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Selected Verse: Psalms 150:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 150:4 Strong Concordance Praise [01984] him with the timbrel [08596] and dance [04234]: praise [01984] him with stringed instruments [04482] and organs [05748].
  King James Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
organs--or pipe, a wind instrument, and the others were used in worship.
31 My harp [03658] also is turned to mourning [060], and my organ [05748] into the voice [06963] of them that weep [01058].
12 They take [05375] the timbrel [08596] and harp [03658], and rejoice [08055] at the sound [06963] of the organ [05748].
21 And his brother's [0251] name [08034] was Jubal [03106]: he was the father [01] of all such as handle [08610] the harp [03658] and organ [05748].
12 They take [05375] the timbrel [08596] and harp [03658], and rejoice [08055] at the sound [06963] of the organ [05748].
2 Praise [03034] the LORD [03068] with harp [03658]: sing [02167] unto him with the psaltery [05035] and an instrument of ten strings [06218].
19 The LORD [03069] God [0136] is my strength [02428], and he will make [07760] my feet [07272] like hinds [0355]' feet, and he will make me to walk [01869] upon mine high places [01116]. To the chief singer [05329] on my stringed instruments [05058].
20 The LORD [03068] was ready to save [03467] me: therefore we will sing my songs [05058] to the stringed instruments [05059] all the days [03117] of our life [02416] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
16 But all Israel [03478] and Judah [03063] loved [0157] David [01732], because he went out [03318] and came in [0935] before [06440] them.
9 I will sing [07891] a new [02319] song [07892] unto thee, O God [0430]: upon a psaltery [05035] and an instrument of ten strings [06218] will I sing praises [02167] unto thee.
2 Praise [03034] the LORD [03068] with harp [03658]: sing [02167] unto him with the psaltery [05035] and an instrument of ten strings [06218].
20 And Miriam [04813] the prophetess [05031], the sister [0269] of Aaron [0175], took [03947] a timbrel [08596] in her hand [03027]; and all the women [0802] went out [03318] after [0310] her with timbrels [08596] and with dances [04246].
3 Let them praise [01984] his name [08034] in the dance [04234]: let them sing praises [02167] unto him with the timbrel [08596] and harp [03658].
4 Again I will build [01129] thee, and thou shalt be built [01129], O virgin [01330] of Israel [03478]: thou shalt again be adorned [05710] with thy tabrets [08596], and shalt go forth [03318] in the dances [04234] of them that make merry [07832].
3 Let them praise [01984] his name [08034] in the dance [04234]: let them sing praises [02167] unto him with the timbrel [08596] and harp [03658].
2 Take [05375] a psalm [02172], and bring [05414] hither the timbrel [08596], the pleasant [05273] harp [03658] with the psaltery [05035].
12 They take [05375] the timbrel [08596] and harp [03658], and rejoice [08055] at the sound [06963] of the organ [05748].
8 And David [01732] and all Israel [03478] played [07832] before [06440] God [0430] with all their might [05797], and with singing [07892], and with harps [03658], and with psalteries [05035], and with timbrels [08596], and with cymbals [04700], and with trumpets [02689].
5 And David [01732] and all the house [01004] of Israel [03478] played [07832] before [06440] the LORD [03068] on all manner of instruments made of fir [01265] wood [06086], even on harps [03658], and on psalteries [05035], and on timbrels [08596], and on cornets [04517], and on cymbals [06767].
34 And Jephthah [03316] came [0935] to Mizpeh [04709] unto his house [01004], and, behold, his daughter [01323] came out [03318] to meet [07125] him with timbrels [08596] and with dances [04246]: and she was his only child [03173]; beside her he had neither son [01121] nor [0176] daughter [01323].
20 And Miriam [04813] the prophetess [05031], the sister [0269] of Aaron [0175], took [03947] a timbrel [08596] in her hand [03027]; and all the women [0802] went out [03318] after [0310] her with timbrels [08596] and with dances [04246].
13 Thou hast been in Eden [05731] the garden [01588] of God [0430]; every precious [03368] stone [068] was thy covering [04540], the sardius [0124], topaz [06357], and the diamond [03095], the beryl [08658], the onyx [07718], and the jasper [03471], the sapphire [05601], the emerald [05306], and the carbuncle [01304], and gold [02091]: the workmanship [04399] of thy tabrets [08596] and of thy pipes [05345] was prepared [03559] in thee in the day [03117] that thou wast created [01254].
4 Again I will build [01129] thee, and thou shalt be built [01129], O virgin [01330] of Israel [03478]: thou shalt again be adorned [05710] with thy tabrets [08596], and shalt go forth [03318] in the dances [04234] of them that make merry [07832].
32 And in every place [03605] where the grounded [04145] staff [04294] shall pass [04569], which the LORD [03068] shall lay [05117] upon him, it shall be with tabrets [08596] and harps [03658]: and in battles [04421] of shaking [08573] will he fight [03898] with it.
8 The mirth [04885] of tabrets [08596] ceaseth [07673], the noise [07588] of them that rejoice [05947] endeth [02308], the joy [04885] of the harp [03658] ceaseth [07673].
12 And the harp [03658], and the viol [05035], the tabret [08596], and pipe [02485], and wine [03196], are in their feasts [04960]: but they regard [05027] not the work [06467] of the LORD [03068], neither consider [07200] the operation [04639] of his hands [03027].
6 And it came to pass as they came [0935], when David [01732] was returned [07725] from the slaughter [05221] of the Philistine [06430], that the women [0802] came out [03318] of all cities [05892] of Israel [03478], singing [07891] and dancing [04246], to meet [07125] king [04428] Saul [07586], with tabrets [08596], with joy [08057], and with instruments of musick [07991].
5 After [0310] that thou shalt come [0935] to the hill [01389] of God [0430], where is the garrison [05333] of the Philistines [06430]: and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither [0935] to the city [05892], that thou shalt meet [06293] a company [02256] of prophets [05030] coming down [03381] from the high place [01116] with a psaltery [05035], and a tabret [08596], and a pipe [02485], and a harp [03658], before [06440] them; and they shall prophesy [05012]:
27 Wherefore didst thou flee away [01272] secretly [02244], and steal away [01589] from me; and didst not tell [05046] me, that I might have sent thee away [07971] with mirth [08057], and with songs [07892], with tabret [08596], and with harp [03658]?
12 And the harp [03658], and the viol [05035], the tabret [08596], and pipe [02485], and wine [03196], are in their feasts [04960]: but they regard [05027] not the work [06467] of the LORD [03068], neither consider [07200] the operation [04639] of his hands [03027].
3 Let them praise [01984] his name [08034] in the dance [04234]: let them sing praises [02167] unto him with the timbrel [08596] and harp [03658].