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Selected Verse: Psalms 103:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ps 103:6 Strong Concordance The LORD [03068] executeth [06213] righteousness [06666] and judgment [04941] for all that are oppressed [06231].
  King James The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Literally, "righteousness and judgments," denoting various acts of God's government.
23 Thy princes [08269] are rebellious [05637], and companions [02270] of thieves [01590]: every one loveth [0157] gifts [07810], and followeth [07291] after rewards [08021]: they judge [08199] not the fatherless [03490], neither doth the cause [07379] of the widow [0490] come [0935] unto them.
24 Therefore saith [05002] the Lord [0113], the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], the mighty One [046] of Israel [03478], Ah [01945], I will ease [05162] me of mine adversaries [06862], and avenge [05358] me of mine enemies [0341]:
25 And I will turn [07725] my hand [03027] upon thee, and purely [01253] purge away [06884] thy dross [05509], and take away [05493] all thy tin [0913]:
26 And I will restore [07725] thy judges [08199] as at the first [07223], and thy counsellors [03289] as at the beginning [08462]: afterward [0310] thou shalt be called [07121], The city [05892] of righteousness [06664], the faithful [0539] city [07151].
27 Zion [06726] shall be redeemed [06299] with judgment [04941], and her converts [07725] with righteousness [06666].
17 Learn [03925] to do well [03190]; seek [01875] judgment [04941], relieve [0833] the oppressed [02541], judge [08199] the fatherless [03490], plead [07378] for the widow [0490].
9 He will not always [05331] chide [07378]: neither will he keep [05201] his anger for ever [05769].
10 He hath not dealt [06213] with us after our sins [02399]; nor rewarded [01580] us according to our iniquities [05771].
16 For I will not contend [07378] for ever [05769], neither will I be always [05331] wroth [07107]: for the spirit [07307] should fail [05848] before [06440] me, and the souls [05397] which I have made [06213].
5 Will he reserve [05201] his anger for ever [05769]? will he keep [08104] it to the end [05331]? Behold, thou hast spoken [01696] and done [06213] evil things [07451] as thou couldest [03201].
11 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; For three [07969] transgressions [06588] of Edom [0123], and for four [0702], I will not turn away [07725] the punishment thereof; because he did pursue [07291] his brother [0251] with the sword [02719], and did cast off [07843] all pity [07356], and his anger [0639] did tear [02963] perpetually [05703], and he kept [08104] his wrath [05678] for ever [05331]:
38 But he, being full of compassion [07349], forgave [03722] their iniquity [05771], and destroyed [07843] them not: yea, many a time [07235] turned [07725] he his anger [0639] away [07725], and did not stir up [05782] all his wrath [02534].
9 He will not always [05331] chide [07378]: neither will he keep [05201] his anger for ever [05769].
17 And refused [03985] to obey [08085], neither were mindful [02142] of thy wonders [06381] that thou didst [06213] among them; but hardened [07185] their necks [06203], and in their rebellion [04805] appointed [05414] a captain [07218] to return [07725] to their bondage [05659]: but thou art a God [0433] ready to pardon [05547], gracious [02587] and merciful [07349], slow [0750] to anger [0639], and of great [07227] kindness [02617], and forsookest [05800] them not.
13 And rend [07167] your heart [03824], and not your garments [0899], and turn [07725] unto the LORD [03068] your God [0430]: for he is gracious [02587] and merciful [07349], slow [0750] to anger [0639], and of great [07227] kindness [02617], and repenteth [05162] him of the evil [07451].
8 The LORD [03068] is gracious [02587], and full of compassion [07349]; slow [0750] to anger [0639], and of great [01419] mercy [02617].
15 But thou, O Lord [0136], art a God [0410] full of compassion [07349], and gracious [02587], longsuffering [0750] [0639], and plenteous [07227] in mercy [02617] and truth [0571].
6 And the LORD [03068] passed by [05674] before him [06440], and proclaimed [07121], The LORD [03068], The LORD [03068] God [0410], merciful [07349] and gracious [02587], longsuffering [0750] [0639], and abundant [07227] in goodness [02617] and truth [0571],
3 Let the people [05971] praise [03034] thee, O God [0430]; let all the people [05971] praise [03034] thee.
4 Shew [03045] me thy ways [01870], O LORD [03068]; teach [03925] me thy paths [0734].
13 Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found [04672] grace [02580] in thy sight [05869], shew [03045] me now thy way [01870], that I may know [03045] thee, that I may find [04672] grace [02580] in thy sight [05869]: and consider [07200] that this nation [01471] is thy people [05971].
8 The LORD [03068] is merciful [07349] and gracious [02587], slow [0750] to anger [0639], and plenteous [07227] in mercy [02617].
6 Honour [01935] and majesty [01926] are before [06440] him: strength [05797] and beauty [08597] are in his sanctuary [04720].
7 He made known [03045] his ways [01870] unto Moses [04872], his acts [05949] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478].
6 The LORD [03068] executeth [06213] righteousness [06666] and judgment [04941] for all that are oppressed [06231].
6 The LORD [03068] executeth [06213] righteousness [06666] and judgment [04941] for all that are oppressed [06231].
6 The LORD [03068] executeth [06213] righteousness [06666] and judgment [04941] for all that are oppressed [06231].