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Selected Verse: Job 7:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 7:7 Strong Concordance O remember [02142] that my life [02416] is wind [07307]: mine eye [05869] shall no more [07725] see [07200] good [02896].
  King James O remember that my life is wind: mine eye shall no more see good.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Address to God.

Wind--a picture of evanescence (Psa 78:39).

shall no more see--rather, "shall no more return to see good." This change from the different wish in Job 3:17, &c., is most true to nature. He is now in a softer mood; a beam from former days of prosperity falling upon memory and the thought of the unseen world, where one is seen no more (Job 7:8), drew from him an expression of regret at leaving this world of light (Ecc 11:7); so Hezekiah (Isa 38:11). Grace rises above nature (Co2 5:8).
8 We are confident [2292], I say, and [1161] [2532] willing [2106] rather [3123] to be absent [1553] from [1537] the body [4983], and [2532] to be present [1736] with [4314] the Lord [2962].
11 I said [0559], I shall not see [07200] the LORD [03050], even the LORD [03050], in the land [0776] of the living [02416]: I shall behold [05027] man [0120] no more with the inhabitants [03427] of the world [02309].
7 Truly the light [0216] is sweet [04966], and a pleasant [02896] thing it is for the eyes [05869] to behold [07200] the sun [08121]:
8 The eye [05869] of him that hath seen [07210] me shall see [07789] me no more: thine eyes [05869] are upon me, and I am not.
17 There the wicked [07563] cease [02308] from troubling [07267]; and there the weary [03019] [03581] be at rest [05117].
39 For he remembered [02142] that they were but flesh [01320]; a wind [07307] that passeth away [01980], and cometh not again [07725].
10 I said [0559] in the cutting off [01824] of my days [03117], I shall go [03212] to the gates [08179] of the grave [07585]: I am deprived [06485] of the residue [03499] of my years [08141].
11 I said [0559], I shall not see [07200] the LORD [03050], even the LORD [03050], in the land [0776] of the living [02416]: I shall behold [05027] man [0120] no more with the inhabitants [03427] of the world [02309].
39 For he remembered [02142] that they were but flesh [01320]; a wind [07307] that passeth away [01980], and cometh not again [07725].
9 As the cloud [06051] is consumed [03615] and vanisheth away [03212]: so he that goeth down [03381] to the grave [07585] shall come up [05927] no more.
10 He shall return [07725] no more to his house [01004], neither shall his place [04725] know [05234] him any more.
15 The horseleach [05936] hath two [08147] daughters [01323], crying, Give [03051], give [03051]. There are three [07969] things that are never satisfied [07646], yea, four [0702] things say [0559] not,It is enough [01952]:
5 Yea also, because he transgresseth [0898] by wine [03196], he is a proud [03093] man [01397], neither keepeth at home [05115], who enlargeth [07337] his desire [05315] as hell [07585], and is as death [04194], and cannot be satisfied [07646], but gathereth [0622] unto him all nations [01471], and heapeth [06908] unto him all people [05971]:
14 Therefore hell [07585] hath enlarged [07337] herself [05315], and opened [06473] her mouth [06310] without measure [02706]: and their glory [01926], and their multitude [01995], and their pomp [07588], and he that rejoiceth [05938], shall descend [03381] into it.
35 And all his sons [01121] and all his daughters [01323] rose up [06965] to comfort [05162] him; but he refused [03985] to be comforted [05162]; and he said [0559], For I will go down [03381] into the grave [07585] unto my son [01121] mourning [057]. Thus his father [01] wept [01058] for him.
33 They, and all that appertained to them, went down [03381] alive [02416] into the pit [07585], and the earth [0776] closed [03680] upon them: and they perished [06] from among [08432] the congregation [06951].
30 But if the LORD [03068] make [01254] a new thing [01278], and the earth [0127] open [06475] her mouth [06310], and swallow them up [01104], with all that appertain unto them, and they go down [03381] quick [02416] into the pit [07585]; then ye shall understand [03045] that these men [0582] have provoked [05006] the LORD [03068].
7 Lo, this is the man [01397] that made [07760] not God [0430] his strength [04581]; but trusted [0982] in the abundance [07230] of his riches [06239], and strengthened [05810] himself in his wickedness [01942].
9 Therefore have I also made [05414] you contemptible [0959] and base [08217] before all the people [05971], according [06310] as ye have not kept [08104] my ways [01870], but have been partial [05375] [06440] in the law [08451].
43 Because thou hast not remembered [02142] the days [03117] of thy youth [05271], but hast fretted [07264] me in all these things; behold [01887], therefore I also will recompense [05414] thy way [01870] upon thine head [07218], saith [05002] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069]: and thou shalt not commit [06213] this lewdness [02154] above all thine abominations [08441].
11 Therefore I will not refrain [02820] my mouth [06310]; I will speak [01696] in the anguish [06862] of my spirit [07307]; I will complain [07878] in the bitterness [04751] of my soul [05315].
15 What shall I say [01696]? he hath both spoken [0559] unto me, and himself hath done [06213] it: I shall go softly [01718] all my years [08141] in the bitterness [04751] of my soul [05315].
4 Thou holdest [0270] mine eyes [05869] waking [08109]: I am so troubled [06470] that I cannot speak [01696].
16 For the wind [07307] passeth over [05674] it, and it is gone; and the place [04725] thereof shall know [05234] it no more.
10 For thou hast trusted [0982] in thy wickedness [07451]: thou hast said [0559], None seeth [07200] me. Thy wisdom [02451] and thy knowledge [01847], it hath perverted [07725] thee; and thou hast said [0559] in thine heart [03820], I am, and none else [0657] beside me.
15 Woe [01945] unto them that seek deep [06009] to hide [05641] their counsel [06098] from the LORD [03068], and their works [04639] are in the dark [04285], and they say [0559], Who seeth [07200] us? and who knoweth [03045] us?
12 I am forgotten [07911] as a dead man [04191] out of mind [03820]: I am like a broken [06] vessel [03627].
7 Yet he shall perish [06] for ever [05331] like his own dung [01561]: they which have seen [07200] him shall say [0559], Where [0335] is he?
13 And she called [07121] the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] that spake [01696] unto her, Thou God [0410] seest me [07210]: for she said [0559], Have I also here [01988] looked [07200] after him [0310] that seeth me [07210]?
9 The eye [05869] also which saw [07805] him shall see him no more [03254]; neither shall his place [04725] any more behold [07789] him.