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Selected Verse: Job 40:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 40:11 Strong Concordance Cast abroad [06327] the rage [05678] of thy wrath [0639]: and behold [07200] every one that is proud [01343], and abase [08213] him.
  King James Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath: and behold every one that is proud, and abase him.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
rage--rather, pour out the redundant floods of, &c.

behold--Try, canst thou, as God, by a mere glance abase the proud (Isa 2:12, &c.)?
12 For the day [03117] of the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] shall be upon every one that is proud [01343] and lofty [07311], and upon every one that is lifted up [05375]; and he shall be brought low [08213]: