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Selected Verse: Psalms 108:13 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 108:13 Strong Concordance Through God [0430] we shall do [06213] valiantly [02428]: for he it is that shall tread down [0947] our enemies [06862].
  King James Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Through God we shall do ... - This also is taken from Psa 60:12, without change.

Thus the psalm, though made up of parts of two separate psalms, is complete and continuous in itself. There is no break or discrepancy in the current of thought, but the unity is as perfect as though it had been an original composition. It is to be remarked, also, that though in the original psalms the parts which are used here have a different connection, and are separately complete there, yet as employed here, they seem to be exactly suited to the new use which is made of the language; and though the original "reasons" for the use of the language do not appear here, yet there is a sufficient reason for that language apparent in the psalm as rearranged. To an Israelite, also, there might be a new interest in the use of the language in the fact that words with which he was familiar, as employed for other purposes, "could" be thus combined, and made applicable to a new occasion in the national history.
12 Through God [0430] we shall do [06213] valiantly [02428]: for he it is that shall tread down [0947] our enemies [06862].
1 A Song [07892] or Psalm [04210] of David [01732]. O God [0430], my heart [03820] is fixed [03559]; I will sing [07891] and give praise [02167], even with my glory [03519].
2 Awake [05782], psaltery [05035] and harp [03658]: I myself will awake [05782] early [07837].
3 I will praise [03034] thee, O LORD [03068], among the people [05971]: and I will sing praises [02167] unto thee among the nations [03816].
4 For thy mercy [02617] is great [01419] above the heavens [08064]: and thy truth [0571] reacheth unto the clouds [07834].
5 Be thou exalted [07311], O God [0430], above the heavens [08064]: and thy glory [03519] above all the earth [0776];
6 That thy beloved [03039] may be delivered [02502]: save [03467] with thy right hand [03225], and answer [06030] me.
7 God [0430] hath spoken [01696] in his holiness [06944]; I will rejoice [05937], I will divide [02505] Shechem [07927], and mete out [04058] the valley [06010] of Succoth [05523].
8 Gilead [01568] is mine; Manasseh [04519] is mine; Ephraim [0669] also is the strength [04581] of mine head [07218]; Judah [03063] is my lawgiver [02710];
9 Moab [04124] is my washpot [07366] [05518]; over Edom [0123] will I cast out [07993] my shoe [05275]; over Philistia [06429] will I triumph [07321].
10 Who will bring [02986] me into the strong [04013] city [05892]? who will lead [05148] me into Edom [0123]?
11 Wilt not thou, O God [0430], who hast cast us off [02186]? and wilt not thou, O God [0430], go forth [03318] with our hosts [06635]?
12 Give [03051] us help [05833] from trouble [06862]: for vain [07723] is the help [08668] of man [0120].
13 Through God [0430] we shall do [06213] valiantly [02428]: for he it is that shall tread down [0947] our enemies [06862].
1 To the chief Musician [05329] upon Shushaneduth [07802], Michtam [04387] of David [01732], to teach [03925]; when he strove [05327] with Aramnaharaim [0763] [05104] and with Aramzobah [0760], when Joab [03097] returned [07725], and smote [05221] of Edom [0123] in the valley [01516] of salt [04417] twelve [08147] [06240] thousand [0505]. O God [0430], thou hast cast us off [02186], thou hast scattered [06555] us, thou hast been displeased [0599]; O turn thyself to us again [07725].
2 Thou hast made the earth [0776] to tremble [07493]; thou hast broken [06480] it: heal [07495] the breaches [07667] thereof; for it shaketh [04131].
3 Thou hast shewed [07200] thy people [05971] hard things [07186]: thou hast made us to drink [08248] the wine [03196] of astonishment [08653].
4 Thou hast given [05414] a banner [05251] to them that fear [03373] thee, that it may be displayed [05127] because [06440] of the truth [07189]. Selah [05542].
5 That thy beloved [03039] may be delivered [02502]; save [03467] with thy right hand [03225], and hear [06030] me.
6 God [0430] hath spoken [01696] in his holiness [06944]; I will rejoice [05937], I will divide [02505] Shechem [07927], and mete out [04058] the valley [06010] of Succoth [05523].
7 Gilead [01568] is mine, and Manasseh [04519] is mine; Ephraim [0669] also is the strength [04581] of mine head [07218]; Judah [03063] is my lawgiver [02710];
8 Moab [04124] is my washpot [05518] [07366]; over Edom [0123] will I cast out [07993] my shoe [05275]: Philistia [06429], triumph [07321] thou because of me.
9 Who will bring [02986] me into the strong [04692] city [05892]? who will lead [05148] me into Edom [0123]?
10 Wilt not thou, O God [0430], which hadst cast us off [02186]? and thou, O God [0430], which didst not go out [03318] with our armies [06635]?
11 Give [03051] us help [05833] from trouble [06862]: for vain [07723] is the help [08668] of man [0120].
12 Through God [0430] we shall do [06213] valiantly [02428]: for he it is that shall tread down [0947] our enemies [06862].
1 To the chief Musician [05329], Altaschith [0516], Michtam [04387] of David [01732], when he fled [01272] from [06440] Saul [07586] in the cave [04631]. Be merciful [02603] unto me, O God [0430], be merciful [02603] unto me: for my soul [05315] trusteth [02620] in thee: yea, in the shadow [06738] of thy wings [03671] will I make my refuge [02620], until these calamities [01942] be overpast [05674].
2 I will cry [07121] unto God [0430] most high [05945]; unto God [0410] that performeth [01584] all things for me.
3 He shall send [07971] from heaven [08064], and save [03467] me from the reproach [02778] of him that would swallow me up [07602]. Selah [05542]. God [0430] shall send forth [07971] his mercy [02617] and his truth [0571].
4 My soul [05315] is among [08432] lions [03833]: and I lie [07901] even among them that are set on fire [03857], even the sons [01121] of men [0120], whose teeth [08127] are spears [02595] and arrows [02671], and their tongue [03956] a sharp [02299] sword [02719].
5 Be thou exalted [07311], O God [0430], above the heavens [08064]; let thy glory [03519] be above all the earth [0776].
6 They have prepared [03559] a net [07568] for my steps [06471]; my soul [05315] is bowed down [03721]: they have digged [03738] a pit [07882] before [06440] me, into the midst [08432] whereof they are fallen [05307] themselves. Selah [05542].
7 My heart [03820] is fixed [03559], O God [0430], my heart [03820] is fixed [03559]: I will sing [07891] and give praise [02167].
8 Awake up [05782], my glory [03519]; awake [05782], psaltery [05035] and harp [03658]: I myself will awake [05782] early [07837].
9 I will praise [03034] thee, O Lord [0136], among the people [05971]: I will sing [02167] unto thee among the nations [03816].
10 For thy mercy [02617] is great [01419] unto the heavens [08064], and thy truth [0571] unto the clouds [07834].
11 Be thou exalted [07311], O God [0430], above the heavens [08064]: let thy glory [03519] be above all the earth [0776].