest down [07901], thou shalt not be afraid [06342]: yea, thou shalt lie down [07901], and thy sleep [08142] shall be sweet [06149].
28 Israel [03478] then shall dwell [07931] in safety [0983] alone [0910]: the fountain [05869] of Jacob [03290] shall be upon a land [0776] of corn [01715] and wine [08492]; also his heavens [08064] shall drop down [06201] dew [02919].
12 And of Benjamin [01144] he said [0559], The beloved [03039] of the LORD [03068] shall dwell [07931] in safety [0983] by him; and the LORD shall cover [02653] him all the day [03117] long, and he shall dwell [07931] between his shoulders [03802].
10 For thou wilt not leave [05800] my soul [05315] in hell [07585]; neither wilt thou suffer [05414] thine Holy One [02623] to see [07200] corruption [07845].
23 And [1161] the very [846] God [2316] of peace [1515] sanctify [37] you [5209] wholly [3651]; and [2532] I pray God your [5216] whole [3648] spirit [4151] and [2532] soul [5590] and [2532] body [4983] be preserved [5083] blameless [274] unto [1722] the coming [3952] of our [2257] Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
6 Arise [06965], O LORD [03068], in thine anger [0639], lift up [05375] thyself because of the rage [05678] of mine enemies [06887]: and awake [05782] for me to the judgment [04941] that thou hast commanded [06680].
19 For [1063] the earnest expectation [603] of the creature [2937] waiteth [553] for the manifestation [602] of the sons [5207] of God [2316].
31 He seeing this before [4275] spake [2980] of [4012] the resurrection [386] of Christ [5547], that [3754] his [846] soul [5590] was [2641] not [3756] left [2641] in [1519] hell [86], neither [3761] his [846] flesh [4561] did see [1492] corruption [1312].
25 For [1063] David [1138] speaketh [3004] concerning [1519] him [846], I foresaw [4308] the Lord [2962] always [1223] [3956] before [1799] my [3450] face, for [3754] he is [2076] on [1537] my [3450] right hand [1188], that [3363] I should [4531] not [3363] be moved [4531]:
12 To the end that my glory [03519] may sing [02167] praise to thee, and not be silent [01826]. O LORD [03068] my God [0430], I will give thanks [03034] unto thee for ever [05769].
8 Awake up [05782], my glory [03519]; awake [05782], psaltery [05035] and harp [03658]: I myself will awake [05782] early [07837].