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Selected Verse: Psalms 138:3 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 138:3 Strong Concordance In the day [03117] when I cried [07121] thou answeredst [06030] me, and strengthenedst [07292] me with strength [05797] in my soul [05315].
  King James In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
That promise, as an answer to his prayers in distress, revived and strengthened his faith; and, as the basis of other revelations of the Messiah, it will be the occasion of praise by all who hear and receive it (Psa 68:29, Psa 68:31; Isa 4:3).
3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left [07604] in Zion [06726], and he that remaineth [03498] in Jerusalem [03389], shall be called [0559] holy [06918], even every one that is written [03789] among the living [02416] in Jerusalem [03389]:
31 Princes [02831] shall come out [0857] of Egypt [04714]; Ethiopia [03568] shall soon stretch out [07323] her hands [03027] unto God [0430].
29 Because of thy temple [01964] at Jerusalem [03389] shall kings [04428] bring [02986] presents [07862] unto thee.
21 He evil entreateth [07462] the barren [06135] that beareth [03205] not: and doeth not good [03190] to the widow [0490].
7 Therefore shall Moab [04124] howl [03213] for Moab [04124], every one shall howl [03213]: for the foundations [0808] of Kirhareseth [07025] shall ye mourn [01897]; surely they are stricken [05218].
4 The wicked [07563], through the pride [01363] of his countenance [0639], will not seek [01875] after God: God [0430] is not in all his thoughts [04209].
23 Because they have committed [06213] villany [05039] in Israel [03478], and have committed [06213] adultery [05003] with their neighbours [07453]' wives [0802], and have spoken [01696] lying [08267] words [01697] in my name [08034], which I have not commanded [06680] them; even I know [03045], and am a witness [05707], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
11 The LORD [03068] knoweth [03045] the thoughts [04284] of man [0120], that they are vanity [01892].
2 Thou knowest [03045] my downsitting [03427] and mine uprising [06965], thou understandest [0995] my thought [07454] afar off [07350].
6 Who humbleth [08213] himself to behold [07200] the things that are in heaven [08064], and in the earth [0776]!
22 And I will yet be more vile [07043] than thus [02063], and will be base [08217] in mine own sight [05869]: and of the maidservants [0519] which thou hast spoken [0559] of, of them shall I be had in honour [03513].
1 A Song [07892] of degrees [04609] of David [01732]. LORD [03068], my heart [03820] is not haughty [01361], nor mine eyes [05869] lofty [07311]: neither do I exercise [01980] myself in great matters [01419], or in things too high [06381] for me.
6 Though the LORD [03068] be high [07311], yet hath he respect [07200] unto the lowly [08217]: but the proud [01364] he knoweth [03045] afar off [04801].
8 They are brought down [03766] and fallen [05307]: but we are risen [06965], and stand upright [05749].
9 But [0637] thou hast cast off [02186], and put us to shame [03637]; and goest not forth [03318] with our armies [06635].
2 Sing [07891] unto him, sing psalms [02167] unto him: talk [07878] ye of all his wondrous works [06381].
3 Glorious things [03513] are spoken [01696] of thee, O city [05892] of God [0430]. Selah [05542].
21 The river [05158] of Kishon [07028] swept them away [01640], that ancient [06917] river [05158], the river [05158] Kishon [07028]. O my soul [05315], thou hast trodden down [01869] strength [05797].
5 Turn away [05437] thine eyes [05869] from me, for they [01992] have overcome [07292] me: thy hair [08181] is as a flock [05739] of goats [05795] that appear [01570] from Gilead [01568].