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Selected Verse: Psalms 128:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 128:6 Strong Concordance Yea, thou shalt see [07200] thy children's [01121] children [01121], and peace [07965] upon Israel [03478].
  King James Yea, thou shalt see thy children's children, and peace upon Israel.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Long life crowns all other temporal favors. As Psa 125:5, this Psalm closes with a prayer for peace, with prosperity for God's people.
5 As for such as turn aside [05186] unto their crooked ways [06128], the LORD [03068] shall lead them forth [03212] with the workers [06466] of iniquity [0205]: but peace [07965] shall be upon Israel [03478].
5 As for such as turn aside [05186] unto their crooked ways [06128], the LORD [03068] shall lead them forth [03212] with the workers [06466] of iniquity [0205]: but peace [07965] shall be upon Israel [03478].
3 Thy wife [0802] shall be as a fruitful [06509] vine [01612] by the sides [03411] of thine house [01004]: thy children [01121] like olive [02132] plants [08363] round about [05439] thy table [07979].
1 A Song [07892] of degrees [04609]. They that trust [0982] in the LORD [03068] shall be as mount [02022] Zion [06726], which cannot be removed [04131], but abideth [03427] for ever [05769].
2 As the mountains [02022] are round about [05439] Jerusalem [03389], so the LORD [03068] is round about [05439] his people [05971] from henceforth even for [05704] ever [05769].
3 For the rod [07626] of the wicked [07562] shall not rest [05117] upon the lot [01486] of the righteous [06662]; lest [04616] the righteous [06662] put forth [07971] their hands [03027] unto iniquity [05766].
4 Do good [02895], O LORD [03068], unto those that be good [02896], and to them that are upright [03477] in their hearts [03826].
5 As for such as turn aside [05186] unto their crooked ways [06128], the LORD [03068] shall lead them forth [03212] with the workers [06466] of iniquity [0205]: but peace [07965] shall be upon Israel [03478].