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Selected Verse: Job 42:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 42:6 Strong Concordance Wherefore I abhor [03988] myself, and repent [05162] in dust [06083] and ashes [0665].
  King James Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
myself--rather "I abhor," and retract the rash speeches I made against thee (Job 42:3-4) [UMBREIT].
3 Who is he that hideth [05956] counsel [06098] without knowledge [01847]? therefore have I uttered [05046] that I understood [0995] not; things too wonderful [06381] for me, which I knew [03045] not.
4 Hear [08085], I beseech thee, and I will speak [01696]: I will demand [07592] of thee, and declare [03045] thou unto me.
5 Then said [0559] I, Woe [0188] is me! for I am undone [01820]; because I am a man [0376] of unclean [02931] lips [08193], and I dwell [03427] in the midst [08432] of a people [05971] of unclean [02931] lips [08193]: for mine eyes [05869] have seen [07200] the King [04428], the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
8 When [1161] Simon [4613] Peter [4074] saw [1492] it, he fell down at [4363] Jesus [2424]' knees [1119], saying [3004], Depart [1831] from [575] me [1700]; for [3754] I am [1510] a sinful [268] man [435], O Lord [2962].
4 Behold, I am vile [07043]; what shall I answer [07725] thee? I will lay [07760] mine hand [03027] upon [03926] my mouth [06310].
5 Once [0259] have I spoken [01696]; but I will not answer [06030]: yea, twice [08147]; but I will proceed no further [03254].
5 Is it such a fast [06685] that I have chosen [0977]? a day [03117] for a man [0120] to afflict [06031] his soul [05315]? is it to bow down [03721] his head [07218] as a bulrush [0100], and to spread [03331] sackcloth [08242] and ashes [0665] under him? wilt thou call [07121] this [02088] a fast [06685], and an acceptable [07522] day [03117] to the LORD [03068]?
21 Woe [3759] unto thee [4671], Chorazin [5523]! woe [3759] unto thee [4671], Bethsaida [966]! for [3754] if [1487] the mighty works [1411], which [3588] were done [1096] in [1722] you [5213], had been done [1096] in [1722] Tyre [5184] and [2532] Sidon [4605], they would have repented [3340] long ago [302] [3819] in [1722] sackcloth [4526] and [2532] ashes [4700].
6 For word [01697] came [05060] unto the king [04428] of Nineveh [05210], and he arose [06965] from his throne [03678], and he laid [05674] his robe [0155] from him, and covered [03680] him with sackcloth [08242], and sat [03427] in ashes [0665].
3 And I set [05414] my face [06440] unto the Lord [0136] God [0430], to seek [01245] by prayer [08605] and supplications [08469], with fasting [06685], and sackcloth [08242], and ashes [0665]:
8 And he took [03947] him a potsherd [02789] to scrape [01623] himself withal; and he sat down [03427] among [08432] the ashes [0665].
8 Therefore take [03947] unto you now seven [07651] bullocks [06499] and seven [07651] rams [0352], and go [03212] to my servant [05650] Job [0347], and offer up [05927] for yourselves a burnt offering [05930]; and my servant [05650] Job [0347] shall pray [06419] for you: for him [06440] will I accept [05375]: lest I deal [06213] with you after your folly [05039], in that ye have not spoken [01696] of me the thing which is right [03559], like my servant [05650] Job [0347].
14 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635]; As I thought [02161] to punish [07489] you, when your fathers [01] provoked me to wrath [07107], saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], and I repented [05162] not:
17 And [2532] when [3753] I saw [1492] him [846], I fell [4098] at [4314] his [846] feet [4228] as [5613] dead [3498]. And [2532] he laid [2007] his [846] right [1188] hand [5495] upon [1909] me [1691], saying [3004] unto me [3427], Fear [5399] not [3361]; I [1473] am [1510] the first [4413] and [2532] the last [2078]:
18 [2532] I am he that liveth [2198], and [2532] was [1096] dead [3498]; and [2532], behold [2400], I am [1510] alive [2198] for [1519] evermore [165] [165], Amen [281]; and [2532] have [2192] the keys [2807] of hell [86] and [2532] of death [2288].
19 Write [1125] the things which [3739] thou hast seen [1492], and [2532] the things which [3739] are [1526], and [2532] the things which [3739] shall [3195] be [1096] hereafter [3326] [5023];
5 Then I lifted up [05375] mine eyes [05869], and looked [07200], and behold a certain [0259] man [0376] clothed [03847] in linen [0906], whose loins [04975] were girded [02296] with fine gold [03800] of Uphaz [0210]:
6 His body [01472] also was like the beryl [08658], and his face [06440] as the appearance [04758] of lightning [01300], and his eyes [05869] as lamps [03940] of fire [0784], and his arms [02220] and his feet [04772] like in colour [05869] to polished [07044] brass [05178], and the voice [06963] of his words [01697] like the voice [06963] of a multitude [01995].
7 And I Daniel [01840] alone saw [07200] the vision [04759]: for the men [0582] that were with me saw [07200] not the vision [04759]; but [061] a great [01419] quaking [02731] fell [05307] upon them, so that they fled [01272] to hide [02244] themselves.
8 Therefore I was left alone [07604], and saw [07200] this great [01419] vision [04759], and there remained [07604] no strength [03581] in me: for my comeliness [01935] was turned [02015] in me into corruption [04889], and I retained [06113] no strength [03581].
9 Yet heard [08085] I the voice [06963] of his words [01697]: and when I heard [08085] the voice [06963] of his words [01697], then was I in a deep sleep [07290] on my face [06440], and my face [06440] toward the ground [0776].
10 And, behold, an hand [03027] touched [05060] me, which set [05128] me upon my knees [01290] and upon the palms [03709] of my hands [03027].
11 And he said [0559] unto me, O Daniel [01840], a man [0376] greatly beloved [02532], understand [0995] the words [01697] that I speak [01696] unto thee, and stand [05975] upright [05977]: for unto thee am I now sent [07971]. And when he had spoken [01696] this word [01697] unto me, I stood [05975] trembling [07460].
1 And he said [0559] unto me, Son [01121] of man [0120], stand [05975] upon thy feet [07272], and I will speak [01696] unto thee.
2 And the spirit [07307] entered [0935] into me when he spake [01696] unto me, and set [05975] me upon my feet [07272], that I heard [08085] him that spake [01696] unto me.
3 And he said [0559] unto me, Son [01121] of man [0120], I send [07971] thee to the children [01121] of Israel [03478], to a rebellious [04775] nation [01471] that hath rebelled [04775] against me: they and their fathers [01] have transgressed [06586] against me, even unto this very [06106] day [03117].
28 As the appearance [04758] of the bow [07198] that is in the cloud [06051] in the day [03117] of rain [01653], so was the appearance [04758] of the brightness [05051] round about [05439]. This was the appearance [04758] of the likeness [01823] of the glory [03519] of the LORD [03068]. And when I saw [07200] it, I fell [05307] upon my face [06440], and I heard [08085] a voice [06963] of one that spake [01696].
14 And he said [0559], Nay; but as captain [08269] of the host [06635] of the LORD [03068] am I now come [0935]. And Joshua [03091] fell [05307] on his face [06440] to the earth [0776], and did worship [07812], and said [0559] unto him, What saith [01696] my lord [0113] unto his servant [05650]?
13 And it came to pass, when Joshua [03091] was by Jericho [03405], that he lifted up [05375] his eyes [05869] and looked [07200], and, behold, there stood [05975] a man [0376] over against him with his sword [02719] drawn [08025] in his hand [03027]: and Joshua [03091] went [03212] unto him, and said [0559] unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries [06862]?
2 Every [3956] branch [2814] in [1722] me [1698] that [846] beareth [5342] not [3361] fruit [2590] he taketh away [142]: and [2532] every [3956] branch that beareth [5342] fruit [2590], he purgeth [2508] it [846], that [2443] it may bring forth [5342] more [4119] fruit [2590].
7 And it was so, that after [0310] the LORD [03068] had spoken [01696] these words [01697] unto Job [0347], the LORD [03068] said [0559] to Eliphaz [0464] the Temanite [08489], My wrath [0639] is kindled [02734] against thee, and against thy two [08147] friends [07453]: for ye have not spoken [01696] of me the thing that is right [03559], as my servant [05650] Job [0347] hath.
8 Therefore take [03947] unto you now seven [07651] bullocks [06499] and seven [07651] rams [0352], and go [03212] to my servant [05650] Job [0347], and offer up [05927] for yourselves a burnt offering [05930]; and my servant [05650] Job [0347] shall pray [06419] for you: for him [06440] will I accept [05375]: lest I deal [06213] with you after your folly [05039], in that ye have not spoken [01696] of me the thing which is right [03559], like my servant [05650] Job [0347].
9 So Eliphaz [0464] the Temanite [08489] and Bildad [01085] the Shuhite [07747] and Zophar [06691] the Naamathite [05284] went [03212], and did [06213] according as the LORD [03068] commanded [01696] them: the LORD [03068] also accepted [05375] Job [06440] [0347].
10 And the LORD [03068] turned [07725] the captivity [07622] [07622] of Job [0347], when he prayed [06419] for his friends [07453]: also the LORD [03068] gave [03254] Job [0347] twice as much [04932] as he had before.
11 Then came [0935] there unto him all his brethren [0251], and all his sisters [0269], and all they that had been of his acquaintance [03045] before [06440], and did eat [0398] bread [03899] with him in his house [01004]: and they bemoaned [05110] him, and comforted [05162] him over all the evil [07451] that the LORD [03068] had brought [0935] upon him: every man [0376] also gave [05414] him a [0259] piece of money [07192], and every one [0376] an earring [05141] of gold [02091].
12 So the LORD [03068] blessed [01288] the latter end [0319] of Job [0347] more than his beginning [07225]: for he had fourteen [0702] [06240] thousand [0505] sheep [06629], and six [08337] thousand [0505] camels [01581], and a thousand [0505] yoke [06776] of oxen [01241], and a thousand [0505] she asses [0860].
13 He had also seven [07658] sons [01121] and three [07969] daughters [01323].
14 And he called [07121] the name [08034] of the first [0259], Jemima [03224]; and the name [08034] of the second [08145], Kezia [07103]; and the name [08034] of the third [07992], Kerenhappuch [07163].
15 And in all the land [0776] were no women [0802] found [04672] so fair [03303] as the daughters [01323] of Job [0347]: and their father [01] gave [05414] them inheritance [05159] among [08432] their brethren [0251].
16 After [0310] this lived [02421] Job [0347] an hundred [03967] and forty [0705] years [08141], and saw [07200] his sons [01121], and his sons [01121]' sons [01121], even four [0702] generations [01755].
17 So Job [0347] died [04191], being old [02205] and full [07649] of days [03117].
7 If [1487] ye endure [5278] chastening [3809], God [2316] dealeth [4374] with you [5213] as [5613] with sons [5207]; for [1063] what [5101] son [5207] is he [2076] whom [3739] the father [3962] chasteneth [3811] not [3756]?
8 But [1161] if [1487] ye be [2075] without [5565] chastisement [3809], whereof [3739] all [3956] are [1096] partakers [3353], then [686] are ye [2075] bastards [3541], and [2532] not [3756] sons [5207].
9 Furthermore [1534] [3303] we have had [2192] fathers [3962] of our [2257] flesh [4561] which corrected [3810] us, and [2532] we gave them reverence [1788]: shall we [5293] not [3756] much [4183] rather [3123] be in subjection [5293] unto the Father [3962] of spirits [4151], and [2532] live [2198]?
10 For [1063] they verily [3303] for [4314] a few [3641] days [2250] chastened [3811] us after [2596] their own [846] pleasure [1380]; but [1161] he for [1909] our profit [4851], that [1519] we might be partakers [3335] of his [846] holiness [41].
11 Now [1161] no [3956] [3756] chastening [3809] for [4314] [3303] the present [3918] seemeth [1380] to be [1511] joyous [5479], but [235] grievous [3077]: nevertheless [1161] afterward [5305] it yieldeth [591] the peaceable [1516] fruit [2590] of righteousness [1343] unto them which are exercised [1128] thereby [1223] [846].
32 But [1161] when we are judged [2919], we are chastened [3811] of [5259] the Lord [2962], that [3363] we should [2632] not [3363] be condemned [2632] with [4862] the world [2889].
31 For [1063] if [1487] we would judge [1252] ourselves [1438], we should [302] not [3756] be judged [2919].
4 Though [2539] I [1473] might [2192] also [2532] have [2192] confidence [4006] in [1722] the flesh [4561]. If any [1536] other man [243] thinketh [1380] that he hath whereof he might trust [3982] in [1722] the flesh [4561], I [1473] more [3123]:
5 Circumcised [4061] the eighth [3637] day, of [1537] the stock [1085] of Israel [2474], of the tribe [5443] of Benjamin [958], an Hebrew [1445] of [1537] the Hebrews [1445]; as touching [2596] the law [3551], a Pharisee [5330];
6 Concerning [2596] zeal [2205], persecuting [1377] the church [1577]; touching [2596] the righteousness [1343] which [3588] is in [1722] the law [3551], [1096] blameless [273].
7 But [235] what things [3748] were [2258] gain [2771] to me [3427], those [5023] I counted [2233] loss [2209] for [1223] Christ [5547].
8 Yea [235] doubtless [3304], and [2532] I count [2233] all things [3956] but loss [2209] for [1511] [1223] the excellency [5242] of the knowledge [1108] of Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] my [3450] Lord [2962]: for [1223] whom [3739] I have suffered the loss [2210] of all things [3956], and [2532] do count [2233] them [1511] but dung [4657], that [2443] I may win [2770] Christ [5547],
9 And [2532] be found [2147] in [1722] him [846], not [3361] having [2192] mine own [1699] righteousness [1343], which [3588] is of [1537] the law [3551], but [235] that which [3588] is through [1223] the faith [4102] of Christ [5547], the righteousness [1343] which [3588] is of [1537] God [2316] by [1909] faith [4102]:
7 And it was so, that after [0310] the LORD [03068] had spoken [01696] these words [01697] unto Job [0347], the LORD [03068] said [0559] to Eliphaz [0464] the Temanite [08489], My wrath [0639] is kindled [02734] against thee, and against thy two [08147] friends [07453]: for ye have not spoken [01696] of me the thing that is right [03559], as my servant [05650] Job [0347] hath.
7 Gird up [0247] thy loins [02504] now like a man [01397]: I will demand [07592] of thee, and declare [03045] thou unto me.
8 Wilt thou also disannul [06565] my judgment [04941]? wilt thou condemn [07561] me, that thou mayest be righteous [06663]?
9 Hast thou an arm [02220] like God [0410]? or canst thou thunder [07481] with a voice [06963] like him?
10 Deck [05710] thyself now with majesty [01347] and excellency [01363]; and array [03847] thyself with glory [01935] and beauty [01926].
11 Cast abroad [06327] the rage [05678] of thy wrath [0639]: and behold [07200] every one that is proud [01343], and abase [08213] him.
12 Look [07200] on every one that is proud [01343], and bring him low [03665]; and tread down [01915] the wicked [07563] in their place.
13 Hide [02934] them in the dust [06083] together [03162]; and bind [02280] their faces [06440] in secret [02934].
14 Then will I also confess [03034] unto thee that thine own right hand [03225] can save [03467] thee.
5 Once [0259] have I spoken [01696]; but I will not answer [06030]: yea, twice [08147]; but I will proceed no further [03254].
1 Moreover the LORD [03068] answered [06030] Job [0347], and said [0559],
2 Shall he that contendeth [07378] with the Almighty [07706] instruct [03250] him? he that reproveth [03198] God [0433], let him answer [06030] it.
3 Then Job [0347] answered [06030] the LORD [03068], and said [0559],
4 Behold, I am vile [07043]; what shall I answer [07725] thee? I will lay [07760] mine hand [03027] upon [03926] my mouth [06310].
5 Once [0259] have I spoken [01696]; but I will not answer [06030]: yea, twice [08147]; but I will proceed no further [03254].
6 Then answered [06030] the LORD [03068] unto Job [0347] out of the whirlwind [05591], and said [0559],
7 Gird up [0247] thy loins [02504] now like a man [01397]: I will demand [07592] of thee, and declare [03045] thou unto me.
8 Wilt thou also disannul [06565] my judgment [04941]? wilt thou condemn [07561] me, that thou mayest be righteous [06663]?
9 Hast thou an arm [02220] like God [0410]? or canst thou thunder [07481] with a voice [06963] like him?
10 Deck [05710] thyself now with majesty [01347] and excellency [01363]; and array [03847] thyself with glory [01935] and beauty [01926].
11 Cast abroad [06327] the rage [05678] of thy wrath [0639]: and behold [07200] every one that is proud [01343], and abase [08213] him.
12 Look [07200] on every one that is proud [01343], and bring him low [03665]; and tread down [01915] the wicked [07563] in their place.
13 Hide [02934] them in the dust [06083] together [03162]; and bind [02280] their faces [06440] in secret [02934].
14 Then will I also confess [03034] unto thee that thine own right hand [03225] can save [03467] thee.