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Selected Verse: Psalms 110:3 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 110:3 Strong Concordance Thy people [05971] shall be willing [05071] in the day [03117] of thy power [02428], in the beauties [01926] of holiness [06944] from the womb [07358] of the morning [04891]: thou hast the dew [02919] of thy youth [03208].
  King James Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Thy people . . . willing--literally, "Thy people (are) free will offerings"; for such is the proper rendering of the word "willing," which is a plural noun, and not an adjective (compare Exo 25:2; Psa 54:6), also a similar form (Jdg 5:2-9).

in the day of thy power--Thy people freely offer themselves (Rom 12:1) in Thy service, enlisting under Thy banner.

in the beauties of holiness--either as in Psa 29:2, the loveliness of a spiritual worship, of which the temple service, in all its material splendors, was but a type; or more probably, the appearance of the worshippers, who, in this spiritual kingdom, are a nation of kings and priests (Pe1 2:9; Rev 1:5), attending this Priest and King, clothed in those eminent graces which the beautiful vestments of the Aaronic priests (Lev 16:4) typified. The last very obscure clause--

from the womb . . . youth--may, according to this view, be thus explained: The word "youth" denotes a period of life distinguished for strength and activity (compare Ecc 11:9) --the "dew" is a constant emblem of whatever is refreshing and strengthening (Pro 19:12; Hos 14:5). The Messiah, then, as leading His people, is represented as continually in the vigor of youth, refreshed and strengthened by the early dew of God's grace and Spirit. Thus the phrase corresponds as a member of a parallelism with "the day of thy power" in the first clause. "In the beauties of holiness" belongs to this latter clause, corresponding to "Thy people" in the first, and the colon after "morning" is omitted. Others prefer: Thy youth, or youthful vigor, or body, shall be constantly refreshed by successive accessions of people as dew from the early morning; and this accords with the New Testament idea that the Church is Christ's body (compare Mic 5:7).
7 And the remnant [07611] of Jacob [03290] shall be in the midst [07130] of many [07227] people [05971] as a dew [02919] from the LORD [03068], as the showers [07241] upon the grass [06212], that tarrieth [06960] not for man [0376], nor waiteth [03176] for the sons [01121] of men [0120].
5 I will be as the dew [02919] unto Israel [03478]: he shall grow [06524] as the lily [07799], and cast forth [05221] his roots [08328] as Lebanon [03844].
12 The king's [04428] wrath [02197] is as the roaring [05099] of a lion [03715]; but his favour [07522] is as dew [02919] upon the grass [06212].
9 Rejoice [08055], O young man [0970], in thy youth [03208]; and let thy heart [03820] cheer [02895] thee in the days [03117] of thy youth [0979], and walk [01980] in the ways [01870] of thine heart [03820], and in the sight [04758] of thine eyes [05869]: but know [03045] thou, that for all these things God [0430] will bring [0935] thee into judgment [04941].
4 He shall put on [03847] the holy [06944] linen [0906] coat [03801], and he shall have the linen [0906] breeches [04370] upon his flesh [01320], and shall be girded [02296] with a linen [0906] girdle [073], and with the linen [0906] mitre [04701] shall he be attired [06801]: these [01992] are holy [06944] garments [0899]; therefore shall he wash [07364] his flesh [01320] in water [04325], and so put them on [03847].
5 And [2532] from [575] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], who is the faithful [4103] witness [3144], and the first begotten [4416] of [1537] the dead [3498], and [2532] the prince [758] of the kings [935] of the earth [1093]. Unto him that loved [25] us [2248], and [2532] washed [3068] us [2248] from [575] our [2257] sins [266] in [1722] his own [846] blood [129],
9 But [1161] ye [5210] are a chosen [1588] generation [1085], a royal [934] priesthood [2406], an holy [40] nation [1484], a peculiar [1519] [4047] people [2992]; that [3704] ye should shew forth [1804] the praises [703] of him who hath called [2564] you [5209] out of [1537] darkness [4655] into [1519] his [846] marvellous [2298] light [5457]:
2 Give [03051] unto the LORD [03068] the glory [03519] due unto his name [08034]; worship [07812] the LORD [03068] in the beauty [01927] of holiness [06944].
1 I beseech [3870] you [5209] therefore [3767], brethren [80], by [1223] the mercies [3628] of God [2316], that ye present [3936] your [5216] bodies [4983] a living [2198] sacrifice [2378], holy [40], acceptable [2101] unto God [2316], which is your [5216] reasonable [3050] service [2999].
2 Praise [01288] ye the LORD [03068] for the avenging [06544] [06546] of Israel [03478], when the people [05971] willingly offered [05068] themselves.
3 Hear [08085], O ye kings [04428]; give ear [0238], O ye princes [07336]; I, even I, will sing [07891] unto the LORD [03068]; I will sing [02167] praise to the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478].
4 LORD [03068], when thou wentest out [03318] of Seir [08165], when thou marchedst out [06805] of the field [07704] of Edom [0123], the earth [0776] trembled [07493], and the heavens [08064] dropped [05197], the clouds [05645] also dropped [05197] water [04325].
5 The mountains [02022] melted [05140] from before [06440] the LORD [03068], even that Sinai [05514] from before [06440] the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478].
6 In the days [03117] of Shamgar [08044] the son [01121] of Anath [06067], in the days [03117] of Jael [03278], the highways [0734] were unoccupied [02308], and the travellers [01980] walked [03212] through byways [06128] [05410].
7 The inhabitants of the villages [06520] ceased [02308], they ceased [02308] in Israel [03478], until that I Deborah [01683] arose [06965], that I arose [06965] a mother [0517] in Israel [03478].
8 They chose [0977] new [02319] gods [0430]; then was war [03901] in the gates [08179]: was there a shield [04043] or spear [07420] seen [07200] among forty [0705] thousand [0505] in Israel [03478]?
9 My heart [03820] is toward the governors [02710] of Israel [03478], that offered themselves willingly [05068] among the people [05971]. Bless [01288] ye the LORD [03068].
6 I will freely [05071] sacrifice [02076] unto thee: I will praise [03034] thy name [08034], O LORD [03068]; for it is good [02896].
2 Speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], that they bring [03947] me an offering [08641]: of every man [0376] that giveth it willingly [05068] with his heart [03820] ye shall take [03947] my offering [08641].
1 Nevertheless the dimness [04155] shall not be such as was in her vexation [04164], when [06256] at the first [07223] he lightly afflicted [07043] the land [0776] of Zebulun [02074] and the land [0776] of Naphtali [05321], and afterward [0314] did more grievously afflict [03513] her by the way [01870] of the sea [03220], beyond [05676] Jordan [03383], in Galilee [01551] of the nations [01471].
2 The people [05971] that walked [01980] in darkness [02822] have seen [07200] a great [01419] light [0216]: they that dwell [03427] in the land [0776] of the shadow of death [06757], upon them hath the light [0216] shined [05050].
3 Thou hast multiplied [07235] the nation [01471], and not increased [01431] the joy [08057]: they joy [08055] before [06440] thee according to the joy [08057] in harvest [07105], and as men rejoice [01523] when they divide [02505] the spoil [07998].
9 But [1161] ye [5210] are a chosen [1588] generation [1085], a royal [934] priesthood [2406], an holy [40] nation [1484], a peculiar [1519] [4047] people [2992]; that [3704] ye should shew forth [1804] the praises [703] of him who hath called [2564] you [5209] out of [1537] darkness [4655] into [1519] his [846] marvellous [2298] light [5457]:
5 Ye [846] also [2532], as [5613] lively [2198] stones [3037], are built up [3618] a spiritual [4152] house [3624], an holy [40] priesthood [2406], to offer up [399] spiritual [4152] sacrifices [2378], acceptable [2144] to God [2316] by [1223] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom [04467] of priests [03548], and an holy [06918] nation [01471]. These are the words [01697] which thou shalt speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478].
4 He shall put on [03847] the holy [06944] linen [0906] coat [03801], and he shall have the linen [0906] breeches [04370] upon his flesh [01320], and shall be girded [02296] with a linen [0906] girdle [073], and with the linen [0906] mitre [04701] shall he be attired [06801]: these [01992] are holy [06944] garments [0899]; therefore shall he wash [07364] his flesh [01320] in water [04325], and so put them on [03847].
2 As [2531] thou hast given [1325] him [846] power [1849] over all [3956] flesh [4561], that [2443] he should give [1325] eternal [166] life [2222] to [3739] as many as [3956] [846] thou hast given [1325] him [846].
27 All things [3956] are delivered [3860] unto me [3427] of [5259] my [3450] Father [3962]: and [2532] no man [3762] knoweth [1921] the Son [5207], but [1508] the Father [3962]; neither [3761] knoweth [1921] any man [5100] the Father [3962], save [1508] the Son [5207], and he [2532] to [3739] whomsoever [1437] the Son [5207] will [1014] reveal [601] him.
18 And [2532] Jesus [2424] came [4334] and spake [2980] unto them [846], saying [3004], All [3956] power [1849] is given [1325] unto me [3427] in [1722] heaven [3772] and [2532] in [1909] earth [1093].
5 And offer [06999] a sacrifice of thanksgiving [08426] with leaven [02557], and proclaim [07121] and publish [08085] the free offerings [05071]: for this [03651] liketh [0157] you, O ye children [01121] of Israel [03478], saith [05002] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069].
4 I will heal [07495] their backsliding [04878], I will love [0157] them freely [05071]: for mine anger [0639] is turned away [07725] from him.
12 Now when the prince [05387] shall prepare [06213] a voluntary [05071] burnt offering [05930] or peace offerings [08002] voluntarily [05071] unto the LORD [03068], one shall then open [06605] him the gate [08179] that looketh [06437] toward the east [06921], and he shall prepare [06213] his burnt offering [05930] and his peace offerings [08002], as he did [06213] on the sabbath [07676] day [03117]: then he shall go forth [03318]; and after [0310] his going forth [03318] one shall shut [05462] the gate [08179].
9 Thou, O God [0430], didst send [05130] a plentiful [05071] rain [01653], whereby thou didst confirm [03559] thine inheritance [05159], when it was weary [03811].
8 And his princes [08269] gave [07311] willingly [05071] unto the people [05971], to the priests [03548], and to the Levites [03881]: Hilkiah [02518] and Zechariah [02148] and Jehiel [03171], rulers [05057] of the house [01004] of God [0430], gave [05414] unto the priests [03548] for the passover offerings [06453] two thousand [0505] and six [08337] hundred [03967] small cattle, and three [07969] hundred [03967] oxen [01241].
108 Accept [07521], I beseech thee, the freewill offerings [05071] of my mouth [06310], O LORD [03068], and teach [03925] me thy judgments [04941].
28 And I said [0559] unto them, Ye are holy [06944] unto the LORD [03068]; the vessels [03627] are holy [06944] also; and the silver [03701] and the gold [02091] are a freewill offering [05071] unto the LORD [03068] God [0430] of your fathers [01].
5 And afterward [0310] offered the continual [08548] burnt offering [05930], both of the new moons [02320], and of all the set feasts [04150] of the LORD [03068] that were consecrated [06942], and of every one that willingly offered [05068] a freewill offering [05071] unto the LORD [03068].
4 And whosoever remaineth [07604] in any place [04725] where he sojourneth [01481], let the men [0582] of his place [04725] help [05375] him with silver [03701], and with gold [02091], and with goods [07399], and with beasts [0929], beside the freewill offering [05071] for the house [01004] of God [0430] that is in Jerusalem [03389].
14 And Kore [06981] the son [01121] of Imnah [03232] the Levite [03881], the porter [07778] toward the east [04217], was over the freewill offerings [05071] of God [0430], to distribute [05414] the oblations [08641] of the LORD [03068], and the most [06944] holy things [06944].
23 That which is gone out [04161] of thy lips [08193] thou shalt keep [08104] and perform [06213]; even a freewill offering [05071], according as thou hast vowed [05087] unto the LORD [03068] thy God [0430], which thou hast promised [01696] with thy mouth [06310].
10 And thou shalt keep [06213] the feast [02282] of weeks [07620] unto the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] with a tribute [04530] of a freewill offering [05071] of thine hand [03027], which thou shalt give [05414] unto the LORD thy God, according as the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] hath blessed [01288] thee:
17 Thou mayest [03201] not eat [0398] within thy gates [08179] the tithe [04643] of thy corn [01715], or of thy wine [08492], or of thy oil [03323], or the firstlings [01062] of thy herds [01241] or of thy flock [06629], nor any of thy vows [05088] which thou vowest [05087], nor thy freewill offerings [05071], or heave offering [08641] of thine hand [03027]:
6 And thither ye shall bring [0935] your burnt offerings [05930], and your sacrifices [02077], and your tithes [04643], and heave offerings [08641] of your hand [03027], and your vows [05088], and your freewill offerings [05071], and the firstlings [01062] of your herds [01241] and of your flocks [06629]:
39 These things ye shall do [06213] unto the LORD [03068] in your set feasts [04150], beside your vows [05088], and your freewill offerings [05071], for your burnt offerings [05930], and for your meat offerings [04503], and for your drink offerings [05262], and for your peace offerings [08002].
3 And will make [06213] an offering by fire [0801] unto the LORD [03068], a burnt offering [05930], or a sacrifice [02077] in performing [06381] a vow [05088], or in a freewill offering [05071], or in your solemn feasts [04150], to make [06213] a sweet [05207] savour [07381] unto the LORD [03068], of the herd [01241], or of the flock [06629]:
38 Beside the sabbaths [07676] of the LORD [03068], and beside your gifts [04979], and beside all your vows [05088], and beside all your freewill offerings [05071], which ye give [05414] unto the LORD [03068].
23 Either a bullock [07794] or a lamb [07716] that hath any thing superfluous [08311] or lacking in his parts [07038], that mayest thou offer [06213] for a freewill offering [05071]; but for a vow [05088] it shall not be accepted [07521].
21 And whosoever [0376] offereth [07126] a sacrifice [02077] of peace offerings [08002] unto the LORD [03068] to accomplish [06381] his vow [05088], or a freewill offering [05071] in beeves [01241] or sheep [06629], it shall be perfect [08549] to be accepted [07522]; there shall be no blemish [03971] therein.
18 Speak [01696] unto Aaron [0175], and to his sons [01121], and unto all the children [01121] of Israel [03478], and say [0559] unto them, Whatsoever [0376] he be of the house [01004] of Israel [03478], or of the strangers [01616] in Israel [03478], that will offer [07126] his oblation [07133] for all his vows [05088], and for all his freewill offerings [05071], which they will offer [07126] unto the LORD [03068] for a burnt offering [05930];
16 But if the sacrifice [02077] of his offering [07133] be a vow [05088], or a voluntary offering [05071], it shall be eaten [0398] the same day [03117] that he offereth [07126] his sacrifice [02077]: and on the morrow [04283] also the remainder [03498] of it shall be eaten [0398]:
3 And they received [03947] of [06440] Moses [04872] all the offering [08641], which the children [01121] of Israel [03478] had brought [0935] for the work [04399] of the service [05656] of the sanctuary [06944], to make [06213] it withal. And they brought [0935] yet unto him free offerings [05071] every morning [01242].
29 The children [01121] of Israel [03478] brought [0935] a willing offering [05071] unto the LORD [03068], every man [0376] and woman [0802], whose [0834] heart [03820] made them willing [05068] to bring [0935] for all manner of work [04399], which the LORD [03068] had commanded [06680] to be made [06213] by the hand [03027] of Moses [04872].
12 And speak [0559] unto him, saying [0559], Thus speaketh [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], saying [0559], Behold the man [0376] whose name [08034] is The BRANCH [06780]; and he shall grow up [06779] out of his place, and he shall build [01129] the temple [01964] of the LORD [03068]:
4 The LORD [03068] hath sworn [07650], and will not repent [05162], Thou art a priest [03548] for ever [05769] after the order [01700] of Melchizedek [04442].
4 The LORD [03068] hath sworn [07650], and will not repent [05162], Thou art a priest [03548] for ever [05769] after the order [01700] of Melchizedek [04442].
4 The LORD [03068] hath sworn [07650], and will not repent [05162], Thou art a priest [03548] for ever [05769] after the order [01700] of Melchizedek [04442].
20 And Azariah [05838] the chief [07218] priest [03548], and all the priests [03548], looked [06437] upon him, and, behold, he was leprous [06879] in his forehead [04696], and they thrust him out [0926] from thence; yea, himself hasted [01765] also to go out [03318], because the LORD [03068] had smitten [05060] him.
6 But ye shall be named [07121] the Priests [03548] of the LORD [03068]: men shall call [0559] you the Ministers [08334] of our God [0430]: ye shall eat [0398] the riches [02428] of the Gentiles [01471], and in their glory [03519] shall ye boast [03235] yourselves.
3 And they gathered themselves together [06950] against Moses [04872] and against Aaron [0175], and said [0559] unto them, Ye take too much [07227] upon you, seeing all the congregation [05712] are holy [06918], every one of them, and the LORD [03068] is among [08432] them: wherefore then lift ye up [05375] yourselves above the congregation [06951] of the LORD [03068]?
6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom [04467] of priests [03548], and an holy [06918] nation [01471]. These are the words [01697] which thou shalt speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478].
2 I counsel thee to keep [08104] the king's [04428] commandment [06310], and that in regard [01700] of the oath [07621] of God [0430].
14 In the day [03117] of prosperity [02896] be joyful [02896], but in the day [03117] of adversity [07451] consider [07200]: God [0430] also hath set [06213] the one over against [05980] the other, to the end [01700] that man [0120] should find [04672] nothing [03972] after [0310] him.
18 I said [0559] in mine heart [03820] concerning the estate [01700] of the sons [01121] of men [0120], that God [0430] might manifest [01305] them, and that they might see [07200] that they [01992] themselves are beasts [0929].
1 How doth the city [05892] sit [03427] solitary [0910], that was full [07227] of people [05971]! how is she become as a widow [0490]! she that was great [07227] among the nations [01471], and princess [08282] among the provinces [04082], how is she become tributary [04522]!
8 The Lord [0136] GOD [03069] hath sworn [07650] by himself [05315], saith [05002] the LORD [03068] the God [0430] of hosts [06635], I abhor [08374] the excellency [01347] of Jacob [03290], and hate [08130] his palaces [0759]: therefore will I deliver up [05462] the city [05892] with all that is therein [04393].
19 And what the land [0776] is that they dwell in [03427], whether it be good [02896] or bad [07451]; and what cities [05892] they be that they dwell [03427] in [02007], whether in tents [04264], or in strong holds [04013];
11 And [2532] [3303] every [3956] priest [2409] standeth [2476] daily [2596] [2250] ministering [3008] and [2532] offering [4374] oftentimes [4178] the same [846] sacrifices [2378], which [3748] can [1410] never [3763] take away [4014] sins [266]:
1 A Song [07892] of degrees [04609]. Behold, bless [01288] ye the LORD [03068], all ye servants [05650] of the LORD [03068], which by night [03915] stand [05975] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
8 At that time [06256] the LORD [03068] separated [0914] the tribe [07626] of Levi [03878], to bear [05375] the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of the LORD [03068], to stand [05975] before [06440] the LORD [03068] to minister [08334] unto him, and to bless [01288] in his name [08034], unto this day [03117].
4 The LORD [03068] hath sworn [07650], and will not repent [05162], Thou art a priest [03548] for ever [05769] after the order [01700] of Melchizedek [04442].
4 The LORD [03068] hath sworn [07650], and will not repent [05162], Thou art a priest [03548] for ever [05769] after the order [01700] of Melchizedek [04442].
14 And [2532] the armies [4753] which were [3588] in [1722] heaven [3772] followed [190] him [846] upon [1909] white [3022] horses [2462], clothed [1746] in fine linen [1039], white [3022] and [2532] clean [2513].
21 And when he had consulted [03289] with the people [05971], he appointed [05975] singers [07891] unto the LORD [03068], and that should praise [01984] the beauty [01927] of holiness [06944], as they went out [03318] before [06440] the army [02502], and to say [0559], Praise [03034] the LORD [03068]; for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769].
7 And the remnant [07611] of Jacob [03290] shall be in the midst [07130] of many [07227] people [05971] as a dew [02919] from the LORD [03068], as the showers [07241] upon the grass [06212], that tarrieth [06960] not for man [0376], nor waiteth [03176] for the sons [01121] of men [0120].
10 Who can count [04487] the dust [06083] of Jacob [03290], and the number [04557] of the fourth [07255] part of Israel [03478]? Let me die [04191] [05315] the death [04194] of the righteous [03477], and let my last [0319] end be like his!
12 So shall we come [0935] upon him in some [0259] place [04725] where he shall be found [04672], and we will light [05168] upon him as the dew [02919] falleth [05307] on the ground [0127]: and of him and of all the men [0582] that are with him there shall not be left [03498] so much as [01571] one [0259].
3 As the dew [02919] of Hermon [02768], and as the dew that descended [03381] upon the mountains [02042] of Zion [06726]: for there the LORD [03068] commanded [06680] the blessing [01293], even life [02416] for evermore [05769].
1 A Psalm [04210] or Song [07892] for the sons [01121] of Korah [07141]. His foundation [03248] is in the holy [06944] mountains [02042].
3 Thy people [05971] shall be willing [05071] in the day [03117] of thy power [02428], in the beauties [01926] of holiness [06944] from the womb [07358] of the morning [04891]: thou hast the dew [02919] of thy youth [03208].
9 Rejoice [08055], O young man [0970], in thy youth [03208]; and let thy heart [03820] cheer [02895] thee in the days [03117] of thy youth [0979], and walk [01980] in the ways [01870] of thine heart [03820], and in the sight [04758] of thine eyes [05869]: but know [03045] thou, that for all these things God [0430] will bring [0935] thee into judgment [04941].
9 My heart [03820] is toward the governors [02710] of Israel [03478], that offered themselves willingly [05068] among the people [05971]. Bless [01288] ye the LORD [03068].
2 Praise [01288] ye the LORD [03068] for the avenging [06544] [06546] of Israel [03478], when the people [05971] willingly offered [05068] themselves.
13 And under their hand [03027] was an army [02428] [06635], three [07969] hundred [03967] thousand [0505] and seven [07651] thousand [0505] and five [02568] hundred [03967], that made [06213] war [04421] with mighty [02428] power [03581], to help [05826] the king [04428] against the enemy [0341].
3 Thy people [05971] shall be willing [05071] in the day [03117] of thy power [02428], in the beauties [01926] of holiness [06944] from the womb [07358] of the morning [04891]: thou hast the dew [02919] of thy youth [03208].
5 And [2532] this they did, not [3756] as [2531] we hoped [1679], but [235] first [4412] gave [1325] their own selves [1438] to the Lord [2962], and [2532] unto us [2254] by [1223] the will [2307] of God [2316].
16 But if the sacrifice [02077] of his offering [07133] be a vow [05088], or a voluntary offering [05071], it shall be eaten [0398] the same day [03117] that he offereth [07126] his sacrifice [02077]: and on the morrow [04283] also the remainder [03498] of it shall be eaten [0398]:
3 And they received [03947] of [06440] Moses [04872] all the offering [08641], which the children [01121] of Israel [03478] had brought [0935] for the work [04399] of the service [05656] of the sanctuary [06944], to make [06213] it withal. And they brought [0935] yet unto him free offerings [05071] every morning [01242].
8 Their seed [02233] is established [03559] in their sight [06440] with them, and their offspring [06631] before their eyes [05869].
29 The children [01121] of Israel [03478] brought [0935] a willing offering [05071] unto the LORD [03068], every man [0376] and woman [0802], whose [0834] heart [03820] made them willing [05068] to bring [0935] for all manner of work [04399], which the LORD [03068] had commanded [06680] to be made [06213] by the hand [03027] of Moses [04872].
21 And they came [0935], every one [0376] whose [0834] heart [03820] stirred him up [05375], and every one whom his spirit [07307] made willing [05068], and they brought [0935] the LORD'S [03068] offering [08641] to the work [04399] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150], and for all his service [05656], and for the holy [06944] garments [0899].
2 Speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], that they bring [03947] me an offering [08641]: of every man [0376] that giveth it willingly [05068] with his heart [03820] ye shall take [03947] my offering [08641].
18 And [2532] Jesus [2424] came [4334] and spake [2980] unto them [846], saying [3004], All [3956] power [1849] is given [1325] unto me [3427] in [1722] heaven [3772] and [2532] in [1909] earth [1093].
29 Take [142] my [3450] yoke [2218] upon [1909] you [5209], and [2532] learn [3129] of [575] me [1700]; for [3754] I am [1510] meek [4235] and [2532] lowly [5011] in heart [2588]: and [2532] ye shall find [2147] rest [372] unto your [5216] souls [5590].
68 But chose [0977] the tribe [07626] of Judah [03063], the mount [02022] Zion [06726] which he loved [0157].
20 Out of Asher [0836] his bread [03899] shall be fat [08082], and he shall yield [05414] royal [04428] dainties [04574].
1 In [1722] the beginning [746] was [2258] the Word [3056], and [2532] the Word [3056] was [2258] with [4314] God [2316], and [2532] the Word [3056] was [2258] God [2316].