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Selected Verse: Psalms 121:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 121:6 Strong Concordance The sun [08121] shall not smite [05221] thee by day [03119], nor the moon [03394] by night [03915].
  King James The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
God keeps His people at all times and in all perils.

nor the moon by night--poetically represents the dangers of the night, over which the moon presides (Gen 1:16).
16 And God [0430] made [06213] two [08147] great [01419] lights [03974]; the greater [01419] light [03974] to rule [04475] the day [03117], and the lesser [06996] light [03974] to rule [04475] the night [03915]: he made the stars [03556] also.
40 Thus I was; in the day [03117] the drought [02721] consumed [0398] me, and the frost [07140] by night [03915]; and my sleep [08142] departed [05074] from mine eyes [05869].
39 And [2532], lo [2400], a spirit [4151] taketh [2983] him [846], and [2532] he suddenly [1810] crieth out [2896]; and [2532] it teareth [4682] him [846] that he foameth [876] again [3326], and [2532] bruising [4937] him [846] hardly [3425] departeth [672] from [575] him [846].
17 And [2532] one [1520] of [1537] the multitude [3793] answered [611] and said [2036], Master [1320], I have brought [5342] unto [4314] thee [4571] my [3450] son [5207], which hath [2192] a dumb [216] spirit [4151];
15 Lord [2962], have mercy [1653] on my [3450] son [5207]: for [3754] he is lunatick [4583], and [2532] sore [2560] vexed [3958]: for [1063] ofttimes [4178] he falleth [4098] into [1519] the fire [4442], and [2532] oft [4178] into [1519] the water [5204].
24 And [2532] his [846] fame [189] went [565] throughout [1519] all [3650] Syria [4947]: and [2532] they brought [4374] unto him [846] all [3956] sick [2560] people [2192] that were taken with [4912] divers [4164] diseases [3554] and [2532] torments [931], and [2532] those which were possessed with devils [1139], and [2532] those which were lunatick [4583], and [2532] those that had the palsy [3885]; and [2532] he healed [2323] them [846].