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Selected Verse: Psalms 132:14 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 132:14 Strong Concordance This is my rest [04496] for ever [05703]: here will I dwell [03427]; for I have desired [0183] it.
  King James This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
That choice is expressed in God's words, "I will sit" or "dwell," or sit enthroned. The joy of the people springs from the blessings of His grace, conferred through the medium of the priesthood.
16 Why leap [07520] ye, ye high [01386] hills [02022]? this is the hill [02022] which God [0430] desireth [02530] to dwell in [03427]; yea, the LORD [03068] will dwell [07931] in it for ever [05331].
68 Blessed [2128] be the Lord [2962] God [2316] of Israel [2474]; for [3754] he hath visited [1980] and [2532] redeemed [3085] his [846] people [2992] [4160],
69 And [2532] hath raised up [1453] an horn [2768] of salvation [4991] for us [2254] in [1722] the house [3624] of his [846] servant [3816] David [1138];
70 As [2531] he spake [2980] by [1223] the mouth [4750] of his [846] holy [40] prophets [4396], which [3588] have been since [575] the world began [165]:
14 For [1063] it is evident [4271] that [3754] our [2257] Lord [2962] sprang [393] out of [1537] Juda [2455]; of [1519] which [3739] tribe [5443] Moses [3475] spake [2980] nothing [3762] concerning [4012] priesthood [2420].
12 And speak [0559] unto him, saying [0559], Thus speaketh [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], saying [0559], Behold the man [0376] whose name [08034] is The BRANCH [06780]; and he shall grow up [06779] out of his place, and he shall build [01129] the temple [01964] of the LORD [03068]:
8 Hear [08085] now, O Joshua [03091] the high [01419] priest [03548], thou, and thy fellows [07453] that sit [03427] before [06440] thee: for they are men [0582] wondered at [04159]: for, behold, I will bring forth [0935] my servant [05650] the BRANCH [06780].
15 In those days [03117], and at that time [06256], will I cause the Branch [06780] of righteousness [06666] to grow up [06779] unto David [01732]; and he shall execute [06213] judgment [04941] and righteousness [06666] in the land [0776].
5 Behold, the days [03117] come [0935], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], that I will raise [06965] unto David [01732] a righteous [06662] Branch [06780], and a King [04428] shall reign [04427] and prosper [07919], and shall execute [06213] judgment [04941] and justice [06666] in the earth [0776].
2 In that day [03117] shall the branch [06780] of the LORD [03068] be beautiful [06643] and glorious [03519], and the fruit [06529] of the earth [0776] shall be excellent [01347] and comely for [08597] them that are escaped [06413] of Israel [03478].
21 In that day [03117] will I cause [06779] the horn [07161] of the house [01004] of Israel [03478] to bud forth [06779], and I will give [05414] thee the opening [06610] of the mouth [06310] in the midst [08432] of them; and they shall know [03045] that I am the LORD [03068].
7 Howbeit the LORD [03068] would [014] not destroy [07843] the house [01004] of David [01732], because of the covenant [01285] that he had made [03772] with David [01732], and as he promised [0559] to give [05414] a light [05216] to him and to his sons [01121] for ever [03117].
17 But Abishai [052] the son [01121] of Zeruiah [06870] succoured [05826] him, and smote [05221] the Philistine [06430], and killed [04191] him. Then the men [0582] of David [01732] sware [07650] unto him, saying [0559], Thou shalt go [03318] no more out with us to battle [04421], that thou quench [03518] not the light [05216] of Israel [03478].
22 They that hate [08130] thee shall be clothed [03847] with shame [01322]; and the dwelling [0168] place of the wicked [07563] shall come to nought [0369].
3 As the dew [02919] of Hermon [02768], and as the dew that descended [03381] upon the mountains [02042] of Zion [06726]: for there the LORD [03068] commanded [06680] the blessing [01293], even life [02416] for evermore [05769].
5 For in the time [03117] of trouble [07451] he shall hide [06845] me in his pavilion [05520]: in the secret [05643] of his tabernacle [0168] shall he hide [05641] me; he shall set me up [07311] upon a rock [06697].
2 Then David [01732] the king [04428] stood up [06965] upon his feet [07272], and said [0559], Hear [08085] me, my brethren [0251], and my people [05971]: As for me, I had in mine heart [03824] to build [01129] an house [01004] of rest [04496] for the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of the LORD [03068], and for the footstool [01916] [07272] of our God [0430], and had made ready [03559] for the building [01129]:
1 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], The heaven [08064] is my throne [03678], and the earth [0776] is my footstool [07272] [01916]: where is the house [01004] that ye build [01129] unto me? and where is the place [04725] of my rest [04496]?
10 And in that day [03117] there shall be a root [08328] of Jesse [03448], which shall stand [05975] for an ensign [05251] of the people [05971]; to it shall the Gentiles [01471] seek [01875]: and his rest [04496] shall be glorious [03519].
11 And the ark [0727] of the LORD [03068] continued [03427] in the house [01004] of Obededom [05654] the Gittite [01663] three [07969] months [02320]: and the LORD [03068] blessed [01288] Obededom [05654], and all his household [01004].
2 And it came to pass, while [03117] the ark [0727] abode [03427] in Kirjathjearim [07157], that the time [03117] was long [07235]; for it was twenty [06242] years [08141]: and all the house [01004] of Israel [03478] lamented [05091] after [0310] the LORD [03068].
5 And the children [01121] of Israel [03478] said [0559], Who is there among all the tribes [07626] of Israel [03478] that [0834] came [05927] not up with the congregation [06951] unto the LORD [03068]? For they had made a great [01419] oath [07621] concerning him that came not up [05927] to the LORD [03068] to Mizpeh [04709], saying [0559], He shall surely [04191] be put to death [04191].
27 And the children [01121] of Israel [03478] enquired [07592] of the LORD [03068], (for the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of God [0430] was there in those days [03117],
60 So that he forsook [05203] the tabernacle [04908] of Shiloh [07887], the tent [0168] which he placed [07931] among men [0120];