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Selected Verse: Job 9:12 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 9:12 Strong Concordance Behold, he taketh away [02862], who can hinder [07725] him? who will say [0559] unto him, What doest [06213] thou?
  King James Behold, he taketh away, who can hinder him? who will say unto him, What doest thou?

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
If "He taketh away," as in my case all that was dear to me, still a mortal cannot call Him to account. He only takes His own. He is an absolute King (Ecc 8:4; Dan 4:35).
35 And all [03606] the inhabitants [01753] of the earth [0772] are reputed [02804] as nothing [03809]: and he doeth [05648] according to his will [06634] in the army [02429] of heaven [08065], and among the inhabitants [01753] of the earth [0772]: and none [03809] can [0383] stay [04223] his hand [03028], or say [0560] unto him, What [04101] doest [05648] thou?
4 Where the word [01697] of a king [04428] is, there is power [07983]: and who may say [0559] unto him, What doest [06213] thou?
21 And said [0559], Naked [06174] came I out [03318] of my mother's [0517] womb [0990], and naked [06174] shall I return [07725] thither: the LORD [03068] gave [05414], and the LORD [03068] hath taken away [03947]; blessed [01288] be the name [08034] of the LORD [03068].
35 And all [03606] the inhabitants [01753] of the earth [0772] are reputed [02804] as nothing [03809]: and he doeth [05648] according to his will [06634] in the army [02429] of heaven [08065], and among the inhabitants [01753] of the earth [0772]: and none [03809] can [0383] stay [04223] his hand [03028], or say [0560] unto him, What [04101] doest [05648] thou?