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Selected Verse: Job 7:1 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 7:1 Strong Concordance Is there not an appointed time [06635] to man [0582] upon earth [0776]? are not his days [03117] also like the days [03117] of an hireling [07916]?
  King James Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? are not his days also like the days of an hireling?

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

appointed time--better, "a warfare," hard conflict with evil (so in Isa 40:2; Dan 10:1). Translate it "appointed time" (Job 14:14). Job reverts to the sad picture of man, however great, which he had drawn (Job 3:14), and details in this chapter the miseries which his friends will see, if, according to his request (Job 6:28), they will look on him. Even the Christian soldier, "warring a good warfare," rejoices when it is completed (Ti1 1:18; Ti2 2:3; Ti2 4:7-8).
7 I have fought [75] a good [2570] fight [73], I have finished [5055] my course [1408], I have kept [5083] the faith [4102]:
8 Henceforth [3063] there is laid up [606] for me [3427] a crown [4735] of righteousness [1343], which [3739] the Lord [2962], the righteous [1342] judge [2923], shall give [591] me [3427] at [1722] that [1565] day [2250]: and [1161] not [3756] to me [1698] only [3440], but [235] unto all them [3956] also [2532] that love [25] his [846] appearing [2015].
3 Thou [4771] therefore [3767] endure hardness [2553], as [5613] a good [2570] soldier [4757] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
18 This [5026] charge [3852] I commit [3908] unto thee [4671], son [5043] Timothy [5095], according to [2596] the prophecies [4394] which went before [4254] on [1909] thee [4571], that [2443] thou [4754] by [1722] them [846] mightest war [4754] a good [2570] warfare [4752];
28 Now therefore be content [02974], look [06437] upon me; for it is evident [06440] unto you if I lie [03576].
14 With kings [04428] and counsellors [03289] of the earth [0776], which built [01129] desolate places [02723] for themselves;
14 If a man [01397] die [04191], shall he live [02421] again? all the days [03117] of my appointed time [06635] will I wait [03176], till my change [02487] come [0935].
1 In the third [07969] year [08141] of Cyrus [03566] king [04428] of Persia [06539] a thing [01697] was revealed [01540] unto Daniel [01840], whose name [08034] was called [07121] Belteshazzar [01095]; and the thing [01697] was true [0571], but the time appointed [06635] was long [01419]: and he understood [0995] the thing [01697], and had understanding [0998] of the vision [04758].
2 Speak [01696] ye comfortably [03820] to Jerusalem [03389], and cry [07121] unto her, that her warfare [06635] is accomplished [04390], that her iniquity [05771] is pardoned [07521]: for she hath received [03947] of the LORD'S [03068] hand [03027] double [03718] for all her sins [02403].
29 Return [07725], I pray you, let it not be iniquity [05766]; yea, return again [07725], my righteousness [06664] is in it.
30 Is there [03426] iniquity [05766] in my tongue [03956]? cannot my taste [02441] discern [0995] perverse things [01942]?
2 Speak [01696] ye comfortably [03820] to Jerusalem [03389], and cry [07121] unto her, that her warfare [06635] is accomplished [04390], that her iniquity [05771] is pardoned [07521]: for she hath received [03947] of the LORD'S [03068] hand [03027] double [03718] for all her sins [02403].
9 Except [03884] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] had left [03498] unto us a very small [04592] remnant [08300], we should have been [01961] as Sodom [05467], and we should have been like [01819] unto Gomorrah [06017].
31 Let not him that is deceived [08582] trust [0539] in vanity [07723]: for vanity [07723] shall be his recompence [08545].
3 And now, O inhabitants [03427] of Jerusalem [03389], and men [0376] of Judah [03063], judge [08199], I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard [03754].
24 Therefore as the fire [0784] devoureth [0398] the stubble [07179], and the flame [03956] [03852] consumeth [07503] the chaff [02842], so their root [08328] shall be as rottenness [04716], and their blossom [06525] shall go up [05927] as dust [080]: because they have cast away [03988] the law [08451] of the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], and despised [05006] the word [0565] of the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478].
2 As a servant [05650] earnestly desireth [07602] the shadow [06738], and as an hireling [07916] looketh [06960] for the reward of his work [06467]:
1 In the third [07969] year [08141] of Cyrus [03566] king [04428] of Persia [06539] a thing [01697] was revealed [01540] unto Daniel [01840], whose name [08034] was called [07121] Belteshazzar [01095]; and the thing [01697] was true [0571], but the time appointed [06635] was long [01419]: and he understood [0995] the thing [01697], and had understanding [0998] of the vision [04758].
20 He that is so impoverished [05533] [05534] that he hath no oblation [08641] chooseth [0977] a tree [06086] that will not rot [07537]; he seeketh [01245] unto him a cunning [02450] workman [02796] to prepare [03559] a graven image [06459], that shall not be moved [04131].